

The top war, Roy looked at the already dead Ace, yelled: the supreme holy light ah! Give me strength! Resurrect, my warrior! Oh yes, I forgot, there is a tough trick: Abracadabra! Roy accidentally crossed into the world of pirates...

SHADOW_J_ · Sci-fi
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128 Chs

A pirate who really uses a gun

For the pirates, Pizarro will not deliberately suppress, try to avoid fighting, because he is not sure whether there is that kind of fish dead, escaped to the Navy that surrendered and told the pirates.

So generally speaking, pay more than half of the money on your body will let you go, not to pay, then let you see what is the "King of Evil" iron rule.

"Really interesting pirates ah, in such a big pirate group, but have not heard of our name! Roy shook his head, in his opinion, these two people are already dead.

Roy put his hand on his chest, ready to take out the ash messenger and directly give them two knives when.

Suddenly at an exit on the opposite side, a burly man's shout came over, "What are you two damn sons of bitches still dawdling about? Get ready to sail, the navy's investigation army is coming over!"

Hearing this, the two men turned their heads, it was their evil party pirate group "baron" rank combatant, while they were just ordinary soldiers.

"But, but we just want to get the money ah!" The gray-haired fat ball is very difficult, they can not easily rob a person.

"Damn, I don't care about you guys, anyway, I go first, if you want to be caught by the Navy, just spend it here! The "baron" of the evil party pirates cursed and left quickly.

The two low-ranking pirates after seeing the baron left, is also anxious heart, dropped a sentence: "Count yourselves lucky! Then they ran away in a huff.

Seeing the back of the two runaway minions, Roy did not go after them to kill them, "It's not easy for you guys to live!" Roy sighed.

His target now was the evil political king.

It was the first time that he encountered a pirate with a bounty of over 100 million, and it was still a 200 million grade.

This era of two hundred million gold content, definitely not in the future Luffy haunted the judicial island under the three hundred million.

The two minions escaped in the direction of the northeast harbor of Maiares, while Roy's ship was parked in the northwest harbor, so Roy did not see Pizarro's ship when he came over.

"Planck, later that Pizarro is mine, the others are yours, I do not want you to disturb my fight, you understand!" Roy instructed to.

Planck can only helplessly nodded, "You're the head, you say so!"

Pizarro did not control the island like Whitebeard, said back, or not enough strength, not to mention control the island, even if it is difficult to control a city.

The great sea age has not yet opened, the Navy's position is so strong that it can not be shaken.

Now the most dominant pirates, non-golden lion, you know this goods but the fleet, play island domination, not to achieve such a horrible strength can not, after all, there are not many pirates to these so-called "sea pirates" pull hatred, so the Navy's goal is relatively single.

The future of the white beard is to avoid war to take out their own flag to others, such as the fisherman island, the top of the day on a deterrent effect, in fact, there is no egg.

Later white beard by his most adorable son Tiki pit a, play themselves hanging, big mother's flag was borrowed by the fisherman island, the fisherman island has provided candy as the price, should be considered a trade, as for the rule, not even talk about.

In addition to the future of the four emperors can rule the new world.

Crockdal and multi-flamenco the two wolves act, also called the real rule.

But their real purpose is not to rule for the sake of ruling, one for the sake of Hades, and one as a base camp for business.

If you do not have the ability of the latter four emperors, and no Seven Musketeers title, want to rule the island, dream on.

Pizarro is naturally not stupid, he has not reached the realm of the golden lion and white beard, after a city completely drained, immediately take the men to run, how exciting.

Have to admit, pirates are not scary, scary is the pirates with brains.

"Captain, there is news coming in, the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters is heading here." In the north port of Myares, a subordinate reported to Pizarro.

"Then hurry up, subjects, prepare to retreat, to the next city, women and wine will not be missing!"

Hearing the shout of the "king", the subjects were extremely excited and applauded.

This is how the pirates of this era, compared to many people chasing the so-called onepiece, more pirates just enjoy the thrill of killing and burning, getting something for nothing, and enjoy life.

And because of this, this era of pirates, a bit of sand carving, which also let Roy some upset.


A golden spear pierced through the air, Pizarro's combat instincts, so he instantly and violently raised his palm high, the huge wrist guard worn on the right wrist to block the sacred light spear, but the spear also deeply embedded in his wrist guard, although not piercing the flesh inside, but the powerful force, so he had to take two steps back.

"Oh ~ not bad, not many people can block this blow." Roy led Planck out of an alley.

"You guy, who the hell are you meowing?"

The moment he heard Pizarro speak, Roy could not help but laugh out loud, this looks like a big, burly man, a messy hair and beard guy talking so strange, like a eunuch, the key to that "ah meow" suffix is a ghost? Is it funny?

Hearing Roy's laughter, Eunuch Pi's face a carnage, next to the men who are carrying the goods on board a chill, Eunuch Pi hates is the sound of people laughing at him, he does not want to do so ah, this is a fucking natural, what can I do?

At the same time, Duke Pi labeled Roy a certain death.


In just the blink of an eye, Duke Pi appeared in front of Roy, a fist smashed down heavily, Roy raised his hand to block, their arms collided, and for a time, Roy's windbreaker was blown about by the powerful outbreak of wind pressure, and a large crater appeared on the ground.

Roy's other hand coalesced out of the ash emissary on the other's neck, while the skin eunuch pulled out a pistol from his chest position that was only one size smaller than Planck's gun and aimed it at Roy.



Roy cut the throat, while Pi Gong Gong shot the heart.

"Armed color!" Feeling the sword blade received an obstruction, Roy immediately remembered that battle with Zephyr back in Frevance, when Zephyr's Armed Color also blocked the Ashbringer and was unharmed.

But then fixed his eyes to see, Pizarro's neck has appeared a bloody scar, the damage is not deep, but indeed he was injured.

This is not only the power of the ash messenger increased by about 1.5%, Pizarro's armed color is certainly not as strong as Zephyr's, but already very strong.

Roy before the more to some of the use of armed color pirates, in fact, to be honest, there is no one of a kind, there is no one knife can not solve the.

The other side of Pizarro is also very surprised, stunned looking at Roy's chest by their own gun exploded the bloody hole.

Chest heart are gone, can still be with nothing? Too unbelievable it!