
Pirate Love Festival (Luffy X Hancock FanFic)

The third instalment of the Luffy x Hancock series Trilogy. Set in the Movie Stampede, Hancock is invited to the Pirate Festival along with other famous pirates. She attends for one reason only, to see her beloved. Follow her POV of the events that happened at the Pirate Fes, and see how she and Luffy spent their time together after their confession months before.

KodyakCombs · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

The Date?



Hancock opened her eyes with a groan. The first thing she noticed was that someone was rubbing her head. 




She spoke with a drowsy voice. 


"Oh, you're awake? I'm glad." 


Luffy's face came into her vision as he leaned over. Her face reddened. 


"W-What happened?" 


"I don't know. You just passed out while I was holding you." 


The memories from earlier played in her head. 


(I fainted in Luffy's arms!) 


She hid her face with her hands. 


(Stupid Hancock! You need to stop doing that! You made Luffy worry for nothing!) 


"Hancock, are you okay?" 


"I'm fine, Luffy!" 


She removed her hands from her face. 


"I was just feeling a little light-headed." 


"Really? Then it's good you're lying in my lap." 


"Your lap?" 


It was only then Hancock realized what kind of a situation she was in. 


"A lap pillow?!" 


"Yeah, I didn't want to rest your head on the cold bench." 


"How considerate~! Oh, Luffy I love you~!" 


Hancock spoke with a sweet voice with heart eyes in her head. 


"Oh, I should get off!" 


She sat up and smiled at him. 


"I'm all better now." 


"I see. I'm glad." 


Luffy returned the smile before standing up. 


"So let's go." 


Hancock stood up. 


"Where to?" 


"I don't know. You were the one who was planning it." 


(Oh, crap! The date!) 


Hancock screamed in her head. 


"Oh, yeah. I remember now." 


She started walking. 


"Follow me." 


Luffy nodded and followed behind her. They walked through the festival hand in hand somehow not drawing attention to themselves thanks to the rowdiness of other pirates. After walking for a while, they stopped in front of a stage. Luffy looked at the stage for a bit and his eyes sparkled. 


"Gold Roger's execution platform!" 


Hancock nodded. 


"This is a replica of the Pirate King's Scaffold. I thought you would like it." 


Luffy nodded. 


"I saw the real thing in Lougetown, I even climbed on it." 


"Really? Sounds like you had fun." 


"Yup, although I almost got executed there." 




Hancock looked at Luffy with shock. 


"By who?" 


"Buggy. I nearly died. I got saved when a lightning bolt struck the platform." 


(Again, with this Buggy! I don't know what it is but I'm putting it on my hitlist!) 


Fire was burning in Hancock's eyes. 


"The real one in Lougetown was destroyed, so I'm glad I'm able to see it again even if it is a replica." 


Luffy smiled at Hancock. 


"Thanks, Hancock." 


"Y-You're welcome." 


Hancock turned away to hide her red face. 


"But don't thank me yet. There's still a lot more. The date has just begun." 


"I can't wait!" 


Hancock nodded. 


"Then, let's move on. Shall we?" 


Luffy followed behind Hancock again as she led him to their next destination. 


"Here we are, Pirate Bowling!" 


They arrived at a playing field with 10 giant bowling pins lined and gathered together. 


"What kinda game is this, Hancock?" 


"You know bowling, right?" 


Luffy nodded. 


"I played it with Franky and Usopp." 


"Well, I heard this is just like that, except..." 


She pointed at the giant bowling pins. When Luffy looked, he noticed that people were strapped to the pins wearing grins and holding weapons. 


"The pins can fight back." 


A giant walked onto the field holding a giant bowling ball. It dropped the ball and the area shook vigorously. Some pirates approached the ball with excited expressions. They looked at the pins before punching the ball together. The ball flew at the pins while spinning in the air. The pirates strapped to the pins smirked. Some fired guns while others fired slashes. Some of the pins even flew off the ground and clashed with the bowling ball. The ball shattered into pieces and the cheers came from the pins. 




Luffy shouted excitedly with his eyes sparkling. 


"Hancock, I want to try that game!" 


Hancock did a small fist pump behind her back. 


"Alright, let's do it." 


Luffy and Hancock went to the front where those wanting to play. 


"We're next!" 


"Piss off! We were here first!" 


"I don't care about that! We're up next!" 


When they arrived, pirates were there arguing instead of forming a line. 


"Looks like we gotta wait for a bit." 


Luffy mumbled beside Hancock. 


(Gasp! Luffy is disappointed!) 


Hancock's face started twisting into that of a demon's. She walked over to the crowd. 


"I am next." 


The pirates turned towards her. 




"A demon?!" 


They all backed away with frightened expressions. 


"I am next." 


Hancock repeated herself with a voice containing the screams of hell. The pirates nodded in unison and stepped away. 




She turned back around with a happy expression. 


"Luffy~! We're next~!" 


"Really? That's great!" 


Luffy walked up the front with Hancock. 


"Was that Hancock?" 


"Hell no, man. That was a demon that crawled out of hell." 


"Yeah, you're right. There's no way Boa Hancock would look that terrifying." 


The pirates nodded in unison. Meanwhile, Luffy and Hancock were at the front of the queue waiting for their turn. 


"Wait a damn minute, Strawhat!" 


A voice came from behind them. Hancock's head spun around like an owl's. 


"Who dares call my man in such a rude tone?!" 


She looked like Medusa herself. 


"The hell is that?" 


Eustass Kidd looked at Hancock with confusion. 


"Ah, Jaggy!" 


Luffy called out to Kidd after seeing him. 


Hancock's head spun back to its natural position. 


"A friend, Luffy?" 


She spoke with a sweet voice. 


"Friend, my ass. Who would be friends with that crazy bastard?" 




Hancock's head turned back around to face Kidd. 


"You keep disrespecting Luffy in front of me. You must have a death wish." 


"....Now that I look closely, I think that's the Pirate Empress Boa Hancock." 


Killer whispered to Kidd. 


"Huh? That monster?....She looks like something that crawled out of hell." 


Hancock's body finally turned around to match her head. 


"What do you want, Tacky Makeup Brat?" 




Kidd pulled a gun from his waist. 


"Bitch, I wear high-class makeup." 


"I've seen better Makeup on my pet granny Gloriosa." 


"I don't what a pet granny is, but I feel like you dissed me!" 


"Ugly and dumb." 


Hancock shook her head. 


"How will you manage in life?" 


"That's it! I'm-" 


"Kidd, wait!" 


Killer held onto Kidd. 


"Let me go, Killer! She dissed my makeup!" 


"Calm down, Kidd! Do you want to start a war?!" 


Kidd was practically growling while Killer was restraining him. 


"Calm down, Jaggy. Hancock was just playing around." 


Luffy stood between them and Hancock. 


"Ah, Strawhat!" 


Kidd stopped struggling after seeing Luffy. He broke free of Killer and aggressively poked Luffy's chest. 


"Listen here, You Stupid Monkey! I was waiting in line to play this game for hours now!" 


This is a lie. He just got there. 


"I'll be damned if I let you cut in line and play before me!" 




"The fuck you mean, Nuh-uh?" 


"Hancock got us in front, so we're going first." 


"Like hell you are!" 


Kidd started glaring at Luffy. 


"We're going first!" 


Luffy glared back in defiance. 


"No, me and Hancock are going first!" 


The two started butting heads. 


"Come on, you two. This is childish." 


Killer was trying to de-escalate the situation. Hancock, on the other hand— 


"Around here seems to be a good spot." 


She was looking at a map of the island. Killer noticed and took a peek. She drew a skull near a cliff with an innocent smile. 


"This is the perfect place to bury a dead body." 




The hair on his body stood up. 


(She's planning to kill and bury us?!) 


He pulled Kidd away from Luffy. 


"How about we all play together?!" 


He quickly said. 


"Unlike normal bowling, you can participate as a group to take down the pins." 


"Oh yeah. Those guys earlier did that." 


Luffy mumbled. 


"I refuse!" 


Kidd and Hancock objected at the same time. 


"It was supposed to be a date with just Luffy and me!" 


"I refuse to work with that Stupid Monkey!" 


"What was that, you Counterfeit Shanks?!" 


Hancock and Kidd immediately butted heads. 


"Wait, Hancock that actually sounds fun." 


Luffy intervened. 




Luffy nodded and then showed a playful grin. 


"We can play together and then I'll get more pins than Jaggy." 


"Excuse you?!" 


Kidd walked up to Luffy. 


"Do you really think you can knock over more pins than me?!" 


"With my eyes closed." 




Veins stood up in Kidd's head and neck. 


"Then let's see about that!" 


"Bring it on!" 


Killer sighed in relief. 


"Now we can—" 


"Let's go, Luffy! Let's kick their asses!" 


He was cut off by Hancock cheering. He looked at the fire in her eyes as well as Luffy and Kidd's. 


"Yup. Those guys strapped to the pins are totally gonna die."