
Pirate Love Festival (Luffy X Hancock FanFic)

The third instalment of the Luffy x Hancock series Trilogy. Set in the Movie Stampede, Hancock is invited to the Pirate Festival along with other famous pirates. She attends for one reason only, to see her beloved. Follow her POV of the events that happened at the Pirate Fes, and see how she and Luffy spent their time together after their confession months before.

KodyakCombs · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


"Trafalgar Law!" 




Hancock pounced at Law and grabbed at his neck. Law leapt back to avoid her. 






Bepo and Boa Sisters were confused by the sudden events. 


"What's the meaning of this, Pirate Empress?" 


Even Law had no idea what was going on. 


"What, you ask?" 


Hancock's shoulders were trembling. She pointed at Law. 


"You formed an alliance with Luffy!" 




Law became even more confused. 


"I did, but why is that a problem? Aren't you and Strawhat-ya allies?" 


"Allies? How dare you demean our relationship!" 


Hancock placed her hand over her heart. 


"Listen up, Luffy and I are Husband and Wife! Never forget that!" 


"...My bad?" 


Law's confusion only grew. 


"That makes me even more confused as to why me and Strawhat teaming up is an issue." 


"The only person allowed to team up with Luffy is me!" 




Law was speechless. He honestly didn't know how to respond. So he- 


"...My bad, again?" 


He responded as he normally would. 


"So, what? You attacked me because you were jealous?" 


"No, that would make me look insane." 


(You already look insane to me.) 


Hancock pointed him. 


"You helped save Luffy's life so I'll let it slide this once but not again." 


She quickly cut the distance and stared him down. 


"Don't you dare do it again unless I'm there." 




Hancock stepped back. 


"Good. You can go now." 


Law nodded and walked away. 


"Strawhat-ya, my heart goes out to you." 


He mumbled as he walked away. 


"Sister, I don't think Luffy would like it if you threatened his friends." 


"I didn't threaten him, Sonia. I merely told him how I felt." 


"Looks like a threat to me..." 


Sonia mumbled. 


"Ah, that's right! Elder Nyon!" 


They started looking around again. Hancock spread her senses across the area. 


"She isn't anywhere nearby. I'm sure she'll be fine though." 


Marie and Sonia ignored her and continued to look for Elder Nyon. 


"Wait you two, don't get separated from me." 


Hancock ran behind them. Meanwhile, Elder Nyon was walking through the market searching for something. 


"I already confirmed that she's here, I just need to find her and everything will be--" 


She was cut off by the sound of something flying over her head. A crash reached her ears causing her to look at the source. She saw a group of pirates lying on top of a broken table. 


"Hey, hey. Don't fall asleep just yet." 


A crisp voice came from behind her. She turned her head and saw a red-haired pirate missing an arm. Unlike the other one who was Daddy, this one had the face of a thug and metallic arm. 


"Eustass Kidd!" 


Elder Nyon watched as Kidd lifted the men by their throats. 


"Come on, repeat what you said." 


Veins stood in Kidd's neck and head. 


"Who ran away from a Yonko?" 


"We were just saying what we heard!" 


"Then let me teach you why you shouldn't run your mouth about stuff you don't know!" 


Elder Nyon turned away and ignored the sounds of carnage before taking off. 


"Come on. Where are you?" 


Meanwhile, Hancock- 


"Oh! Is that meat from a Buffalo Sea King?!" 


She found a meat shop selling kinds of meat. 


"Luffy would love this!" 


"She searched for less than 5 minutes..." 


"I'm honestly surprised she searched at all." 


Her sisters watched as she purchased meat from the butcher. 


"Hey, look!" 


That's when they heard some commotion. 


"It's the Strawhats! Strawhat Luffy has arrived!" 




Hancock's head spun around like an owl's. 


"Holy shit!" 


Everybody jumped when her body turned around to align with her head. 


"How did she do that?" 


"Where's Luffy?!" 


Hancock ran off leaving her sisters and the butcher. 


"Sister, wait up!" 


Marie and Sonia ran behind her. Hancock cut through the crowd with serpentine movements. She arrived in front of a crowd and was able to get a good look at the river. The jolly roger of a skull wearing a Strawhat appeared in front of her. Her eyes lit up. 






A thundering voice drowned out hers. She turned her head and saw a group headed by a thuggish man wearing a green Mohawk. 


"Look over here, Luffy-Senpai!" 


The man and his group held a banner with the Strawhats' jolly roger on it, along with the words "Strawhats Forever". 


"Who the hell?" 


As if he sensed her gaze, Bartolomeo looked over at Hancock. 






They looked at each other for a few seconds, that was all it took. 




An explosion erupted and people were blown away. Hancock's leg clashed with Bartolomeo's barrier. 


"Pirate Empress!" 




"It's Bartolomeo!" 


Bartolomeo pushed Hancock back with his barrier. 




"What's going on?!" 


Marie and Sonia caught up to Hancock after being drawn to the chaos. 


"You thugs, did you disrespect our sister?!" 


Marie and Sonia glared at the Barto Club boys. 


"Piss off! Your sister attacked our boss out of nowhere!" 


Gambia pointed his sword at them in defiance. 


"We were just cheering for our senpai!" 


The sisters looked at the Strawhat banner they were holding. 


"...Sister, why did you attack them?" 


Marie asked Hancock in an awkward tone. 


"One look was all I needed...." 


"Yeah, that alone was enough...." 


Hancock and Bartolomeo pointed at each other. 


"I don't know why but this person is my enemy!" 


They spoke in unison. 


".....Why though?" 


Sonia asked. 


"Don't know, just a feeling." 


They answered in unison again. Silence came from both their camps. 


"Enough talk! Prepare yourself, Man-Rooster!" 


"Bring it on, you knock-off Medusa!" 


The two flew at each other causing mayhem around them. Meanwhile, on the Thousand Sunny. 


"What's going on over there?" 


Chopper and Brook looked to their left after hearing some commotion. 


"Looks like pirates are fighting." 


Nami walked up behind them to take a look. 


"Now that you mention it, this island is filled with violent pirates." 


Usopp held his stomach. 


"My I-Don't-Want-To-Get-Off-The-Ship disease is acting up again!" 


"Have Sanji make you some herbal tea and you be fine." 


Nami answered after turning away from the commotion. She looked up and saw a piece of paper floating above her. She grabbed it. 


"A flyer with the festival events huh?" 


She started reading it. 


"Miss Pirate Beauty Pageant...Prize money is 3 million Berries?!" 


Her eyes turned into money signs. 


"Beauty Pageant?!" 


Sanji literally fazed into existence beside her. His eyes turned into hearts. 


"Nami, you must join!" 


"You don't have to tell me that." 


Nami crushed the flyer in her hands as fire burned in her eyes. 


"I'm gonna win that 3 million Berries!" 


Sanji looked at Robin. 


"I'm not joining. I want to check out the island's architecture." 


Sanji deflated like a balloon but came back to life the next second. 


"Then, allow me to make you some sandwiches and brew a fresh batch of coffee to take with you." 


"Thank you, Sanji." 


"I'm at your service, Madam." 


"Oi, cook. I'm going to explore too. So make me-" 


"You can eat the rocks lying around, Moss Head." 


"What did you say?!" 


Zoro grabbed Sanji's collar. 


"Listen to the words that come out of my mouth." 


Sanji took his cigarette from his mouth. 


"Eat rocks." 


The two immediately started fighting. 


"Luffy, what are you looking at?!" 


Franky shouted to Luffy who was sitting in the lookout. 


"It felt like I heard a friend's voice!" 


He started looking around and frowned after a bit. 


"I wonder if you're here, Hancock."