
Pirate Love Festival (Luffy X Hancock FanFic)

The third instalment of the Luffy x Hancock series Trilogy. Set in the Movie Stampede, Hancock is invited to the Pirate Festival along with other famous pirates. She attends for one reason only, to see her beloved. Follow her POV of the events that happened at the Pirate Fes, and see how she and Luffy spent their time together after their confession months before.

KodyakCombs · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs


The next day, Hancock and the girls return to the Perfume Yuda with Rayleigh. 


"This ship brings back memories." 


Rayleigh said before cracking his fingers. 


"Alright, let's do this." 


After hours of work, the Perfume Yuda was successfully coated by Rayleigh. The Kuja Pirates boarded the ship and splashes from coating reached their ears. 


"Thanks, Rayleigh! I'll stop by on my way back!" 


Hancock and the girls waved Rayleigh goodbye. Rayleigh waved back at them with a smile on his face. 


"Have fun at the festival." 


The Kuja set sail and quickly went underwater to make their way to fishman island. Their trip to Fishman Island was a short and uneventful one since they were in a hurry. The only thing noteworthy that happened was Hancock trying to steal Luffy's flag, after hearing that it was given to the island by him personally. 


"I want that flag! If it's authentic, I need it!" 


She screamed as she was restrained by her sisters. 


Other than almost starting a huge diplomatic incident, nothing really happened. 


"We've reached the New World!" 


Daisy screamed at the top of her lungs as the Perfume Yuda emerged from the sea. She laughed joyously until thunder drowned out her laughter. The ship had emerged in the middle of a thunderstorm. 


"What the hell?!" 


Screams came from the boat as kilometre-tall waves flung their ship around. 


"I forgot how much of a nightmare this place was!" 


Elder Nyon screamed as she chained herself to the mask. 


"Girls, don't get thrown overboard no matter what! Tie yourself to the ship if you have to!" 


The Kuja Pirates followed her instruction and fastened themselves to the ship. All except one. 


"Wow~. So this is what Luffy has been dealing with for months?" 


Hancock walked around the ship without a care in the world. 


"You faced dangers like this and still went straight to the top? Luffy, you're manliest of men!" 


"Somebody get that deranged woman inside before she's thrown overboard and the story ends on chapter 5!" 


After a few hours, the ship made it safely outside of the storm. The girls on the ship were all soaking wet and breathing heavily. Elder Nyon's eyes were rolled to the back of her head as she was somehow upside down while chained to the ship mast. 


"Seriously....I'm too old for this." 


After mopping up and checking if everything was still in one piece, the ship continued its journey. After nearly a week, they started encountering other pirate ships. Many made way upon seeing the Kuja Jolly Roger, but there were some who lacked the mental capacity needed to stay alive. 


"Hahaha! Surrender, Boa Hancock!" 


They found themselves surrounded by a small fleet of ships. 


"If you vow servitude to me, Pink Beard, then I promise--" 


"Slave Arrow!" 


A pink arrow hit the pirate speaking and turned him into stone. 




"Girls, clear the path." 


Hancock turned her back to the ships and walked away. 


"Yes, Snake Princess!" 


Hancock entered her room. When she came back out after 15 minutes, smoke filled the air, and the ship was sailing past burning ship wreckage. The rest of the voyage was relatively peaceful once a post was erected on the deck flying various jolly rogers, all with an X crossed over them. 


"Snake Princess, we see it!" 


Rindou shouted while sitting at the lookout point. Hancock walked onto the deck. A scene of an island opened up before them. 


"Oh, the island shape creates a river that leads straight to the centre." 


Hancock mumbled. 


The ship reached the entrance where there was a large banner that said "Grand Banquet'. 


"Oh, it's the Kuja Pirates!" 




"Pirate Empress!" 


They were showered in cheers by the pirates on the shores. Hancock ignored them as the ship sailed down the river. 


"I wonder if Luffy is here yet?" 


Hancock started scanning the crowd with eagerness. 


"Sister, where should we dock?" 


Sandersonia asked Hancock. 


"Let's look for a residential area, somewhere close to the inns." 


"Are we going to sleep in inns?" 


"Of course not. I could never stomach sleeping in the vicinity of men other than Luffy. We're staying on the ship but near the festivities." 


"Yes, Ma'am." 


Hancock nodded. 


(The inns will be near the markets. If there are markets, there will be food. If there is food, there will be Luffy.) 


Hancock's eyes started sparkling. 


"I'll definitely find you, Luffy." 


She wasn't the only one making plans. 


(We'll be near the markets...This girl is using her head.) 


Elder Nyon wore a small smirk. 


(However, Luffy won't be the only one going to the markets. That girl is known as the Glutton, I'm certain she'll be in the markets too. Once I find and convince her to help me out...) 


She looked at Hancock with fire burning in her eyes. 


(Revenge will be mine, Little girl!) 


She and Hancock started laughing with huge grins on their faces. They were honestly creepy. 


"....Again, do you need to have a screw loose to be an Empress?) 


Marie mumbled. Sonia shook her head next to her. 


The ship was docked near the residential area just like Hancock ordered. She and the girls got off the ship. 


"Everybody is free to roam freely and enjoy themselves if they follow these rules." 


Hancock lifted three fingers. 


"First, always travel in groups of three or more. Second, do not engage in conversation with any man unless they are known allies of Luffy. Lastly, if you meet Luffy before me, find me and tell me his location. If you understand, you can go." 


"Yes, Snake Princess!" 


The Kuja girls left with a smile on their faces. 


"Can we really leave the Perfume Yuda unattended?" 


Sonia asked. 


"Don't worry, Miss." 


Hancock and her sisters heard a voice and turned their heads. They saw a beautiful woman wearing a white hat, and a man with the number 3 on his head. 


"We at Buggy's Delivery are in charge of the security at this festival." 


Mr.3 bowed his head. 


"Please be rest assured that your ship will be safe." 


"Buggy? What's a Buggy?" 


Mr.3 and Alvida looked at Hancock with shock. There was a disinterested look in her eyes. 


"C-Captain Buggy is a Warlord like you....He's been a Warlord for the last 2 years." 


Alvida explained with a troubled look. Hancock thought about it for a bit. 


"Doesn't ring a bell." 


She walked past them with her sisters and Elder Nyon behind her. 


"Anyway, if something happens to our ship, this Buggy will lose his head." 


"Y-Yes. We'll make sure to pass on the message." 


Mr.3 bowed his head as Hancock's group walked away. 


"Wow, talk about inten--?!" 


He swallowed his words and straightened his back when he saw Hancock standing in from him. She did her signature pose. 


"You, Bugman's lackey!" 




Mr.3 and Alvida stepped back when Hancock pointed at them. 


"Has Strawhat Luffy and his crew arrived yet?" 


"N-No, not yet. However, they should be arriving soon." 


"I see." 


Hancock straightened her back and walked away again. 


"....I wanna go home." 


Alvida nodded in agreement to Mr.3. 


"So what do we do now, Sister? Luffy isn't here yet." 


Marie asked. 


"For now, we look for gifts, something he would like." 


"For example?" 


"Meat. Find the biggest and juiciest meat out there." 


"Is that enough?" 


Sonia was sceptical. Hancock nodded. 


"I've spent so much time with him I'm certain. Meat is all you need." 


She was 100% correct. 


"Then, we'll be on the lookout for the best meat." 


Hancock nodded. 


"Hm? Where's that old bag?" 


Hancock started looking around but Elder Nyon was gone. 


"Oh no! Did she get kidnapped?!" 


Marie and Sonia started panicking. Hancock on the other hand- 


"Does someone actually have that kind of fetish? I think that alone is an offence worthy of a Bounty increase." 




"What? I'm not wrong. Who's ever into that must be a menace to society." 




"Fine. Let's go look for her." 


Hancock spoke with a reluctant tone. 


"I think she'll be fine on her own though. She's not weak..." 


She mumbled as they walked through the streets. 




She stopped when she came across a furry creature eating a candy apple. 


"A panda?" 


"I'm a Polar bear!" 


Bepo shouted at Hancock. 


"Bepo, why are you shouting? Huh?" 


Someone stopped in front of Hancock after coming out of an alley. Hancock looked at him for a bit before fire started blazing in her eyes. 


"Trafalgar Law!"