
Pirate Love Festival (Luffy X Hancock FanFic)

The third instalment of the Luffy x Hancock series Trilogy. Set in the Movie Stampede, Hancock is invited to the Pirate Festival along with other famous pirates. She attends for one reason only, to see her beloved. Follow her POV of the events that happened at the Pirate Fes, and see how she and Luffy spent their time together after their confession months before.

KodyakCombs · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


In the markets of the Pirate Festival, Hancock was standing in front of the butcher. 


"Yes, that Buffalo Sea King marble looks great." 


"Comrade, I think you should get some Elephant Tuna and that Zebra Emperor Crab as well. Luffy-Senpai would surely love it." 


Bartolomeo pointed at some fish on another stall. 


"Good idea, Comrade. Luffy would love this too. Go get it for me." 


"Right away." 


Bartolomeo went over to the fish stall with happy steps. 


"...What the hell?" 


Marie mumbled. 


"How are they suddenly friends?" 


Let's go back a bit. Hancock and Bartolomeo were going at it after sensing something in each other. While causing mayhem around them, they began talking about the banner he was carrying. 


"Huh? What about it? I'm supporting my idol, Luffy-Senpai!" 


"Hah, as if you know nothing about Luffy!" 


"You dare question my devotion?! Ask me anything, Heretic!" 


After a series of questions between them, they stopped fighting and started a trivia competition. The result was the two of them gaining each other's respect. 


"Who would've thought there would be someone like you out there?" 


Hancock stretched her hand out to Bartolomeo. 


"I too didn't realize you were such a cultured person, Boa Hancock." 


He took her hand and shook it. 


"That's how they became comrades." 


Gambia recounted everything that happened with teary eyes. 


"Truly a beautiful story of friendship and camaraderie." 


He and the rest of the Barto Club burst out crying. Marie and Sonia looked at them with disdain. 


"Sister, aren't you going to look for Luffy? We already lost sight of his ship." 




Hancock looked at the river, the Thousand Sunny was gone. 


"Marie collect the meat from the butcher, Sonia you collect the fish from my comrade!" 


She took off running. 


"Luffy, wait for me!" 


Marie and Sonia watched as their sister disappeared in the distance. 


"...I wonder if she'll mellow down if Luffy marries her." 


Sonia asked. Marie shook her head. 


"I doubt it." 


Meanwhile, Luffy was with his crew disembarking. 


"I'm going to sign up for the beauty pageant. What are you guys going to do?" 


Nami asked while tying her hair in a ponytail. 


"I'm going to look around and examine the culture. It looks like there aren't that many natives anymore, so I'm interested in what I can find." 


"I'm going with Robin. I want to see if there are any concerts in the meanwhile." 


Brook spoke with an excited voice. 


"I'm going to look if there are any good sword shops around." 


"I'm going with Zoro to ensure he doesn't get lost." 


"I won't get los-" 


"Good job, Chopper." 


Nami cut off Zoro and showed Chopper a thumbs up. 


"I'm going to the market to restock. Maybe I'll find something peculiar." 


Sanji threw a sack over his shoulder. 


"I'm going to the game stalls!" 


"Me too!" 


Luffy and Usopp spoke with sparkling eyes. 


"I'm going to stay on the ship for a bit and make sure everything is okay before I go check the place out." 


"Alright, let's split up and meet back later for the Treasure Hunt." 


With that, the crew split up. 


"Luffy, there's a sea train here!" 




Luffy and Usopp were walking while looking at the flyers. 


"Let's go check it!" 




The two started running while laughing. 




Luffy suddenly stopped. 


"What's wrong, Luffy?" 


Usopp stopped and looked back in confusion. 


"....Sorry, Usopp. Can you go ahead?" 


"What's wrong? A stomach-ache? Need to go to the bathroom?" 


"Nah, there's someone I need to meet. I'll catch up after chatting with them for a bit." 


Luffy smiled at Usopp who nodded. 


"Then, I'll go see the Sea Train. Meet me there when you're done." 




Usopp ran off leaving Luffy alone. Meanwhile, Hancock was running around without much direction. She ran past a group of stalls where there was a pink-haired woman was firing at targets while eating some pizza. The bullets hit the targets but they didn't fall over. 


"What the fuck?! Why didn't it fall over?!" 


She roared. 


"Maybe you should try again, Ma'am." 


The stall owner wore a smirk. 


"You bastard, this is rigged!" 


She flung the gun on the ground and pulled out another one from her waist. She pressed the gun against the stall owner's head. 


"How about I use real bullets?!" 


"Calm down, Captain! You're not allowed to kill outside of the Treasure Hunt!" 


Bonney's crew held onto her to prevent her from shooting. Meanwhile, Hancock continued running while looking around. 




She stopped when a familiar voice entered her ears. She looked and saw Luffy waving at her. 




Her eyes became watery. 




She ran up to him and picked him off the ground. 


"Hahaha! I knew it was you, Hancock! How have you been?" 


Luffy was all smiles while Hancock spun him in the air. 


"Luffy, I really wanted to see you!" 


"Hahaha! Me too." 


Hancock put him down and hugged him. Luffy wrapped his hands around her and her body stiffened. She let go and so did he. She looked around and noticed she was getting some confused looks. 


"How about we go somewhere less crowded?" 




Hancock and Luffy headed deeper into the island to a more secluded area. They sat at a table at a cafe. 


"So, Hancock, how have you been?" 


"Well, I've been preparing the island for when you come visit." 


"Really? You don't really have to. As long as there's food, I'm good." 


(I was preparing for our wedding so I can't do that.) 


Hancock thought with a smile. 


"What about you, Luffy? From what I've heard you've been real busy." 


"Yup! I went to Fishman Island after we parted and beat up a guy called Hordy and threw a big party." 


"Um, did you meet the Mermaid Princess?" 


"You mean Yowahoshi? I did." 


"....Was she beautiful?" 


Hancock's voice was low and lacked confidence. 


"Don't know. I wasn't really paying attention to that. She is a crybaby though." 


"Are you two on good terms?" 


"We're friends, so yeah." 


"Just friends?" 


Luffy looked at her with a confused look. 


"What else would we be?" 


Hancock's body relaxed. 


"Nothing. I was just curious." 


(Take that Granny! I told you Luffy wouldn't fall for the Mermaid Princess! And curse you for putting that thought in my head!) 


Hancock started frowning. 


"Hancock? What's wrong? You look upset." 


"N-Nothing. Tell me more about your adventures." 




Overflowing with excitement, Luffy started to tell Hancock about everything he experienced since entering the New World. 


"So, there was this guy that had half a body...." 




"Yup.....This Gas Bastard was really the worst.....And Mingo forced the people to attack us...." 


As he told her his tales, Hancock listened to his every word with a smile on her face. The scene of Luffy happily talking caused her heart to flutter and her mind to relax. For the first time since they'd last met, Hancock felt truly at peace. Everything around them had vanished, they were in a world made for the two of them. 


(No matter how much time passed my mind doesn't seem to change....) 


She stood up and leaned over to Luffy's ear. 


"I want to spend the rest of my life with you." 


Luffy stopped talking and looked at her. She smiled at him and sat back down. 


"I've told you that already, haven't I?" 


She let out a small chuckle. Luffy smiled. 


"Yeah, you did." 


"Please, continue." 


She leaned over on the table and looked Luffy in the eyes with a loving stare. 


"Tell me about this giant elephant." 


Luffy smiled. 

