
Pirate Love Festival (Luffy X Hancock FanFic)

The third instalment of the Luffy x Hancock series Trilogy. Set in the Movie Stampede, Hancock is invited to the Pirate Festival along with other famous pirates. She attends for one reason only, to see her beloved. Follow her POV of the events that happened at the Pirate Fes, and see how she and Luffy spent their time together after their confession months before.

KodyakCombs · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Father And Daughter

After nearly two weeks of sailing, the Perfume Yuda arrived at Sabody Archipelago. The girls marvelled at the sight of the large bubbles floating around the gigantic mangrove forest. 


"Which grove is Shakuyaku's bar again?" 


Elder Nyon asked Hancock as the ship dropped anchor. She was looking at a map of Sabody. 


"Grove 13." 


Hancock answered. She looked around the port and saw a number on the tree. 


"We're currently at Grove 27, it's some distance away." 


"Grove 27 huh? Then we're in the lawless area. We should stand out less here." 


Elder Nyon folded the map and put it away. 


"You girls stay here and watch the ship. We'll go find Rayleigh and bring him here to coat the ship." 


"Yes, Snake Princess!" 


Hancock put on a hooded cloak and jumped down from the ship. A splash reached her ears as her feet touched the wet ground. Marie, Sonia, and Elder Nyon also jumped down from the ship. 


"Ran, you're in charge until we come back. Protect the ship." 


"I will, Snake Princess." 


Hancock nodded and ventured into the grove with her group. They quickly left Grove 27 and were moving towards their destination. 


"Hey, women." 


They ran across some tough-looking men with vile expressions. 


"Drop everything you guys have and we—blegh?!" 


One of the men was kneed in the face by Sandersonia before he could finish threatening them. 




The rest of the men looked at her in confusion. 


"This is great, Sister." 


Mariegold approached the men while cracking her fingers with a savage grin. 


"Free money." 




The sudden turnaround of the situation made the men both confused and afraid. 


"Hey, you waste of space who pollutes the air I breathe." 


Hancock casually called out to the men. 


"Drop all of your valuables and we might spare your lives for the rude offence of entering my line of sight." 


She pointed at the ground while doing her signature pose. 


"Lower heads as well. It's too high when you're in front of me." 




A few minutes later, the men's heads were planted on the floor with their butts pointing in the air and their arms folded behind their backs. They were stripped of everything they had, including their clothes. They were naked and afraid. 


"They didn't have much and dared to try to talk to us?" 


Marie frowned as she counted the money she took from the men. 


"The audacity of some men." 


Sonia said as she twirled a sword by the handle. 


"Marie, Sonia, be sure to discard that garbage before we meet Rayleigh. I don't want him to think we fancy this kind of stuff." 


Hancock said as she threw away a pistol. 


"This is an old model. I mean, it's been around since I was a pirate." 


Elder Nyon looked at the pistol Hancock discarded and frowned. 


"Those guys must be poor." 




A loud shout came from above causing them to look up. They saw a group of men flying on giant flying fishes. 


"What do we have here, boys?! A group of helpless women who stumbled in our territory?!" 


Laughter echoed as they circled Hancock's group. 


"I can tell from here they're real beauties! I'm sure they'll fetch a penny at the Human Auction!" 


Hancock and her sisters' faces darkened. 


"Oh, you guys fucked up. You really fucked up by saying that." 


Elder Nyon started praying for the men. 


A few minutes later, there were broken trees all around the area. The painful moans of men could be heard every now and again. The men lay on the ground with their limbs bent like pretzels and their bodies twitching. 




Hancock stood over the men and formed a heart with her hands. She turned them to stone and her sisters smashed the statues without hesitation. 


"I forgot how ugly this place truly is." 


Hancock said as she walked away pulling a flying fish. Marie and Sonia followed behind her pulling fish as well. 


"What are you going to do with the fish?" 


Elder Nyon asked as she walked behind them. 


"Give them to Rayleigh to cook. What's left over, I'll salt them and preserve them to give to Luffy." 


"....I see." 


After that, Hancock's group didn't run into any more trouble before making it to Grove 13. They arrived in front of a building with a sign that said "Shakky's Rip-off Bar." 


"Oh, good. It looks like they're both inside." 


Hancock once again wore a bright smile as she approached the bar. They entered the building. 


"Rayleigh, Shakky, we're here to visit you~!" 


Hancock's melodious voice echoed in the bar as she entered. 




Once inside she saw Shakky behind the bar and Rayleigh sitting at the counter. However, there were others. It was a group led by a blond man wearing a leather jacket. 


"Who the hell are you?" 


Hancock asked with a frown. 


"Welcome, Hancock. It's been a while." 


Rayleigh greeted Hancock with a smile. 


"Oh, Marie and Sonia are here as well. Even you, Gloriosa." 


"Hello, Rayleigh." 


Elder Nyon greeted Rayleigh before looking at Shakky. 




"Long time no see, Empress Gloriosa." 


Shakky greeted Elder Nyon with a smile. Hancock stared at the man, who was visibly frightened. 


"Oh, this is Duval. He's a friend of Luffy's who helped protect his ship from being stolen." 


Hancock's face immediately lightened up. 


"A friend of Luffy's!" 


Duval's face became flushed when he saw her expression. 


"M-My name is Duval and I'm--Huh?" 


Duval spotted what Hancock was holding. 


"That's my gang's missing Flying Fish! They were stolen when me and the boys were here recovering from our injuries!" 


He was about to walk up to Hancock but was stopped by Rayleigh. 


"That's a bad move, Duval." 


Rayleigh shook his head. 


"Hancock, where did you guys get those fishes?" 


"Some scum were using them, so we took them after getting rid of the human filth riding them." 


Hancock lifted the fish. 


"We were going to give them to you and Shakky to eat." 




Duval's face turned into the scream after hearing what Hancock said. 


"Don't eat my babies!" 


Duval was once again stopped from approaching Hancock. 


"Hancock, could you return them to Duval for me?" 


"Since he's a friend of Luffy's, sure." 


She and her sisters dropped the fishes. 


"Duval, take your fishes home to treat them. We want to catch up with the girls." 


"Alright, Boss." 


Duval quickly grabbed the fishes and started running with his crew behind him. 


"So, girls." 


Rayleigh gestured for Hancock and her group to sit down. 


"Why did you come all the way here?" 


"We're planning on going to the Pirate Festival so I can meet Luffy!" 


Hancock spoke with excitement. 


"Pirate Festival?" 


Elder Nyon handed Rayleigh the invitation and explained everything. 


"I see, you need me to coat your ship so you can enter the New World." 


"That's right, but it was also about time we paid you two a visit. Are you two alright?" 


Hancock spoke with an upbeat tone. 


"I'm good. Although someone lost over a million Berries last night." 




Rayleigh laughed nervously while Shakky glared at him. 


"Anyway, Hancock. How are you guys? Has anything special happened between you and Luffy lately? Or maybe after I left the island?" 


"A lot!" 


Hancock answered immediately. 


"Wait, Hancock!" 


Elder Nyon called out to Hancock. 


"When you left I spent a week on the island with Luffy!" 




Hancock nodded with a bright face. 


"We ate, fought, and slept together! We got really close!" 




Shakky smiled as she watched Hancock speak with such excitement. Elder Nyon on the other hand was face-palming. 


"Oh, you two got really close?" 


Hancock nodded. 


"Even though, I forbid you from going on the island?" 


Hancock nodded again. 




After a few seconds, she realized her mistake and paled. Rayleigh grabbed her cheeks and started to pull it. 




"Didn't I tell you not to go on the island Two years ago?" 


Rayleigh spoke with a dark expression. Elder Nyon slowly started to back away. 


"I-It's not my fault!" 


Hancock pointed at Elder Nyon the moment she was about to escape through the door. 


"She told me to do it!" 


(That little brat really sold me out!) 


A few minutes later, Hancock, her sisters, and Elder Nyon were all kneeling in front of Rayleigh. 


"I specifically stated that Luffy needs to be on his own so that he can get used to being in a state of constant stress. I did this to ensure he grew stronger. Yet, you four devise a plan to go against my instructions the moment I turned my back?" 


Sonia left her hand up. 


"Um, Marie and I didn't really do-" 


"You two probably supported the idea, right?" 


Sonia slowly brought her hand back down. 


"But it was only for a week!" 


Hancock shouted. Rayleigh looked at her and she turned her gaze to the ground. She slowly lifted her hand and pointed at Elder Nyon. 


"Like I said, it was her idea." 


Rayleigh looked at Elder Nyon. 


"C-Come on! Luffy is the only man beside you whom she opens her heart to! I need their relationship to bloom, but this girl is an idiot when it comes to romance, so I had to help her out one way or the other!" 




Hancock was visibly offended by Elder Nyon's words. 




Shakky called out to Rayleigh while smoking her pipe. 


"Quit bullying them." 


She looked at Hancock. 


"Did you and the Strawhat boy make any progress?" 




Shakky smirked. 


"Did you kiss?" 


Hancock's face reddened. She slowly nodded her head. 




Shakky laughed a bit. 




Rayleigh showed genuine surprise. 


"Way to go, Luffy." 


Rayleigh sat back on his seat. 


"I see....So little Hancock is finally growing up." 


"There's nothing grown up about this woman." 


Elder Nyon mumbled as she stood up. 


"Nah, she's growing up." 


Rayleigh put on a smile. 


"Two years ago, she talked back to me and even challenged me for the first time, just because it had to do with Luffy. It felt like my teenage daughter was rebelling for the first time. It was surreal." 


He let out a loud laugh. Hancock rose to her feet with her ears turning red. 




She looked at him when called her name. 


"Are you happy?" 


Hancock slowly nodded. The smile on his face widened. 


"Then, I have no complaints. Right, Shakky?" 


"None here." 


Shakky chuckled a bit. 


"Also, having such an energetic son-in-law isn't too bad." 


"Right? If it's anybody, I'm glad it's Luffy." 


"So, Hancock. When are you planning on having children?" 


Shakky asked with a sly tone. 


"W-When, I...I don't know." 


"Well, you better hurry up. Rayleigh and I aren't getting younger. You aren't either." 




"By the way, when are you getting married? Luffy is a pirate like this one here. If you don't put a leash on him soon, he will become too wild for you to control." 


(Wow, she's totally in mother mode.) 


Marie and Sonia thought as Shakky started applying pressure on Hancock. Rayleigh just laughed while Elder Nyon smirked at Hancock being put on the spot. Like this, they talked all through the day and the night.