
Pillar man in Demon Slayer

A JoJo fan dies... meets a Rob.. Rest is history.

Beta_Force · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Flesh bud

'How did it end up like this?' I lamented as I carried my mom to our house. After she saw me absorbing those people earlier I implanted her with a flesh bud. (AN- He will use some powers of vampire)

The flesh bud will make her forget everything that happened tonight. I feel very guilty doing this. 

'Maybe I should have been honest with her and told her the truth' I thought but I can't be sure. 

Even Though these people sacrifice humans, they have not seen someone absorbing a human and enjoying it. The greatest fear is the fear of the unknown.

Even if she accepts it, this incident will always be gnawing at the back of her head and our relationship will not be the same anymore.

So this is the best option I can think of. Even if it is wrong, this is the safest one. I will tell her the truth in future but I am not prepared for it now.

We soon reached our house and I laid her on her bed. Soon I went to my room and attempted to sleep. Honestly, I didn't get any.

In the morning everything was normal as any other day. Some people came and informed us that two slaves escaped but was soon eaten by some animal in the forest. They apologized and promised to strengthen the defences more. 

I tried to act as normal as possible with my mother. She noticed something was amiss but didn't question it. I think the flesh bud might have slightly influenced her to trust me more. It may be a side effect as I only implanted it to erase that memory.

I stayed holed up in my house till the sun went down. I skimmed through various books and learned some astrology. It was one of the specializations of the Aztecs.

[1 year later]

I was left panting because of the intense training. Yeah, I started my training in these last few months. Due to my body being stronger than most teens and even some adults I began my combat training at the age of 5.

My teacher was an elite Jaguar warrior. They were one of the most elite units in the Aztec empire. The other being the Eagle warriors. The Jaguar warriors decorated their armours with jaguar skins and jaguar heads.

My training consists of close combat training, weapons training, and lessons on war from my father. I learnt how to use various weapons like swords, spears, daggers. 

But the Aztecs mainly used Macuahuitl. A macuahuitl is a wooden sword with obsidian blades embedded into the sides. A blow with such a weapon would decapitate a horse.

The main purpose of using this weapon compared to traditional weapons is to capture the enemy, not kill them. The Aztecs mainly captured their enemies for sacrificing them rather than killing them. But I think such weapons don't suit me.

'I think I am more comfortable with using spears and polearms'

This training, also revealed by abnormality to the tribe. They now know I have supernatural powers. I have been preparing for it. I just revealed my super strength, agility, senses and mild regeneration. Nothing too extravagant like body manipulation.

Again they mistook it as a blessing from god. They prepared a large sacrifice to thank their gods and wished for more children like that. 

'Sadly for them, they won't get it

Even with my strong body, I can't defeat my teacher. It is the difference in skill that can't be bridged by a strong physique. 

'I am just a newbie in fighting but believe I  will defeat him soon and wipe that smug and arrogant look on his face'

I don't know why but I am not interested and too lazy to do any research on the stone mask. Maybe near immortality has made me a bit lazy.

'Anyway I have all the time in the world to research the stone mask and spam vampires into this world'

Maybe another reason is that every time I look at the mask I remember the red stone of Aja and get depressed. I don't know what I am going to do about this issue.

"Zee, come and have breakfast. That is enough training" I hear the sweet voice of my mother. Things with my mother have calmed down. Due to the flesh bud, she does not have any memory of that incident. But I still feel guilty.

I also still absorb human beings. I was a little hesitant at first but I had no other choice but to go with it. After that incident, I felt like I let loose my thirst for blood . I have frequent urges to consume humans. But I have been keeping some restraints.

Maybe once I grow into an adult I would not feel these urges and have perfect control. Only time will tell and I have all the time in the world.

Soon I had my breakfast, which was roasted duck. Honestly, I was pretty uncomfortable eating the primitive food available here. So, I taught my mom some cooking tricks I remember from the modern world.

"Hey, Zee you are here. I will also have breakfast with you" I heard Atzi's lively voice. Unconsciously a small smile formed on my face. I haven't seen this girl recently as she goes to learn about being a priestess 

"How are your studies doing Atzi?" I asked with a smile.

"Don't worry, I will definitely become a priestess and serve our god. I think you should also become a priest"

'Haha, a priest huh? I honestly don't truly believe in the sacrifice to gods and such. Since, I met a being considered to be God I am not quite awed and terrified of a god'

I soon completed my dinner and did my study on astrology. I have been very interested in the Aztec's astrology. According to their astrology, my horoscope is snake.

Snake symbolizes the reconciliation between heaven and earth in the history of humankind, as well as certain magical powers. They are very flexible, fluid and tend to acquire authority, although they could poison themselves.

'Truly interesting. I wonder if it's true or just some delusions of crazy people. If it truly describes a person's traits and personality then I should be cautious to not lose myself in power and desire'