
Pillar man in Demon Slayer

A JoJo fan dies... meets a Rob.. Rest is history.

Beta_Force · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs


"What?" I was suddenly awakened from my slumber. Something was happening outside. With my senses, I guessed it was likely a fight.

'What the hell is happening at this time. Even I, a creature of the night is asleep'

As I exited my room in frustration I met my father and mother who were on guard against any attack.

We soon went outside and saw the guards holding an intruder in an eagle-like attire. 

'An Eagle guard. What are they doing here?' I  was quite alarmed. They are one of the elite units along with jaguar guards.

"Chief we captured these two intruders who tried to sneak in but we also lost a lot of our warriors" a slightly battered guard informed my father. 

"Who dares to sneak into my tribe?" my father questioned quite angrily.

"We don't know, chief. He is not answering our questions. We may need to torture him" the guard answered.

So, they soon began torturing the intruder. But they got no results. No matter what method they used he didn't give any answer.

"Father, may I go take a look?" I asked curiously. He eyed me suspiciously as it was pretty uncommon for a child to go into torture chambers. After some seconds he answered "Go but you are only allowed inside for five minutes"

I went inside the dark torture chambers. I was soon assaulted with a strong smell of blood, piss, shit, flesh. My head was spinning for a moment.

I calmed myself and went inside the room where the intruder was kept. I looked into his eyes and said, "Why did you sneak into our tribe?"

His eyes turned a little red as he answered in a daze. I used hypnotization on him. It was inspired by DIO's power. Soon I left the room satisfied and recounted the information to my father.

Some other tribe has caught wind of my abnormality. Those lunatics claim that the God Huitzilopochtli has given them the revelation to kill me for whatever reasons I don't know.

'What did ever do to annoy that God Huitzilopochtli. I am just living my life peacefully'

So, they sent some assassins to finish me off while I was sleeping. Sadly for them, the assassins didn't even reach me and were discovered.

"Who dares to assassinate my son that too in my tribe? I will personally lead some warriors to annihilate them. Prepare for war"

"Haha war"

"Yes, we are going to war. We can have a new batch of sacrifices" 

All the surrounding members jeered in joy at the prospect of going to war. Soon my father led some elite warriors and prepared for war.

My mother was pretty worried about my dad. She said she had a bad premonition and advised him not to go. 

"Don't worry Quetzal, I need to personally teach those bastards what will happen if they try to touch my children" 

Well, I was pretty moved but I was still a little doubtful about this whole war thing. I am honestly quite angry about the assassination attempt.

Before leaving they sacrificed to Tezcatlipoca for victory and safe return. In the morning my father and 50 warriors along with my teacher left the tribe. 

It's been a week since the departure of my father along with the warriors. We have not received any information about them. Everyone in the tribe has been pretty worried and my mother has been keeping everyone in check. But I can tell that she too is quite worried.

Honestly, I don't have much hope. Either they are dead or were captured by the enemy. Even my mom knows it but she can't accept such an outcome.

Later that night when everyone was asleep I silently sneaked out of my tribe. I wanted to check what happened to my father and others. 

I entered the forest and ran in the direction that the intruder mentioned when asked about his origins. It would take a normal human about 2 days to reach that place but I can reach there in about an hour or two.

I whizzed past the forest leaving nothing but a gale and afterimages in my wake. The ground slightly trembled under my strength. 

At a distance, I saw a village about the same size as mine. There was a huge bonfire in the middle as people were surrounding it.

A man wearing feathers on his head and clothes, dressed in the attire of a priest, was holding a knife at the neck of a stocky man. It was my father. 

My eyes constricted dangerously as I increased my speed but the priest knife was faster than me as the knife was plunged into my father's throat. 

His blood was collected in a special cup. All the surrounding people began cheering and chanting reverently. My father was sacrificed.

I stood there blankly as I couldn't process what had happened. The man I called father died just like that. I didn't do anything. I don't feel anything. 

I just feel empty. I don't feel any grief, guilt, anger, or hatred. I just stood there motionlessly. Soon I reined in my thoughts

'Hehe, my father just died right in front of my eyes but I don't feel anything. Does that make me strong or just pathetic'

Still, I felt like I was obligated to get revenge for him as his son. So, after all the festivities ended I sneakily entered the village. After some searching, I finally found the priest's house.

I entered his house as he was in his room still awake. He was holding the cup which collected my father's blood and was drinking it in ecstasy. Even though it may sound hypocritical, I was honestly disgusted by it.

I entered his room slowly and steadily as he noticed me. He had a look of panic and confusion in his eyes. Before he knew it he saw the world upside down. His head was sliced off and was making a beautiful arc in the air.

After finishing the priest I headed to the tribe leader's house. He was studying some papers. I stealthily went behind and inserted my fingers into his brain. His body soon shrivelled and burned away.

I gazed at the papers he was studying but soon my eyes were fixated on some words. These papers were a record of the purchases that the tribe had with various outside merchants. It also recorded some interesting things they saw.

A few weeks ago, one of them saw a merchant selling a red gem. It had a translucent red colour and was the size of a palm. The merchant advertised it as a precious stone that was a gift of nature.

When they accidentally placed the stone in front of the sun. The light was refracted instantly and a fire was caught. But none of them bought the stone from the merchant. 

'Is it the red stone of Aja? It has similar properties. But how can a red stone of Aja exist here? Is it some other material of similar properties' I honestly have no idea. All I can do now is throw it at the back of my mind and investigate it later.

I burned the records of the stone and exited his house. I didn't kill his wife or children.

'I don't know why I hesitated' 

After some searching, I found my father's corpse and left the village swiftly as everyone was sound asleep without knowing anything that happened.