
Phil in Marvel Universe (On Hiatus)

Phil was reborn in the Marvel World and using his knowledge he changed the future events. His shadow knights rule the MCU and his kids will be future avengers. I don't own any rights. This is fanfic anyway.

ayrus2011 · Movies
Not enough ratings
110 Chs


The other members of Anachronauts rushed towards the last location of Deathunt 9000 at full speed and found him tied by two girls. They were shocked to see this incredible scene. One must know that the cyborg Deathunt hardly ever lost a fight.

A cyborg with an advanced digital brain, body parts that are easily replaced or even when damaged poses no threat to him. He can even fight with full power after losing his body parts as long as his neuro chip is functioning well and the girls in front of them were hardly that powerful.


The ancient caveman, Raa who once slaughtered an entire group of Sabertooths and Trojan warrior Tyndar who is near-immortal went berserk at the humiliation of their team member and attack the girls at the same time.

Raa hit Yelena with a straight punch while Tyndar slashed Natasha with a long sabre attack.

The girls had to leave the cyborg and escape but Raa and Tyndar gave them a heavy fight.

Raa was a berserker similar to Yelena and hence their fight became a complete physical brawl. Raa would smash Yelena with punches and kicks while Yelena would respond in the same way. Their battle became bigger and bigger until Raa landed a couple of clean hits on Yelena and broke her rhythm.

"You hit good caveman! I never had such a good fight. Come again!" Yelena shouted and Raa smiled.

To say their battle was not enjoyable would be a straight lie. Raa by nature loved physical duels and until he fought and lost to Kang, he was invincible. He loved fighting and Yelena was the same.

Raa pushed his power in his muscles and his speed increased incredibly. He ran in a blur and hit Yelena in her stomach. The hit was hard and heavy but Yelena was waiting for him. Instantly she grabbed his right hand and pulled him closer.

"Boom!" She hit Raa with a straight punch that made him dizzy and before he could attack back, he was hit again.

"BOOOM!" Another punch but this time the power was higher. Yelena started stacking her power to give maximum damage to her enemy and never let Raa escape from her.

"SMAASH!" After another punch and again straight on the face, Raa lost his teeth and his jaw dislocated but this enraged him further.

Before Yelena could land another hit, Raa kicked her and broke her balance.

Yelena took a few steps back and this was the gap Raa needed to catch his breath.


One after another, punches and kicks like blurs started raining on Yelena and Yelena found that even though she had enough physical power, her fighting ability was far from her opponent. This is not the gap in strength but the ability to use that strength.

Yelena had to defend herself from attacks that came out of nowhere and found no chance of counterattack.

The fight became one-sided and Raa lost interest in it soon.

"You are a good seedling. However, I have been cutting stronger trees for eons." Raa said after Yelena fell on her knees and grabbed her by her hair.

Dragging the stubborn and still struggling little girl, Raa kicked her with full force on the back of her head and Yelena fainted on the ground.

Meanwhile, Nat was also in a similar situation. At the start of the battle with Tyndar, Nat was able to avoid and escape with the help of her agility and incredible flexibility but Tyndar was a seasoned warrior.

Tyndar used his sabre to launch attacks at a rapid pace and started cutting off any chance for Nat to fight back. Nat again found her mental powers restricted as somehow the helmet worn by this warrior protected his brain.

Nat gave Tyndar an opening and Tyndar landed a clean hit with the blunt end of his sabre and threw the girl high up in the air.


The sabre danced in the air and created lightning streaks and Nat was again hit while she was falling down.


Nat was thrown far away on the grounds like a stone jumping on the water surface and she bounced multiple times before Tyndar jumped high up in the air and attacked her with full power.

The hit was so strong that it almost separated the water below them into two clear parts but Nat was able to hold on thanks to her armour and improved physique. However, she was in intense pain and felt all her bones were broken and she fainted as well.

The Anachronauts dragged the two girls they found and rescued their companion Deathunt. After putting energy collars on both girls, Terminatrix ordered the team to head back. This was a hard mission and they even lost one of their members but since they got the agent of chaos back, everything is worth it.

Their master Kang would definitely reward them better.

"Mom, let's go." Hiding beneath a floating stone, Matt whispered to Melina and both followed the retreating army of Kang. They found one suitable target each for them and then dragged them silently away before replacing them.

In this way, no one noticed when they safely entered the space-time portal and went straight to Chronopolis.

It was a huge beautiful city with large white towers mixed with purple lines. The greenery and waterfall at distance were enchanting and the spaceships and floating buildings were proof of advanced civilization. It was also strange as there were different colonies and areas in the city which resembled ancient civilizations of Greece, and Rome and reflected many different rime periods.

It was Chronopolis. The city was created by Kang, indicating his control of time and his adventures across multiple time periods and multiple timelines.

Matt and Melina found themselves speechless by the sheer display of power, technology and civilization in this city.

Their army moved closer to open ground and soon dispersed in smaller teams. Each team had their own designated purpose in peacetime and Melina and Nat noticed the number on their chest indicating their specific work area.

Without making any noise or trying to communicate with anyone, they silently went to their location and mixed easily among the crowd.