
Pelagus Fabula

This story follows the story Mordred who seeks strength to defeat Adam in the next magical war. While making connections through his journey he discovers the dark side of every race and his encounter with the powerful beings.

Iuvenis_Lectorem · Fantasy
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48 Chs


(-April 1, 2061/ 7:30 AM / Current location: Trauzagaien University-)

After training for a month with Anastasia and John. Charles decided to enroll Mordred to a university from his own country. His goal was for Mordred to make numerous connections as much as possible with other students. Given his debut, this may be an easy task but Charles hid his identity as the crown Prince of Trauzagaien to lessen the pressure of his connection making in a more casual way.

(-At the stage-)

(-8:00 AM-)

Mordred is now in uniform and wearing the glove that Carmina gave him, with Anna sitting beside him. He's losing a battle of staying awake and is nearly on the brink of unconsciousness. Luckily, Anna is there to wake him up.

He loses balance in his head and falls asleep. Because the top-ranked student's speech about youth is so boring and bland that half of the students fell asleep.

Anna taps his face repeatedly to keep him awake.

[Anna: Do you want to get scolded by the teachers who are watching us? I'm already trying my best to stay awake.]

Mordred saying this with the struggle to stay awake.

[Mordred: It's so boring though.]

[Anna: Just stay awake and you'll be fine.]

(-After the speech-)

(-8:10 AM-)

Mordred and Anna went out with bags under their eyes. The speech was 10 minutes long and will nearly put you in a deep sleep. We went to our classroom, sat down and slept at the very end of the room where no one will bother me and of course Anna is beside me.

Never in my whole entire life have I heard such a boring speech that made me sleep like a baby. Almost like his voice was filled with a magic spell.

In our time of rest, someone intervened when we needed it. A Noble of a wealthy family greets us in an unfavorable way.

[Noble: Hey, hey. Did you enter the wrong class? You sure don't look like a child of Nobility to me.]

I wanna let out some steam. Might as well converse with him.

[Mordred: Aren't a little too full of yourself Noble pig.]

[Noble: What did you call me?]

He seems aggravated. Time to hit the weak spots.

[Mordred: Who are you anyway?]

[Raiden: Raiden Chaelis. Son of Duke Hayden of the Chaelis Household.]

[Mordred: Never heard of you. You don't seem like you're worthy of that title. Your Household doesn't look like they're worth much.]

[Raiden: You Take That Back!]

[Mordred: Oh, what are you gonna do?]

It ticked off Raiden in a negative way. His wrist starts glowing and projects a magic circle. He was ready to destroy Mordred but with a stroke of luck, the teacher came inside the classroom just in time.

[Teacher: Enough!]

Everyone heard the teacher and their attention to the slowly progressing battle that was about to begin.

[Teacher: Settle your qualms after the period. I'll have both of you in detention if you do not behave accordingly.]

Raiden's Gyrate vanishes and he walks back to his seat with a thirst for blood.

Anna asks me.

[Anna: Don't you think that was a little too much?]

[Mordred: It's about making connections. Sooner or later he'll challenge me to a duel. People will watch it and they'll admire the victor.]

[Anna: Gaining popularity by duel?]

[Mordred: Well that sounds about right. But first, I have to make it more anticipated so that a lot of people will come and watch it.]

(-50 minutes later-)

(-9:00 AM-)

The teacher was very shrewd with his way of teaching. He tries to slow down the topic so that the other students can keep up but something like advanced Magic spell casting is pretty easy for me because I learned it already thanks to Anastasia.

As we stood up and walked out of the room for recess, someone stopped me from advancing and consuming food from the cafeteria.

The same Noble pig who judged me as a commoner based on my appearance is blocking the door.

He removes his white glove and throws it at me.

The glove drops down to the floor.

Fun fact: If a person were to throw a white glove (Mainly Nobility) It's an invite for a duel. Duels are fights that end with someone dying or forfeiting with a condition that the winner wants something from the loser. If a person picks up the glove, you accept the invitation.

[Raiden: Pick it up.]

The other students saw what he threw and started to get hyped up.

I'm so tired. The speech took off half of my lifespan when I'm supposed to be immortal and I'm hungry as fuck.

[Mordred: Thanks but no thanks.]

Mordred unconsciously steps on the white glove when trying to walk out of the room.

Anna followed me to the cafeteria.

What I didn't know is that stepping on a white glove means it is the greatest insult you could give to a Noble and surprise, surprise.

He was super pissed.

Raiden runs out of the room and blasts his Magic spell

[Raiden: {Ventus Sapaera!}]

A torrent of wind-based magic attack soared through the hallway that leads to the cafeteria. Anna was surprised and hid behind my back.

I shielded her from the incoming Magic spell.

It might be risky and I might destroy the hallway but I have to do this.

Mordred placed his palms to the magic that was drifting towards him and it slammed against his hand. The vortex of wind stopped, it slowly grew in size and it's intensity doubled. It can be compared to a Tier 4 magic spell.

The hallway was obliterated with the expected results. No one got hurt because most of the students are inside the classroom and the teacher left a while ago.

Raiden saw the hallway was devastated and Mordred unharmed. The windows were no exception.

[Mordred: Do you really want to duel me that much? Fine then! Have it your way.]

The look on Raiden's face was clear as day. He got what he wanted.