
Pelagus Fabula

This story follows the story Mordred who seeks strength to defeat Adam in the next magical war. While making connections through his journey he discovers the dark side of every race and his encounter with the powerful beings.

Iuvenis_Lectorem · Fantasy
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48 Chs


(-April 1, 2061/ 9:00 AM/ Current location: University's Hallway-)

After the torrent of wind that was blasted at Mordred. The students are left scratching their heads if this was the work of Mordred or Raiden.

[Raiden: You finally decided to.]

[Mordred: Let's settle this tomorrow if you want.]

[Raiden: No...Let's Do It Now!]

Raiden runs at Mordred with another Magic spell at bay.

[Mordred: Run Anna!]

Anna ran as she was told and left the scene with worry. Raiden with his palms open, used his magic at point-blank distance. If Mordred were to dodge, she would be the one to hit. With his pain tolerance, He blocked the attack again.

The wind-based magic attack was reflected and Raiden's has the look of astonishment

[Raiden: Now what did you do? Magic Reflection?]

[Mordred: In a way.]

With my left hand turned into a fist and Raiden's left hand with a Gyrate on his wrist, preparing another Magic spell, our hands are bound to clash.

But someone stopped us.

[Headmaster: What is this kerfuffle!?]

We both stopped our attacks from colliding with each other. The Headmaster looked at it with an intimidating stare.

[Headmaster: You two! In my office.]

We followed the Headmaster to his office and He demanded an explanation.

[Headmaster: Who was the cause of all this.]

Both of them pointed at each other while not knowing that the other was doing the same.

[Mordred: Look again. Who shot the hallway with wind magic?]

[Raiden: Who blocked the wind magic and destroyed it?]

[Mordred: Wanna test it again?]

[Raiden: Sure. This time, you're gonna die.]

The Headmaster intervened before it got too rowdy.

[Headmaster: Enough! I know that both of you have your reasons. What are those reasons.]

[Mordred: He wanted to start a duel. I refused and he shot the hallway with magic.]

[Headmaster: A duel eh? Alright, let's start a duel. Tomorrow I'll let you two duel in the University's exclusive arena. And remember this: "No one will die".]

[Both: Yes Headmaster.]


(-3:40 PM/ Current location: University's gates)

Mordred goes home. Someone was there waiting for him. The short red hair, brown eyes, and a complexion that seemingly looks like he's always angry all the time.

[Mordred: You were waiting for me?]

[Raiden: I wanted to make sure you don't back down.]

[Mordred: Who would back down? Honestly, I'm excited about our duel.]

He smiles. Seems like he found a decent person this time. Maybe his equal.

[Raiden: You're not like them. A duel can end your life, you know.]

[Mordred: Don't you worry. I'll be giving my all in this battle.]

[Raiden: Who would not?]

Raiden walks home. This is an unexpected side of him. For years, he wanted to fight with all but his talent made him think that an equal will never appear.


(-April 2, 2061/ 12:30 PM/ Current location: University's exclusive arena-)

Charles, John, Anastasia, Anna, and the Headmaster of the University are sitting down on the balcony that overlooks the University's exclusive arena. The place was massive and can hold about 10,000 people, including other races that are very large.

[Headmaster: Have you heard the news? A freshman accepted the challenge to a duel. Its been all over the University's newspapers. This rarely happens and people are paying to see it.]

[Charles: Well, He has the balls to do this so let's watch him win at least.]

I can't let the Headmaster find out that I'm the father of Mordred. It'll be difficult for him to make connections with other students if his real identity goes public.

[John: I already taught him a lot about close-quarters combat so I think this will be a breeze.]

[Anastasia: You're overconfident about what you taught him. John, you can't exactly predict the outcome of a battle with what you've given him.]

[Anna: We can't really know what happens in the end so we'll have to wait for the result.]

[Charles: If that's the case then we can just watch what happens.]

The announcer joyfully told the audience about what and who will be competing. Not that it's necessary but it was huge for a commoner to accept a duel from a Noble.

[Announcer: We have an event that is not everyday folks. A Noble challenging a Commoner. Their Names Are Mordred Mcdowell And Raiden Chaelis!]

I had my name registered as "Mordred Mcdowell". It'll be problematic if the Announcer called me: Mordred V. Maximus". The guy would immediately forfeit after hearing it.

Raiden and Mordred come up the stage.

The audience is cheering for both of them. Every single one of them. As the rumors say: "The country does not discriminate against other races".

Mordred sees him without any weapon. Nothing but clothes and battle armor. The same goes for Mordred.

[Mordred: You ready?]

[Raiden: Before we start, What is your fighting style?]

[Mordred: Say yours before I tell mine.]

[Raiden: Okay, I'm a Martial Mage. your style?]

Martial Mage. I heard from the books that you can mix Martial arts with magic. This was widely used and pretty popular in the East.

[Mordred: I'm a Boxer.]

[Raiden: That kind of style is not often seen in this country.]

[Mordred: I know. It's the only style I'm good at.]

They entered their stance. Both of them waited for the referee's countdown.

[Referee: 3, 2, 1, Start!]

They charge at each other with the purpose of winning no matter what. Their eyes full of vitality and their minds encouraged to fight with all the cards they have.

Mordred poured magic in his Forge Master's glove. His right arm blanketed in the most durable gauntlets he can conjure. Raiden saw this and he was immediately intrigued by such a thing.

Raiden did the same but his are different. He clads both of his arms with wind magic.

[Raiden: {Tempest Brachium!}]

Their fists are bound to clash again and this time, no one is there to intervene.

Their clash generated sounds similar to a bell being tolled. Soon after the clash, it followed numerous punches that were rhythmically and swiftly evaded in sequences. The ground rumbled and created a small breeze by the mere force of their vigor

It's a battle of stamina. Whoever stops or makes a wrong move, loses.

It went well for a few minutes.

Mordred slipped because of the sweat that dropped when he was swerving without recess.

This gave Raiden the time and opening he needed for his heaviest blow.

Raiden's left fist struck Mordred's face with fitting results, followed by a flurry of combos that can make an ordinary person pass out. His Fist glazed with magic and his talent for fighting made Mordred lose balance and begin to fall to his back.

His right-hand glowed similar to a verdant.

[Raiden: {Ventus Cataracta!}]

With only a few seconds left till he loses, one thing came to his mind from a teacher he had trouble keeping up with.


I acknowledge that my opponent is gonna lose in this battle if I do not go all out. So I must accept that he is going to lose.

[Mordred: Not now.]

A familiar yet unknown voice from Mordred's glove, whispers to his mind.

[Evangel: Then let it be set in stone. I will give you my all to triumph over the man in front of you.]

Mordred's eyes relinquish pigment.

His worst side came to be.