
Pelagus Fabula

This story follows the story Mordred who seeks strength to defeat Adam in the next magical war. While making connections through his journey he discovers the dark side of every race and his encounter with the powerful beings.

Iuvenis_Lectorem · Fantasy
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48 Chs


(-March 3, 2062/ 8:30 AM/ Current location: Bedroom-)

I woke up by the heat of the sun shining down upon me with disappointment. Now I'm not related to the sun but does it have to be so hot?

Mordred goes out of his bed and closes the curtains and goes back to bed again.

Charles out of nowhere came in like a train going at full speed.

[Charles: I almost forgot about your sigil.]

[Mordred: Sigil?]

Charles clapped his hands two times like a Royal maid in movies.

Maids came bursting to my room with multiple clothes on. Charles then left the room and ran back to his room to get his phone.

(-15 minutes later-)

(-8:45 AM-)

The maids decided on a casual outing outfit with a cap on. It was comfortable and there was little movement restriction.

Sebastián escorted me to the car and drove off to the church.


(-March 3, 2061/ 10:12 AM/ Current location: Church of Mystics-)

The Church of Mystics.

The place where Nobles get their Sigil from the Goddess of Mystics.

Sigils are important because they dictate your role in life. Whether you're given the role of a Mage or a Sword saint, your role will be permanent.

I and Charles went inside the church looking like a sore thumb and sticking out from the crowd. There was an altar where you place your hands and the mark will appear on your backhand.

There was a line so I had to wait for the others to finish.

(-3 minutes passed-)

(-10:15 AM-)

It took about a few minutes. A lot of kids at my age are just waiting for others to finish. I think they're waiting for something.

[Priest: Alright, place your hand above the altar.]

[Mordred: Like this?]

There was a small hole where the hand is supposed to be placed.

The Altar suddenly spouses out Dark and Holy magic and swirls like a tornado. It made everyone feel immense pressure that they can barely stand.

Mordred's backhand is slowly getting printed out a sigil with a faint glow. The magic energy from the area leaks out of the church and the glass pane suddenly shatters. The children were startled and covered their heads, the adults were covering them from the falling glass.

[Priest: Take out your hand!]

[Mordred: Sorry!]

I swiftly took out my hand and saw my backhand has a sigil. The Priest examines it with a monocle.

This sigil shocked him.

[Priest: My stars! I have not seen anything like this in my entire life.]

[Charles: What is it? Something good? Something bad?]

[Priest: I'm confident in my memory so I know It's not even in the books.]

[Priest: Seems simple enough. I advise you to hide the mark.]

[Mordred: Why is that?]

[Priest: People fear the unknown. They might stay away so that they could be safe.]

Charles and I left the church with everyone staring at us and the church nearly destroyed. I am ashamed of what I am today.


(-10:16 AM/ Current location: Charles's Mansion-)

Once I got back home. I ran around to find Anastasia. She was on the training grounds, waiting for me. She had a ton of books on the desk and she was drinking coffee.

I called her with a cheerful tone

[Mordred: Teacher Anastasia!]

[Anastasia: What is it, boy?]

[Mordred: I got my Sigil.]

[Anastasia: Let me see it.]

Anastasia pulls my hand to get a closer look. She examines it with such elegance while looking at it with confidence. To her surprise, she doesn't know what it is.

[Anastasia: What is this?]

She takes out her giant book from her Magic storage and flips a section containing the different kinds of sigils and their details. She finds no record of my Sigil, unfortunately.

[Anastasia: It didn't even exist until now.]

Mordred looks at his Sigil with enthusiasm.

[Mordred: If it doesn't have a name then can I name it?]

[Anastasia: Well. My magic book can't find anything on it so yeah, you can name it.]

[Mordred: I'm gonna call it... Uh.....]

What is the German for the word "created"? If I recall my 8th grade syndrome days.

[Mordred: Erstellt.]

Anastasia looked away to hold her laughter. Her laugh is slowly leaking out until.

[Anastasia: HaHaHaHaHaHa! What a Chuuni!]

(W/N: Chuunibyou or 8th-grade syndrome. In Japan it describes someone who has a delusion of having power even though they aren't)

[Mordred: Shut Up! It's Cool!]

Anastasia laughs harder.



[Mordred: Why Are You Joining Her Side!?]

This did not stop for about half an hour.


(-7:41 PM/ Current location: Library Chamber-)

John went down the same stairs that lead to the place where Vicar is imprisoned.

He arrives with his fist clenched and his gaze full of hatred. Inside his mind is a memory that constantly appears whenever he sees him.

[Vicar: Ah, what a sight. John himself went down to interrogate me.]

[John: Charles told me where you were. You sack of shit, why didn't you leave when you can do it so easily?]

[Vicar: Come on, I'm a poetic person. I'll escape once this place has turned into hell.]

[John: You're a seer that Adam needed. I will not let you escape no matter what. Especially after what you did in the Sanctuary.]

Vicar smiles through his teeth.

[Vicar: There's a prophecy. In the future, you will see this country in flames with a pitch-black sky in the brightest of the year. Children will be burned into ashes, families will be lost and cherished memories will fade.]