
Pelagus Fabula

This story follows the story Mordred who seeks strength to defeat Adam in the next magical war. While making connections through his journey he discovers the dark side of every race and his encounter with the powerful beings.

Iuvenis_Lectorem · Fantasy
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48 Chs


(-March 3, 2061/ 7:15 Pm/ Current location: Mansion ball-)

[Mordred: Why do I have to attend this party?]

As he asked Alpha with irritation.

She answered while adjusting my tie.

[Alpha: You have to gain face and win the favors of the Nobles and create connections for future investors as well as a public image. So this is pretty much mandatory.]

The man Announces my name to the Nobles inside the ball.

[Mansion Guards: Presenting The son of King Charles, The crown Prince of the Sky City Trauzagaien.]

Walk to the stage, show maturity, and intimidate them. Display power through looks and form. Make it easy to start a conversation.

The door opened and the horns started blaring.

Truly my debut but nonetheless, embarrassing and I want to go home.

They observed everything. Form and posture.

I overheard the couple talking and other ones behind my back.

[Noble: How dignified. Truly Lord Charles's son.]

[Noble2: I agree with that statement wholeheartedly.]

Public image is a success and public opinion is left.

Mordred walks up to the stage and looks down on the crowd formed in front of him. He tells them.

[Mordred: I am-]

I stopped before saying my name.

The people inside are wondering why I stopped mid-sentence.


The only thing that defines me. I don't have a full name for myself and I know that I'm stuck as Mordred for the rest of my life.

Until I got adopted that is.

Every waking moment I hoped for a full name. As I grew older, I lost interest in having such a thing. I am by far the oldest in the orphanage and never complained about it.

But Charles.

For him to adopt me so suddenly and without notice, I never have considered my full name. Life was peaceful and nearly uneventful in the Orphanage. Would I be lying if I said: "I want to go back"?

So today I am.

[Mordred: I am Mordred V. Maximus, Crown prince of Trauzagaien, The heir to the throne and the next ruler to make your wishes a reality.]

They cheered and clapped from my introduction.

Public opinion is a success

[Mordred: With that said and done. Let's party to our heart's content.]

And so we did.

Charles is failing at getting the ladies, Anastasia is drinking wine from her glass, John is also failing at getting the ladies, and Anna and I are conversing with Alfred in the background.

[Anna: Who knew that you were a Crown prince? What other secrets are you hiding besides your mags under the bed?]

[Mordred: How'd you know about that?]

He answered vividly, anxious about his social standing if word came out that he reads porno mags.

[Anna: I'm a hunter. I hunt deviations.]

[Mordred: You should stop that. Anna, you're already adopted and don't have the job anymore.]

Mordred asks another question.

[Mordred: Where are your parents?]

[Anna: They are right there talking to your teacher.]

He looks at her parents. Mordred saw them enjoying the party rather than making connections. They were pretty young, probably in their 30's.

They seem like carefree parents that have their problems answered.

I don't see anything bad about them. Anna's parents are the best ones I have seen so far.

At the other end of the room, a wine glass broke and made a sound that can be heard all over the room.

All of them see a scene of either discrimination or misled information based on occurrences that leads to this conclusion.

[????: You filthy commoner. I get that you hate Nobles but don't you think you did this on purpose?]

The Maid with fear of unwanted consequences said to the Noble.

[Maid: No sir, it was a misunderstanding. I didn't do this on purpose.]

[????: Then you must pay the price of my Garment! 20,000 gold might be enough.]

[Maid: But I don't have that kind of money.]

[????: Then I'll take your arm. That will at least be worth something.]

This kind of person. And here I thought everyone was normal. Manipulating bastards like him should go to Hell.

As I was lost in thought, Charles grabs my shoulder with intent under his palm.

[Charles: Mordred. It's time for your debut. Do what you want.]

[Mordred: You.....Thanks.]

Mordred walks toward the nonchalantly with his footsteps unusually loud and his mouth showing a smile.

[Mordred: My, My, what have we got here?]

[Noble: It's because of your maid! She ruined my garment.]

[Maid: No sir I didn-]

[????: Shut up! You're not allowed to say anything unless I say so.]

What a piece of shit. Surely this isn't just an intentional accident, is it?

[Mordred: I believe that she is telling the truth. This endeavor could have been resolved if you didn't act like a child.]

[????: So you're telling me that I'm a liar?]

[Mordred: Are you opposing it then? You know the consequences right.]

As he said in an intimidating tone.

The Nobles who were listening to the scene are dumbfounded and idolizing his answer to the problem.

The Noble who falsified the accident is in fear of what is gonna happen if he opposes.

[????: No sir I am- ]

[Mordred: Then this conversation is over. You, maid, go clean your uniform.]

The Maid's eyes that were filled with fear have now been filled with hope.

[Maid: Yes young Lord.]

The maid left to clean her uniform.

Charles talks to Mordred about what he has done.

[Charles: Pretty good for a first-timer. I'm impressed.]