
Pelagus Fabula

This story follows the story Mordred who seeks strength to defeat Adam in the next magical war. While making connections through his journey he discovers the dark side of every race and his encounter with the powerful beings.

Iuvenis_Lectorem · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Nidhogg's blight

(-April 7, 2061/ 8:32 PM/ Current location: Trauzagaien University-)

The thorned arena is full of darkness and malice. Anastasia felt as if something was crawling inside of her. Liberating and coursing through her inside, it made her feel sick and nauseous.

Videns is floating on the air with a menacing aura.

[Videns: I didn't want to use this but you gave me no choice.]

[Anastasia: You know that form can eat away everything for the price of its power. So you have about 15 minutes to finish this fight.]

[Videns: That's More Than Enough!]

The rapier that he previously held flung back to him. Videns caught it casually like he expected the weapon's arrival.

Nidhogg's blight. A different version of Herrschmagius but its power is comparable to a walking nuke. But it has a cost. The user's sanity is greatly degraded after use so an imperfect and rushed transformation such as this will gnaw away one or many things. I need time to properly use Herrschmagius myself so I have to use them. (Anastasia)

[Anastasia: Primis, Secundum, Tertium, Quartum! Show Yourselves!]

Powers rivaling a continent.

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

[Primis: Master, I just finished evacuating the citizens and now this? Pretty demanding.]

With spells that can seal Demigods, she was known as the wall that protected the sacred palace in her deceased Master's name. Now she serves a new Master.

[Secundum: You dare disrespect Master Anastasia's orders?]

[Primis: Easy for you to say. I've been running around pulling people out of their houses and those students of the school all alone. Never have I been so embarrassed by running into a couple making out in the alleyway.]

One who bears the mark of the beast, Saved by the black sun. She gained sentience and will after Anastasia rescued her from the wilderness. Eager to pay her debt, she became one of her subordinates.

[Tertium: Oh, are they students? That might be good material for my book.]

[Primis: Stop making POV novels with Master Anastasia's name on it. It gives me a great deal of creeps under my skin.]

Cunning and unmatched with her countless gauntlets, She became one of her subordinates after an earthshaking duel above a certain mountain. All in solitude, she lived for the fist and killed for the fist. Until that spark lit her heart to do more than seek battle with stronger opponents.

The Chiroteca Arbiter.

[Quartum: I will have to agree with Primis here. You even showed me a drawing of her only wearing a white polo shirt. It's not as if I'm saying that your art is disturbing. The details are very refined and the emotions are well displayed in that book about you and our Master.]

[Anastasia: Enough of that. Tertium, burn those books.]

[Tertium: EH!?]

[Anastasia: And secondly, buy me some time for my magic.]

[Primis: How long Master?]

[Anastasia: 3 minutes.]

[Primis: That is more than enough.]

With the help of these four and the Codex Gigas, I can use it myself. Time is what I need and I need them to protect me while I'm at it. (Anastasia)

A surge of energy blasted away from Videns' palm. As it steers itself towards Anastasia, Primis is able to block it with her bare hands. Her palms seethed dark smoke and it smells horrid.

[Primis: A corruption attack spell with some sort of spreading effect.]

I see. Whatever it comes in contact with, it will spread itself and multiply using the host's body and mana. I have a spell just for that. (Quartum)

Primis darts to her for a better look at the effects of his attack.

[Secundum: That looks pretty bad. This is definitely a Tier 7 blight. I think that arm is long gone by now.]

[Primis: It's okay. I can always make a new one.]

She tore off her arm like brittle paper. No hesitation nor a mark of struggle on her face like she has done this like it's a morning routine. Her racial passive has never aged. The torn arm melted into an unholy abomination but nonetheless she had a new arm.

[Secundum: Your Chaos Axolotl Racial ability is improving again.]

[Primis: Jealous?]

[Secundum: I admit, I wish I had that but, who cares?]

Anastasia sat down and opened her book to find and perform the spell.

Videns flew around the Thorned arena with unrivalled speed. The After images started to multiply as each passing second presses on. As any person would, they panic. But then, pure Confidence.

Videns shooted spheres of corrupted energy that consumes everything it lays its touch upon.

That black droplet of energy hits something. But how it collided is a mystery.

He continues. Each attack he makes, another disappears with no fail. If something did hit there must be something lingering. like a scent or a mark somewhere. That is when he realized that this is a form of a spell keeping them safe.

[Quartum: Paracausal Dispersion. It's a simple spell but quite unbreakable.]

[Primis: It's been a while since I saw that spell again.]

[Quartum: The situation calls for it. You guys just focus on attacking while I protect our master.]

If range magic does not work then close range will. (Videns)

He dove down and rushed towards them. His right arm and rapier turned into an unholy machination with a greenish aura surrounding it.

[Tertium: Racial Summoning Magic! {Ashen Wolf Brigade}]

A pack... No, a Horde of wolves jumped out of her shadow and rained to stop him from proceeding.

With his dominant hand, he scoured the Horde clean with only one swing. All sliced in half.

I didn't account for this but my regeneration did. (Primis)

Primis' bottom half is torn off while she was blending in with the wolves. Still, her missing legs do not impede to perform this certain action.

[Primis: SPIKE DOWN!]

With a lethal punch to the back, Videns is descending at a swift pace. Her left hand is corrupted after making contact.

[Secundum: Sealing Magic: {The Enlightened One's Grasp}.]

A massive glowing translucent arm with beads on its wrist, grasps him whole. His body started to break like glass and the corruption of his Herrschmagius spell is dissipating.

Primis' iron will to sacrifice a corrupted arm, Tertium with her sharp claws and Quartum with her countless gauntlets, jumps to the sky and delivers the final blow. Dealing Astronomical damage to the area.

All of that damage just to see that he is not there nor even inflicted by any attack.

[Videns: All in one place.]

Corrupted orbs surround and charge at them.

Time begins to flow slowly as Videns quickly approaches Anastasia.

Quartum is presented with two options. Since she can only use Paracausal Dispersion in quick succession instead of concurrently. She can either protect the 3 of them or protect her master.

We may already know the answer.

A flash of black tainted lightning, an eerie sound that did not act like thunder. A faint red glow, unnatural static, The bells are ringing, flowers are wilting. The four disappeared into the arms of their Master.

Up above, Videns saw a form that he likely saw all too well.

The Ardent Lightning of Purgatory.