
Pelagus Fabula

This story follows the story Mordred who seeks strength to defeat Adam in the next magical war. While making connections through his journey he discovers the dark side of every race and his encounter with the powerful beings.

Iuvenis_Lectorem · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Creation against Creator

(-April 7, 2061/ 8:30 A.M/ Current location: Unknown-)

Dark and empty. The floor he is sitting on is a calm, tamed sea. The ocean floor cannot be seen. Bottomless as it may seem, there is no end to the screams he hears under the water. He cannot hear their pleas, rather, he ignores it.

While lying in a fetal position, Mordred's tears do not stop flowing.

The cold sea mirrored his shriveled heart.

In the abyss that is his memories, stood a form that Death recognized.

[Rex Phantasmate: Sulking won't change the fact that she has died. Death has taken her soul.]

Two drops of water fell down from the nonexistent sky.

[Rex Phantasmate: Two tears. Two have been claimed. Only a few remain until your tutorship.]

He did not care where he was. Mordred is in a state of deep depression. Drowning from his own lake, tears inside his mind.

[Mordred: Tell me truthfully. What will stop my sorrow?]

He begs for an answer. Seeking knowledge for the betterment of his loss.

[Rex Phantasmate: You can live in a delusion, far from the guilt or embrace it. There is no real answer when it comes to it. Others will give you advice on how to find peace but their methods only worked for theirs alone. If I were to give my advice, I would say: Give up.]

[Mordred: Give up? She wouldn't want that. Anna would say something that would keep me going.]

[Rex Phantasmate: Let me guess. "This is not the end, There will be a brighter tomorrow, Look upon the present and never look back". It's pretty basic. I think I've heard it more than the unhealthy amount. As the person who tutored Mary Spriggan Elusus, I think it's pretty on point on what she might say. She has a way with words but her words for the masses' is for their sympathy instead of duty.]

[Mordred: What are you saying?]

[Rex Phantasmate: I'm saying that actions speak louder than words. What you do tips the balance of good and bad. People act with purpose and reason. Words spoken by a victim are more guilty than the suspect. Actions reflect your soul, Not what you are. If they don't respect the action of an honest man then what are they to him?]

Those words. So clear to the picture and into the center. It's like he lived every life imaginable. (Mordred)

[Rex Phantasmate: Now what will you do? Stay broken or grow stronger?]

[Mordred: I Will!]

For This World And Anna, I Will! (Mordred)


[Rex Phantasmate: Then show her your motivation.]


(-April 7, 2061/ 8:35 A.M/ Current location: Commerce District-)

At the Commerce District. Two people halted their duel momentarily.

A creation opposing its creator.

A creator with a will to sacrifice.

Has it gone and done it? Did it throw away all sense of thinking and become dependent on instinct? I have no answer. Let me try something. (Alice)

[Alice: The people you killed inside that learning institute. Are you aware that they have children waiting for them? Do you know how many families cried just to ask them to stay home?]

He spoke. Beyond her expectations.

[Mordred: Families? Wives? Every decent man has one. I'm not one to care because I don't know them. I live in my father's house, fed delicious food, met the greatest people I can meet and, taught by the strongest and most knowledgeable people in this country. I may not live their lives but I know one thing. They died for a cause greater than yours.]

A cause greater than mine? Who do you think you are Homunculus?

Did You Feel The Same Pain He Felt To See One of Us Fall Into Death's Embrace! The Sacrifices He Made For Us Smile Is Much More Than He Can Take!


Was the only one I have left.

He took me away from my Wonderland Just for me to see a Dark and cruel world. I lived in a lie made of dreams and fiction. He showed me what it means to hear words that come from the heart.

That Is Why I Am Willing To Sacrifice This World Just For Him! (-Alice-)

[Alice: A Cause greater than mine? You sure can pull a leg Clone. ]

Her hand is placed far to the back and the legs wide and open.

Just like he did with the punching bag.

Red electricity is seeping from the fist and gradually becomes more volatile with each second. The lightning bridges to the ground and the air felt heavy.

The moment she made the slightest movement, Mordred felt his chest prickled with thousands of needles. He felt pain unbearable to any normal person. Yet that pain is less than losing Anna.

Alice's fist is blowing out steam.

Mordred did not see where and how that attack connected.

He pulls out another weapon from his skill "Hephaestus". That being a weapon from the father of Gods. A weapon that imitates or is the personification of divine punishment.

[Alice: Zeus' Thunderbolt this time?]

Pure Golden lightning. Power beyond human reach.

Is he trying to compete with speed? (Alice)

The building behind her, demolished with no warning. Lightning residue can be felt in the air. Thick and hard to breathe once you've inhaled more than enough.

With his body in overdrive, He threw the Thunderbolt faster than she could. The overwhelming speed of his throw single-handedly destroyed an innocent apartment building.

It's clear that his attack missed. But what's not clear is how he can do it.

Precognition. My only answer left in this fight. In speed, he already outclassed me. My reaction time couldn't be any slower. Seeing through the future is the safest way to dodge his attacks. If not then I must flee. (Alice)

Her eyes glowed blue and seethed out magical energy. Precognition is her trump card. Alice's Precognition is Racial which means it uses its user's mana instead of the mana present in the air.

The answer that corrects her problem but this time, it's not.

What is this? (Alice)

No matter what move she makes, it always ends in her death.

Stab through the back, crushed by Heracles' gauntlets, pierced by Poseidon's spear, Cursed by Hades' Bident, Shot by his bullets, my gut ripped open and more. So many possibilities of my death, and I haven't seen one where I triumph. This thing is like a walking machine of evolution. I can't win against this yet. I have to retreat. (Alice)

Nothing. Darkness. A void of unforgiving silence. What has transpired in his wrath? A jail, cold as his heart. It is a world of nothingness.

[Alice: What The Hell!?]

A Pocket dimension.

He walks towards Alice.

In each step He make ripples. It's as if he was walking on water. His body is seething out and the Magic alloy is starting to erode.

He sacrifices his transformation just to evoke a Pocket dimension. I guess we were doing too much damage to the city. But this is my chance. Without that transformation, I can win. (Alice)

Mordred's halo fades and the mark on his chest dissipates.

He has shown that he wants to defeat her with his own power.