
Pelagus Fabula

This story follows the story Mordred who seeks strength to defeat Adam in the next magical war. While making connections through his journey he discovers the dark side of every race and his encounter with the powerful beings.

Iuvenis_Lectorem · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Origins of the unlikely

(-April 7, 2061/ 8:40 AM/ Current location: Impala village-)

[Raiden: What is this place?]

Just like a town from a cowboy movie except it's futuristic and bountiful of magic-based technology. The townspeople were alerted by the light that brought both Filia and Raiden to such a place.

Something fell and broke.

Near them is a shop where the Old Keeper just bought bread and wine. He recently got out and saw them holding Anna's body.

Their gaze changed and went to where the origin of the sound came from.

That blitz of emotions made the Old Keeper lose his grip, the bread tumbled down and the wine bottle shattered.

Oh, how unfortunate it is for the young to disappear so soon in life.

[Old keeper: Anna?]

He muttered in a sad voice, tears running down his cheeks. Raiden kept looking down and biting his lips while Filia didn't say anything.

[Old keeper: What happened?]

[Raiden: That is-]

[Old keeper: No, this isn't the place where you should tell me. Follow.]

The Old keeper led them to the orphanage. Parts of the building are relatively destroyed but it still serves its purpose.

Some of the children are in the backyard of the orphanage but few of the remaining are inside and saw him holding the corpse of someone whom they adored and respected.

The youngest stood in front of Raiden while holding back his tears.

[Orphan: Is she gonna wake up soon? Big sis said that she'll come back with souvenirs. Please don't let her disappear.]

Another walks up to Raiden telling her promises to him

[Orphan 2: Big sis said that she will bring lots of money to make the Orphanage bigger for us and live more comfortably. Why did she-]

And another one, and then another one. All these promises, it was all for the benefit of this establishment, she is gone this fast and hasn't fulfilled at least a single one. It was because Anna was killed too soon to accomplish such tasks.

Anger, sorrow... Regret. Both Filia and Raiden felt it in their bones.

[Old keeper: Kids, get back inside for now. I need to talk to these people.]

All of them left and walked back to their rooms that they shared.

Raiden placed Anna on the table then the Old keeper covered her face with his handkerchief.

[Raiden: Is this where he-]

[Old Keeper: Yes. This is where he was raised. It's a good thing that he left early, otherwise he would have been found by that vixen.]

He stared at the corpse of his child, Something was stirring inside him. Like a storm in its infancy, waiting to be released. The pressure in the air is weighing a ton in them.

In a few moments, the torrent of mass grudge is put into a halt.

[Old keeper: Nothing we can do about it now. All I can do is bury her. Do you want to help?]

[Raiden: No... I'm not worthy.]


(-A few minutes before placing the body to the grave/ 8:44 AM-)

Anna's body is under the hole that the Old keeper dug up. Filia asked a question before he set the soil in. The outer layer is chock-full of Blue and white roses. Her grave couldn't be more grandeur.

[Filia: I have a question.]

[Old keeper: What is it?]

[Filia: What is he like in the orphanage?]

[Old keeper: If I could describe him in one word, I would say that he is stubborn.]

[Raiden: Why stubborn?]

[Old Keeper: He never had any power or even mana from the beginning. All he did was train his body and read books till he passed out. Then Mordred's stubbornness paid off and turned into talent. But it is flawed. He would risk even his life to achieve or gain something that others have. fortune, strength, knowledge, and all sorts of things that he is not blessed with.]

[Filia: That's not talent, that's-]

[Raiden: Greed... It's greed Filia.]

[Old Keeper: That's right. Mordred is the embodiment of Greed. To seek what is not his.]

He scoops and dumps soil into the hole he dug, the dead body slowly being covered. Grief struck like lightning, revenge is needed more than ever. If not, they wish to join.

As the last scoop is thrown, so is their hope.


(-April 7, 2061/ 8:45 AM/ Current location: The Demon King's Forest-)

Nearly half to the mountain and the monsters are starting to get larger and stronger. Luthien is only walking behind and talking to Muto while he's clearing the waves of middle level entities.

[Luthien: At this rate we'll reach the top for only a few hours. Experienced hunters will take days just to reach the top.]

[Muto: How do you know that?]

[Luthien: I have seen hunters travel up the mountain but later give up since the monsters gets increasingly powerful the further you are.]

[Muto: How about now?]

[Luthien: In my months of observing Demons traverse here, I'd say that you're the only one who made it this far.]

[Muto: Do I get a prize?]

[Luthien: You can ask the Guild.]

[Muto: After this hunt, maybe I will.]

Continuously stabbing and slashing through a seemingly never-ending road of beasts and brutes, all the while absorbing their mana cores. The mountains became stained with blood and death.

The mana becomes progressively dense the closer they enter their target. What lies in wait is a powerful beast that was revered in folktales and bard songs.

Between all those carcasses and the death of those monsters, one thing stood out to all. Like a grudge of a lifetime that can never be quelled.

Something feels strange, like bloodlust is directed towards me. Someone has a grudge on me and I don't know who or what it is. (Muto)

[Muto: Luthien, get in front.]

[Luthien: Sure Master.]

As she was told, Luthien heeded and pressed on until she was in front of him. The wind howled louder and louder as they continued on to rise above. The sky greyed and the monsters dwindled, Luthien felt the air.

It feels ominous and intimidating at the same time, we're halfway up the mountain. (Muto)

Something close brushed through his nape and into his right shoulder.

[????: You have his scent.]

He panics. Muto instinctively flooded the mountain with thousands of blades. The magic Muto conjured is ringing, an imperfect release of his spell may very well break it's foundation and turn into residue after the initial release.

[????: To have this much power, Why did you kill him?]

[Muto: Kill who now?]

[????: MY BROTHER!]

His face, just like Muto used to be. Drowned in regret and lusting for revenge. His soul screams retribution. The ominous feeling that he felt was none other than him.

[Muto: Are you related to Rance?]