
Pelagus Fabula

This story follows the story Mordred who seeks strength to defeat Adam in the next magical war. While making connections through his journey he discovers the dark side of every race and his encounter with the powerful beings.

Iuvenis_Lectorem · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Forge Master

(-March 2, 2061/ 1:15 PM/ Current location: Blacksmith country, Ferrarius-)

[Mordred: Why did you bring us to this country.]

[Charles: I have to meet someone.]

In summary of "Why" I'm in this country. Charles woke me up at 8:00 AM and said that I need a personal weapon.

He was excited about it too. It's the first time I saw him like that so I complied.

Ferrarius is a country with a population that consists of Dwarves, Elves, and humans.

Dwarves create weapons.

Elves engrave the weapons or imbue them with magical properties.

And Humans deliver materials and sell their products in another country.

The Beastman isn't there due to the carbon emissions that are constantly expelled by their forge. It can endanger their lives. but other than that, it's a good country.

We went to a shop that Charles insisted on going to. It was small but their merchandise are still very refined, almost like showing off art. They have Engraved swords, Mana swords, and Elemental swords.

[Mordred: This place has good merchandise.]

[Charles: Better than those big companies.]

A tall female Dwarf with pigtails, who is sitting down on the counter, greets Charles.

[????: Sup. Are you here for another weapon?]

Charles points at Mordred.

[Charles: I need a weapon for my son here, Carmina.]

Carmina opens the door of her counter and runs up to Charles.

She screams at his face.

[Carmina: You Didn't Tell Me You Had Sex With Someone.]

[Charles: I did not. I adopted him.]

Carmina sighs with relief.

[Carmina: Good! Remain pure.]

[Charles: Do you want me to use "Wind Cleave" on your face.]

As he said while making a fist.

Carmina glances at Mordred in an observative way.

[Mordred: Something wrong?]

[Carmina: Nice to meet you. I'm Carmina Magister, A Forge Master. nice to meet you.]

[Mordred: Awfully tall for a Dwarf. The textbooks said that the average height for a dwarf is 4 ft tall.]

[Carmina: My mother was Dwarf and my father was an Elf.]

[Mordred: That explains it.]

Charles tells Mordred.

[Charles: Why don't you look for a weapon. You might find something you like.]

[Mordred: I'll go look for it then.]

Mordred walks around trying to find a gauntlet.

Charles talks to Carmina.

[Carmina: He's pretty strong. A Homunculus with the strength as strong as a Vampire Champion, His speed is as fast as a Wyvern, and his Mana capacity is bottomless.]

As she said while looking at Charles with her eyes seething out used Magical energy.

[Charles: He's a bit of an anomaly. You have a bad habit of using your Forge Master's appraisal ability. ]

[Carmina: I'm a bit too curious about your child.]

The topic changes.

[Charles: I know you have it.]

[Carmina: Have what?]

[Charles: A fragment of the Archaic sword.]

[Carmina: Ah. Is he about to wake up?]

[Charles: In 20 years, he will wake up and we cannot stop it anymore. Once the planets are all lined up perfectly, it will create a balance and wake him from a deep slumber.]

[Carmina: I get that. Once this is all over, what are you gonna do?]

[Charles: Die old. I've been regressing my physical body so much, the drugs I have to swallow are more potent these days.]

[Carmina: What's the name of the drug?]

[Charles: Retrorsum.]

[Carmina: You will go any length to do what you want huh?]

[Charles: That's what is charming about me.]

[Carmina: Since when did you become charming?]

A warm calmness of friendship broke the barrier of silence that was made after Charles's becoming the King of Trauzagaien.

Carmina made game changing contributions during the Magical war as the supplier of weapons and armor. Her talent with the hammer surpasses any Blacksmith of the country. Her talent was so extraordinary that she was offered to be a candidate for the next seat of King.

She refused because she said it was too much of a pain to do so.

[Carmina: I'll give you the fragment in one condition.]

[Charles: What is it?]

[Carmina: I want you to promise me that you will defeat him.]

[Charles: With everything that I have, I promise that I will beat Adam.]

[Carmina: Then follow me.]

Carmina took Charles upstairs to the shop. There a chest containing a fragment of the Archaic sword is placed.

When they entered, someone was already there.

Mordred held the fragment and looked at it with curious eyes.

[Carmina: Seems like he's attracted to it.]

With her face clear as day showing admiration.


(-Few minutes earlier-)

While Mordred was looking for gauntlets, he heard a feminine voice that seemed out of place. It was different from Carmina's voice. It was young and high pitched.

[????: Child of imitation. Do you seek power?]

Mordred looked around the shop and saw nothing but Charles and Carmina talking to each other.

No one else but them were speaking.

[????: I will not repeat myself. Do you seek power.]

It was his last chance to answer. If he declines, this offer will not be presented anymore.

[Mordred: Yes.]

[????: Repeat after me. T̴̨͕͎̰̃̂h̵͖͐̈̋͘o̴̪̰̹̣̊̀͌̕u̸̠͓̾̑ ̵͖̳͒ś̶̩͕͓̑͗̀ḧ̷̛̬͖̩̬͆̒a̶͕̩̎l̴̝͎̭̋̿̋̆ͅl̵̟͙̱̐̀ ̴̢̰̯͍̃́͂̓I̷̞̟̍͛̏͘,̷̫͍̙̋̈̊ͅ ̷̢̼̀a̴̧̨̼͗͌͜n̸̯̋ḋ̶̪̰͜ ̶̛͉̫͒̃̈I̸̡̜͙͗̆̇͝ͅ ̴͙̾̚ŝ̵̠̉̕͝h̵̠̑͠ą̴̡͚͎̽ḷ̴̏̇l̷̝̈́̀ ̵̳͇̤͕̆t̵̙̫̚h̸͉͛̋̎͜͝o̵̧̥͈̭͊ǘ̵̯͓̥̲͐̒ ̴̛̖̃̋b̵̧̭͉͊̎ë̶̛̗̏ć̸͎͙̃͝ơ̵̫m̵̦̑̅̓͘e̵̢͙̤͉͊͝ ̸̥͔͋o̴̯̾n̸͕͘͘é̶͓̪̥ ̴͍̙́̑̚͘w̶̡̺͙̠͊ǐ̶̧̫̱̰̎̌̚t̵̜͙̝̦̄h̷͙̒̀̐ ̴͙̹̽̚m̶̥̮͑̿́y̵̢̡͚̯̓ ̵̹̮͖̐̀́ċ̴͓̚͘͠ò̸͙͈͛̈́ṉ̷̡̛͈̈́͌t̶͓̣̒̎r̷̨̟̉͂a̴̧͑c̶͔͕̣̗̍̐̏̾t̴̹̭͘o̴̟̫͍̫͋͂̿̋r̷̭̩̜̀̆]

[Mordred: T̴̨͕͎̰̃̂h̵͖͐̈̋͘o̴̪̰̹̣̊̀͌̕u̸̠͓̾̑ ̵͖̳͒ś̶̩͕͓̑͗̀ḧ̷̛̬͖̩̬͆̒a̶͕̩̎l̴̝͎̭̋̿̋̆ͅl̵̟͙̱̐̀ ̴̢̰̯͍̃́͂̓I̷̞̟̍͛̏͘,̷̫͍̙̋̈̊ͅ ̷̢̼̀a̴̧̨̼͗͌͜n̸̯̋ḋ̶̪̰͜ ̶̛͉̫͒̃̈I̸̡̜͙͗̆̇͝ͅ ̴͙̾̚ŝ̵̠̉̕͝h̵̠̑͠ą̴̡͚͎̽ḷ̴̏̇l̷̝̈́̀ ̵̳͇̤͕̆t̵̙̫̚h̸͉͛̋̎͜͝o̵̧̥͈̭͊ǘ̵̯͓̥̲͐̒ ̴̛̖̃̋b̵̧̭͉͊̎ë̶̛̗̏ć̸͎͙̃͝ơ̵̫m̵̦̑̅̓͘e̵̢͙̤͉͊͝ ̸̥͔͋o̴̯̾n̸͕͘͘é̶͓̪̥ ̴͍̙́̑̚͘w̶̡̺͙̠͊ǐ̶̧̫̱̰̎̌̚t̵̜͙̝̦̄h̷͙̒̀̐ ̴͙̹̽̚m̶̥̮͑̿́y̵̢̡͚̯̓ ̵̹̮͖̐̀́ċ̴͓̚͘͠ò̸͙͈͛̈́ṉ̷̡̛͈̈́͌t̶͓̣̒̎r̷̨̟̉͂a̴̧͑c̶͔͕̣̗̍̐̏̾t̴̹̭͘o̴̟̫͍̫͋͂̿̋r̷̭̩̜̀̆]

He loses control of his body. Like a machine being controlled remotely.

Mordred, however, isn't opposed. He remained calm with what was happening and continued walking upstairs like it was an everyday occurrence.

He entered the attic and saw a glowing violet chest. He opened it and saw an orb. The orb spoke just like what he heard in his head.

Mordred regains control of his body.

[????: Congratulations. You and I are bound by the contract. By the contract's laws, I will say my name. I am Evangel.]

[Mordred: I am Mordred. I have a few questions.]

[Evangel: State it.]

[Mordred: First off, Why me? And second, What are you?]

[Evangel: I can answer the first question but the second one is a question I cannot answer yet.]

[Mordred: Fine by me.]

[Evangel: To answer your question. Your Mana capacity is like an endless sea, your body is refined in such a way that you can't be called Human at all, and finally, you can't use magic.]

[Mordred: What kind of power are you giving me anyway?]

[Evangel: The power to control the elements. Once you have acquired all my pieces, and The Gospel's fruit, I will be able to give you all of the power you desire.]

Mordred made a sinister-like smile, his eyes showed a thirst for power.

[Mordred: How many fragments are you missing?]

[Evangel: Five fragments. The first blade, the second blade, the hilt, and the handle. Since you already have the core, you only need to find 4 fragments ]

[Mordred: That's it?]

[Evangel: Don't underestimate the challenge. The journey to finding my fragments may be difficult but you must not go over yourself.]

[Mordred: I'll keep that in mind.]

He hears footsteps starting to reach the top floor. Mordred sees Carmina and Charles being surprised by me holding a core of the sword.