
Pelagus Fabula

This story follows the story Mordred who seeks strength to defeat Adam in the next magical war. While making connections through his journey he discovers the dark side of every race and his encounter with the powerful beings.

Iuvenis_Lectorem · Fantasy
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48 Chs


(-March 1, 2061/ 6:22 PM/ Current location: Mansion gates-)

Anastasia opened a portal and carried Glacies back to Magna Curvae.

[John: Let's go inside before it gets cold.]

[Mordred: Sure.]


That's what I am then. An artificial life form created for fulfilling certain roles. When I thought that I had the answers, another one appeared.

In what way am I a Homunculus?

Mordred goes to his room that was provided by Charles. The room was spacious and could fit 35 people inside. Inside the room have a walk-in closet, a bed with a roof, as well as a desk containing magic books and grimoires.

He sits at the chair of his desk with a frown visible from a mile away.

Someone knocks on the doors gently.

[Mordred: Come in.]

[????: Excuse me, young Lord.]

An old butler enters the room. He may look ordinary but he is the one who trained all the maids with combat and service.

[Mordred: Sebastián. Is something wrong?]

Sebastián asks.

[Sebastián: That is what I would like to ask you, Young Lord. Why the sad face? It's unbecoming of when you first set foot into the mansion.]

[Mordred: Do you ever feel that when you know all the answers, another one gets slammed into your face.]

Sebastián answers

[Sebastián: During my time as a hitman, I have questioned everything about my targets. I get that it's hard but it must not overwhelm you, Young Lord.]

[Mordred: I know. It's just that, everything feels so big when you take a few steps back.]

[Sebastián: Such as life. No one can control it.]

Mordred showed appreciation to Sebastián.

[Mordred: Sorry about that Sebastián. Looks like I shared too much.]

[Sebastián: There is no need. I enjoyed our conversation. And also, dinner is ready. ]

[Mordred: Okay.]


(-6:30 PM/ Current location: Magna Curvae mountain shack-)

Glacies woke up from her bed with a little headache and difficulty in seeing.

She sees Anastasia bringing a water jug.

[Anastasia: Hm. Earlier than I expected.]

[Glacies: Who is he?]

[Anastasia: My student, Mordred.]

[Glacies: He's not supposed to be there. If he loses control of his magic and goes berserk, the whole country will be destroyed.]

[Anastasia: Just have faith and you'll see the results. I might lose my life or be the cause of killing millions of people. Nevertheless, I will do anything to stop him.]

Glacies smirks. Seems like she gained some faith towards Anastasia.

[Glacies: Is there nothing you can do?]

[Anastasia: You're talking to a 2,000-year-old, pure-blood, day walker vampire.]

Glacies chuckles for a little bit.


(-March 2, 2061/ 1:32 PM/ Terroscura Jail fortress-)

Terroscura, A city-like jail containing the biggest and most notorious of criminals. It also where all the oldest known knowledge can be found within its confusing architecture.

No man, woman, or children has escaped the Terroscura as a criminal.

Until now that is.

[????: Why did he send us to a place like this?]

Two people wearing robes with hoods are being chased by guards near the underground jail.

One is holding a piece of paper while the other one is observing her surroundings to avoid contact with other guards as much as possible.

[????: Our Lord obviously sent us here to get something. As his subjects, we are to act on his request accordingly.]

The woman said while she's losing her breath.

[????: We're nearly there.]

A large teleportation magic circle that is drawn by chalk is nearly in their reach.

[????: Ready your Mana stone.]

Both picked their stones containing large amounts of magical energy.

They reach the center of the Magic circle.

Immediately throw the Mana stone to the ground, causing the magic circle to absorb the Mana and perform its intended purpose.

Once they both disappear, so does the magic circle to prevent them from being tracked.

The two of them reappeared in a large empty room made of iron.

They removed their hoods, revealing their faces.

The door behind them opened, revealing Charles who was waiting for them.

[Charles: Good work, Primis, and Alpha. The item that I asked for?]

[Alpha: Yes]

Alpha handed the paper to Charles.

He examines the paper keenly to ascertain its value.

[Charles: As I thought. It's a fake.]

[Primis: How? Lord Charles.]

[Charles: I saw the real one for myself and I know it has a mark on the back with a signature. It's fabricated and it's sloppy with the details.]

[Primis: After all that and almost getting captured. I wanna eat some soup already.]

[Charles: Tomorrow, the two of you will rest until I find another place for the both of you to sneak in.]

Alpha and Primis saluted and left the Iron-made room.

[Charles: But there is some credibility on this paper.]


(March 2, 2061/ 8:30 AM/ Current location training grounds-)

Mordred is being taught by Anastasia on the training grounds. Charles and John are talking to each other in the office and Alpha and Primis are asleep with bags of chips on Primis's face.

Everything seemed fine.

[Anastasia: Boy, when using magic what appears on your wrist?]

[Mordred: A Gyrate.]

[Anastasia: Correct. What are the three types of Gyrate formation?]

[Mordred: Overlaying, Inlaying and mixed.]

[Anastasia: How do you stop a Mage from performing his magic?]

[Mordred: Analyze the magic being used and add an opposing element to disrupt the flow and shatter the Gyrate.]

They continue the questioning and answering for a little while.

Primis, who was walking to the cafeteria, saw Mordred being taught by Anastasia. She did not see anything special with him but one thing is for sure.

Anastasia wouldn't just teach anyone on a whim.

[Anastasia: By April, you will attend an Academy in Trauzagaien. Your identity will be that of a normal student so don't reveal that you're the son of Charles.]

[Mordred: But why do I have to attend an Academy when I'm being taught here.]

[Anastasia: Something about making connections he said.]
