
Season 2 - Page Seven


Did I hear it right? He's really asking me out? Like... Me and him? On a relationship? Together? Or He wants us to go outside... Literally? Like outside the classroom?

Because there's no way that he means that way... Right?

"Cat got your tongue? You were so noisy earlier. What happened to your voice?"

"It's because you suddenly said that!"

He lets go of me and sits at the desk across me with his arms crossed.

"W-why... Why do you want to go out with me?"

I feel like my face is burning really bad right now. And this is all because of him. Of course, if he attacks me so suddenly like that, I'll be this way! And besides... This is the first time someone asked me out so... It's just normal that I blush!

But I shouldn't assume things. After all, with his attitude, he might be making fun of me so I should get a hold of myself.

"You seem interesting."


Did I seem interesting? So... A comedian?

"Do you like me?"

"Do I have to?" He answered in the coldest tone possible. I stared at him in disbelief.

"You... Have you ever liked someone? Like... A crush? Or something?"

"I don't see the need for it."

My mouth was open for a moment, unable to say something. He really is unbelievable. Wow.

"That's why you got slapped! Then why do you go out with them? For entertainment?" He nodded, much to my surprise. I swear, my blood is boiling right now. Like, I want to slap his face too, much harder than what that girl did earlier. He's so insensitive!

Ah, this calls for a lesson!

"Okay. I'll go out with you!" I shouted before standing and approaching him. "I swear, I'll make you fall for me!" I grabbed his tie. "Do you understand?"

A grin plastered on his face. "I understand." He answered before grabbing my neck to pull me for a kiss.

Is it too late to back up now?


"Ouch! What was that for?"

I asked while scratching my head after Siren smacked it.

"I just wanted to do that. Your face looks annoying for some reason."

I pouted and didn't say anything. The truth is, I didn't get a chance to sleep at all yesterday after what happened. A part of me regrets agreeing with him but there's also a part of me that is excited. And that confuses me, to be honest. Why would I be excited to be with him? To be with that arrogant jerk?

Don't tell me... I like him?

"Ouch! Siren!"

Siren just smacked my forehead again! And this time, it's even harder! I felt like my brain popped out because of that. Tsk.

"I told you, you're making an annoying face. What is wrong with you? You've been like that ever since you went inside this classroom."

"N-nothing! I just want to stare into nothing! Is it that bad?!"

Siren stared at me like I'm a cockroach and honestly I wanted to smack myself too. Just what am I saying?!

"Why do I even know you..." Siren whispered while shaking his head.


"Good Morning."

A sweet voice echoes behind me and I see Yujin, looking all cute with his headband with a cute little bunny design.

"Yujin! Siren keeps smacking my head!"

"Yeah, Yeah, whatever."

Yujin chuckles lightly before sitting beside me. "It's really good to see you being so energetic in the morning, Hana."

"Can you at least tell her to stop hitting me?!"

She just smiled at me. I sighed. I give up. I heard Siren laughing but I ignored her. She's really having too much fun teasing me, huh?

"Are you finished with the assignment, Hana?"

"Not yet. I fell asleep while doing it yesterday." I just really forgot to do it but I don't want to hear Lea scolding me so I lied. Hehe

"You want to copy mine?"

An angel!

"Can I?"

I felt a light smack on my head. Again?!

"Stop taking advantage of her and do your own work."

"I did it! I just forgot about it!" I glared at Siren and she glared at me in return. Woah. Her glare is really scary, much scarier than Lea's.

"It's really fine." Yujin interrupts our mental fight and hands me the notebook. "Just write faster and finish it before the bell rings."

I stared at Yujin when I saw something weird on her neck so I lean close to her to check it.

"W-what is it?"

"Are you okay? That's so red!" I said and pointed at the big red dot just near her left collarbone.


"That." I touched it. "It doesn't hurt?"

"I..." Yujin's face and neck immediately turned red and I could see the panic on her face.

"What are you babbling there?" Siren asks.

"She had a mosquito bite on her neck! It looks so red. Is she alright?"

Siren stared at me for a second while trying to figure out what I'm saying.

Wait a minute...

"Oh? You have it too, Siren!"

Unlike Yujin's, the one on Siren is hidden on her right shoulder, something you won't see unless you lean closer.

"Are mosquitoes rampant these days? I should get a mosquito repellant soon." I suddenly felt my arms itchy for no reason.

"Yeah. It's a mosquito bite. I kind of got carried away and scratched it until it get red." Siren explains while fixing her uniform to further hide the mosquito bite.

"We should be really careful. I don't want to get sick."

"A-aren't you going to copy my assignment? The bell's about to ring..." Yujin's trembling voice snaps me back to reality.

"Ah, right! Thanks, Yujin!"

I was hurriedly writing when I heard Lea say something.

"You idiot."

I looked up and she was looking at me.

"I told you, I fell asleep while-"

Lea shook her head. "You're hopeless."



Siren smacks me on my arm with a notebook. "Your assignment!"

"Oh right!"


Oh. That's weird.

My life's peaceful. Why is that?

I looked behind me and saw an empty seat. He's absent? No wonder it seems so calm today.

Well, not that I care. I really don't have the energy for other annoying people. Siren and Lea are enough for today.

But why is he absent? Maybe he's sick?

Ugh. Why do I even care?!

Who am I kidding? The truth is, I'm bothered by it. After all, I'm her girlfriend so I think I have the right to wonder about his absence.

I'm still not used to that word. I wonder when I'll get used to it.

I should really stop thinking about him! What should I think about? Ah, food! Yes, food... Yummy and delicious foods.

Ice cream, Bread, Noodles, Chicken, Spaghetti...

I sighed. I don't like where this is heading. Tsk.

"You're going to sleep here?"


I looked up and sees Lea standing infront of me. Then I looked around to see no one besides us in the classroom.

"Oh. I didn't notice." I grabbed my bag and stands up "Let's go."

"What's wrong with you? You're not yourself today."

"Hmmm? It's just a lack of sleep. I'm thinking of sleeping right after I got home."

Lea didn't say anything and I felt relieved. Good thing she's not pushy or else I would spill everything at once. It's not like I wanted to hide it. Come to think of it, our relationship isn't even that serious so there's no reason for me to say it to them.

Maybe when it became real?

Ha, who am I kidding?

"Ah, right. Want to stop by the cafe I mentioned yesterday? We can buy some cake if they're delicious."


Eh? Lea's voice sounded manly.

"What ha-"

My eyes widen in shock when I see Bryan beside me.

"W-why are you... Why are you here?!"

"Noisy as always."

"Where's Lea?!"

He shrugged his shoulders. "I told her I'm going with you and she said Yes."

Grrr... Lea!!!! How could you do this to me?!

"Your mind seems to be flying elsewhere that you didn't notice what's going on around you. You can get kidnapped, you know."

"Tsk. I'm just thinking about something."

"Thinking about me?"

"W-why would I do that?!"

He just nodded and ignored me. This is my first time seeing him in casual clothes. He... Looks good. Well, tall people really look good in everything. He's not that special.

I stared at him again. He's wearing ragged jeans and a simple black polo. His hair is messy in a fashionable way. And somehow, it looks cool being swayed by the wind.

Yeah, I admit that he looks cool, and yeah, he would never hear it from me.


Bryan grabs my wrist to stop me.


"Are you stupid? It's green light!" He shouted and pointed at the traffic light. "Stop being absent-minded, will you?!"

"I-I'm sorry..."

Bryan sighed and before I knew it, he was already holding my hand tightly.

"Are you sure you're gonna make me fall for you? Because at this rate, it's hopeless."

Right. I told him that I'll make him fall for me. Where did that courage go now, huh, Hana? Why am I acting this way?!

"W-what do you mean, hopeless?!" I held his hand tighter. "My mission starts now!"

"What mission..."

"Let's go!"

I dragged him before he could say anything harsh toward me.

It's now time for Hana's charm to work! Just wait and see, you arrogant Bryan!

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