
Season 2 - Page Eight


I've been trying to stop myself from laughing for quite some time now, seeing Bryan's confused and annoyed face right infront of me. Since Lea ditched me, he'll be my replacement to eat in this cafe/cake shop I found last week.

"You don't seem to like sweets," I commented. He really looks uncomfortable which is a total 180-degree change from his usual arrogant stance.

"I expected nothing from the likes of you."

"And what does that mean?!"

He glanced at me, his eyes bored and menacing. As if I'll get scared. Hmph

"Just get your food so we can get out of here."

"Is there anything you want? I'll treat you since I brought you here!" I peeked at the glass counter behind me and I feel my saliva building up just looking at those delicious cakes. I want to eat them all!

"So, what do you-"

Where is he?

I looked around and saw him already at the counter paying. And is that cakes on the tray I see? By cakes I mean lots of cakes! Did he buy a slice of all cakes on the shelf?


"Here. It seems like one is not enough for you." He put two trays full of cakes infront of me. I gulped secretly. As I thought, they all looked lovely! What should I eat first? Hnggg It's so hard to choose!

"A-are you sure..." I glanced at him who is calmly sipping his iced coffee. Seems like he's comfortable now. That's good.

"Just eat."

"What about you?"

"I'm not really fond of sweets."

"Eh? At least take a bite!" I took a piece of mocha cake and offered it to him but he just stared at me. "It's good! Try it!"

"You haven't even tasted it."

"I know it's delicious!"

He sighed. "Can you not shout?"

"But this is my normal voice!" I pushed the fork closer to his mouth. "C'mon.."

I let out a big smile when he ate it. I feel like a mom who successfully made her son eat a vegetable.


"Yeah, it's good."

"Really?" Now it's my turn to take a bite. And wow, he's right! It's really good!

"Ish weally good!"

"Don't talk when your mouth is full!" Bryan scolded me and I just nodded and smiled at him. It's a good thing I went here. My sweet tooth is completely satisfied! Hehe

"So, where are we going tomorrow?" I asked when we were waiting for the traffic light. We finished eating (actually, just me because he never took a bite after that one) and now heading home. I didn't get to eat it all so I'm bringing them with me. Speaking of, where are they?! Don't tell me-

"Wherever you wanted to go," Bryan answered and that's when I found that he was holding three boxes of cake. I sighed in relief. I thought I left it there. "What?"

"Nothing. I thought I left the cakes at the store. Hehe"

"You really did. I was just nice enough to grab it."


"I won't be surprised if you left your brain at your house 'cause it seems like you already do."

"Hey, that's not true!"

He just stick his tongue at me as his answer. This guy... I thought he became nicer!

"Let's go." He called when the light went green. We continued walking until we bump into someone we both knew.

"Miss Astrid!" I excitedly called and waved at her. She smiled at us in return.

"The class has already ended, why are you still in your uniform?"

"We went on a date," Bryan answers honestly. A date?!

"It must be nice being young." She gave us a knowing smile. "Just don't stay up too late. You still have class tomorrow."

"Yes, Miss Astrid."

"Who are you talking to?"

"Sorelle?" I asked. I know it's Siren's sister but you know, just in case it just looks like her. She just came outside the store besides us.

So Miss Astrid and Sorelle know each other? Wow, what a small world!

Sorelle looked surprised upon seeing me. I wonder why.

"You... You're not with Siren?"

"She went home ahead of us."

She nodded. "That's good."

"You know them, Sorelle?"

"She's my sister's friend."

"Oh really?"

I giggled. "I didn't know you knew each other! What a small world!"

Miss Astrid laughs at my statement. "Yeah. A small world indeed. We gotta go. You guys go home now, okay?"

We go separate ways after we bid goodbye. I wonder if Siren knows about Miss Astrid and her sister's friend. Well, I think she knows. They don't seem the type to hide secrets from each other. It must be nice having a sister.

"What are you mumbling there?" Bryan asks as he smacks my head lightly. I glared at him in return.

"It was nothing, okay?"

"You're whispering like you've gone mad." He stops walking and hands me the boxes of cake. "I'm going home. Thanks for walking me home." He said with a sheepish smile on his face.

"What..." I looked around and I'm in an unfamiliar neighborhood! Why didn't I notice that it's not the way home?!

Maybe I did leave my brain at home. Ugh

"See you tomorrow..."

"Wait! Are you seriously going to leave me here?!" I shouted as I cling on to his arm like it was my lifeline.

"Can't you go home alone? What are you, a kid?"

"I don't know this neighborhood! I'm not letting you go until you brought me back home!"



I heard Bryan taking a deep breath. "Fine. Let's go."

With that, he drags me away and stops again after a few minutes.

"We're here. This your neighborhood, right?"

I stand straight and looked around. Now, it looks familiar!

"But... It seems near to your..."

"My home is just one block away from yours." He said mockingly before removing my hand that is still clinging to his arm.

"How did you know?"

"I always saw you walking with Lea every morning so it's not hard to tell."

"So, you know me even before?!"

"It's easy to remember you, especially with your loud mouth. You're letting me go now, right? Or do you want me to walk you home right to your house?"

"No... I-it's fine."

He clicks his tongue and turns around leaving me speechless.

W-why am I blushing?! So what if he knows me even before? It's not like he likes me!

I should just go home and eat this cake to calm myself.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

eudaimoniacreators' thoughts