
Path to the Peak

A path that none found but exists. Many lost in search of a path while those who persists may find it. Follow Long Hao in seeking the Path to the Peak in cultivation. This novel is about a boy named Long Hao searching the true path in cultivation filled with dangers while confronts enemies and found friends.

Vasco812 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


Although four of them were fighting each other, they were also wary of Long Hao as they felt weird why he didn't even join them or interrupt their fight. Wei Lu was going to kick Long Hao off the stage when the battle started but was blocked by Song Jia incessant blows. Fa Mu was worried as he fought because he thought that Long Hao was going to take advantage of him while being beaten by Mu Mingze.

Song Jia and Mu Mingze keep glancing at Long Hao expecting him to move to attack them but nothing happen. Sometimes they furrowed their brows when they see Long Hao making faces which making it more weirder. Song Jia even prepared a hidden dagger just in case Long Hao attack her first to escape. But still nothing happen to them for a good 15 minutes of fighting.

Long Hao watch them fighting with each other for a long time. Many thoughts came to his mind. He watched their martial arts, their skill, the way they fought with each other and he even had learn their fighting style. As he observed them, he learn new things and ways to improve his martial arts that if his father look at his face right now Long Chen would smiled while shaking his head as he know Long Hao had a look of ecstacy. Long Hao close his eyes and take a deep breath.

Then he say "Hey, you guys forgot about me?"

All of them stop for a moment to look at Long Hao. They knew he was going to start attacking them so they were prepared, thou they continue fighting afterwards.

Suddenly, Long Hao dash towards Wei Lu and Song Jia. He intercept them both with his martial arts. He punched towards both of their ribs when both of them were exchanging blows. They block the punch, Wei Lu slash his sword toward Song Jia while kicking Long Hao stomach meanwhile Song Jia block the sword with her dagger and tried to stab Long Hao in his ribs.

Long Hao jump backwards as he then run back towards Wei Lu and throw him many punches. Wei Lu were kept in a pinch as he had to deal with two people fighting him. He was vexed as Long Hao were only focusing on him while ignoring Song Jia. Long Hao unending punches on Wei Lu were making him tremble because of the heaviness of Long Hao blows. Long Hao keeps on targeting Wei Lu while ignoring Song Jia assault as he only dodge or block the daggers with his scabbard.

Finally, Long Hao manage to land a punch on Wei Lu's stomach while switching his target towards Song Jia. As Wei Lu was flying backwards, Song Jia had been kicked at her side by Long Hao. She winced at the pain as she thought "What a powerful kick!".

Wei Lu gasped for some air as he felt the heavy punch was too much. He feel better after taking a few gasp and ask Song Jia "How the hell did this guy so strong!?". She wryly smile and dodge a punch from Long Hao. Wei Lu then dash towards Long Hao while glancing at Song Jia. Both of them glance at each other and nod as a truce and will cooperate with each other to fight Long Hao for now.

Long Hao smiled when he saw their nods and said "Come.".

Meanwhile, Fa Mu was struggling with Mu Mingze and he almost dropped his saber. He hands were trembling from blocking Mu Mingze staff. At one point, he had felt the power from the staff on his body, it made him winced and almost shed tears as it was too hurt. Fa Mu saw that Long Hao already make his move towards his friends.

Then, Fa Mu decided to run from Mu Mingze and joined his friends which he planned for all of them to fight with each other making it a five way fight so that he can avoid confronting his opponent alone. He dodged the staff that was aimed on his head and run towards his friends. Mu Mingze was shocked to see this happened that he laugh out loud and chase after Fa Mu.

All of them gather back together on the center of arena as they trade blow for blow, evading and dodging any powerful blow while blocking the ones that they can't dodge. It almost became like a brawl in a pub as they change opponents every time as they wanted to land a blow.

Long Hao kept giving punches and kicks towards them while considering if he should go all out and take out his sword. But his intuition tells him that he should wait and be patience.

They fought until somehow all of them manage to untangled from themselves. They stop and look at each other. Fa Mu and Song Jia were taking a deep breath as the fight had taken a toll on their stamina and qi while Wei Lu, Mu Mingze and Long Hao were breathing slowly to calm down their senses as their body was filled with bruises and wounds.

"Left the stage. Both of you won't make it anyways." said Wei Lu.

Fa Mu and Song Jia at each other. They smiled and said "Never.".

Mu Mingze was laughing "HAHAHA! Interesting. To think that I get to play a lot today. HAHAHAHA!"

Long Hao shakes his head as he thought "Both of them won't last long. And to think that a crazy guy would appear in this competition."

Suddenly, Long Hao rushed towards Fa Mu and Song Jia making all of them surprised. He punched both of them at the same time at their chest while followed with a kick to their stomach.

As they weren't prepared for it, both of them managed to blocked the punch making their hands shaking but didn't dodged the kick. They soon flew out of the of the arena. Puke and saliva flew out of their mouths as they vomit.