
Path to the Peak

A path that none found but exists. Many lost in search of a path while those who persists may find it. Follow Long Hao in seeking the Path to the Peak in cultivation. This novel is about a boy named Long Hao searching the true path in cultivation filled with dangers while confronts enemies and found friends.

Vasco812 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Last Dance

Song Jia and Fa Mu rolled outside of the stage while vomiting. Their stomach rumbled as they got kicked by Long Hao while medics appeared to give some medical assistance.

Long Hao turn his head to see Wei Lu and Mu Mingze shock faces. They didn't expect Long Hao to kick two people out by his own. While it looks like Long Hao is strong but actually Long Hao uses Fa Mu and Song Jia depleted stamina and qi. He knows that they were actually done as one cannot fight without qi and stamina. That's why he kicked them out as they were tired and can't even evade his kick.

Mu Mingze laugh "HAHAHAHAHA! To think that I get to fight without holding back! HAHAHAHAHA!"

"I wonder how kids my age have someone this crazy." Long Hao thought to himself.

Three of them watch each other move as they waiting for someone to start the fight.

Wei Lu dash toward Long Hao then slash his sword at Long Hao's hand. Mu Mingze also reacted by swinging his staff to strike Long Hao's leg. Long Hao dodge the two way attack then he gather his qi on his hand and punch Wei Lu. Wei Lu block the punch but was pushed away by the blow. He skidded backwards and dodge to the fight as Mu Mingze staff came from above. Then, Wei Lu dash and cut towards Mu Mingze body while Long Hao tried to elbow Mu Mingze back.

Three of them fought with each other nonstop. The audience was hype and shouted as they keep on dodging and blocking while trading punches and kicks. There was even a time when Long Hao almost got kicked off from the stage but he manage to roll around to safety.

"I got to see genius kids fighting thou it looks like a brawl fight but filled with martial arts." said Tian Wang


Xiu Ken nod his head in agreement but focus his attention on Long Hao.

Hua Yan replied "This year batch is different than others. Looks like the future will be interesting.".

Long Hao felt that todays fight bring so much experience. His martial arts progress by leaps and bounds with fighting in the competition. "To think that fighting with kids my age has benefits." he thought that joining the competition was only to compare his strengths with others but didn't know that it will help him in his martial arts.

Then, he unsheathed his sword as it was time to get serious. His bruises and wounds were piling up as he was fighting with them. Thou he wanted to test his martial arts to the limit but he was just a 9 years old kid. He gets tired and want for the competition to end.

He stab his sword aiming for Wei Lu stomach. Wei Lu deflect it but Long Hao proceed to punch him and kick his chest as Long Hao pulled his sword to block Mu Mingze staff. Wei Lu rolled on the stage from the kick and stand up while holding his chest. He was at the brink of the stage almost fall down as he stood up but was follow up by Mu Mingze staff towards him making him fall even thou he block the blow.

Long Hao runs towards Mu Mingze and slash his throat only to be dodge by Mu Mingze. Mu Mingze summersault using his staff and swings it to the back of Long Hao head. Long Hao duck down and tried to cut Mu Mingze feet but he managed to block it. They fought with their weapons nonstop as the fight goes on. Suddenly, Mu Mingze jumps backwards to keep his distance from Long Hao.

"Hey, lets stop fighting. I'm getting tired here." said Mu Mingze while gasping.

Long Hao raised his eyebrow in questioned. He took a deep breath while listening to Mu Mingze explanation.

"Let's end this with our strongest martial arts. Whoever got push back is the loser. How about it? You agree?" asked Mu Mingze.

Long Hao contemplate for a while. He thinks about the pros and cons of it because he didn't want to bring his trump card out unless it is an emergency. But then, he nodded and sheathed his sword. He took his stance looking like Ip Man.

Mu Mingze smiled and took his stance holding his staff with one hand while aiming at Long Hao. They gather their qi and dash towards each other.

"Monkey King Strike!"

"Qi Fist"

Long Hao punch while Mu Mingze swing his staff. Both of their attack met between them. Staff and fist full of qi clash with each other as to see which of them wins. Mu Mingze staff bends while Long Hao fist bled. It took a while but Long Hao fist continue to bends Mu Mingze fist more and more and eventually his staff was thrown away and stuck to the stage.

"I lost" Mu Mingze stood in a daze as he then smiled and hold out his hand towards Long Hao and said "You win."

Long Hao with his bloodied fist smiled and said "Thank you. It was a good fight.".

Mu Mingze then proceed to take out his staff and walks away from the stage.

The crowd was silenced as they were shocked to see a fist wins against a staff. Then a clap starts and it echoes through the arena as the audience shouting and screaming Long Hao's name.

His family jumps up and down seeing Long Hao wins the competition. Ai Li and Yan Hua cried while Long Chen and Long Zhao hug and screams at each other saying "WE ARE RICH!!!".

Long Hao stand on the stage looking around the arena to see his family and waving at them. He then raise his hand and shout "I WON!". The referee gets up stage and took Long Hao hands in the air and announce "THE WINNER OF THIS YEAR HU VILLAGE MARTIAL ARTS IS LONG HAO!". The audience shouts and screams in replying to the announcement.