
Path to Reach Godhood

"Tatsuya bro, please tell me truth, are you some kind of protagonist or something." asked John. "No" "Then why is your talent so high?" "Don't worry, I am sure you will also get nice talent assessment," said Tatsuya. "Let's see," After 5 minutes , "John, weren't you saying something like being protagonist or something. Then, how can you say something like that with such perverted talent assessment?". This novel is based on John Bright's Path to reach Godhood. Will he be able to do something significant in his life? Will he be the protagonist of his story? Or will he be just another side-character. Let's find this out together

Dare_Devil_1650 · Fantasy
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99 Chs

Chapter 13: Determination Of The Weak

"Yes, And before I tell you that Headmaster, I want you to know that I am really grateful for helping me" Maria bowed to Headmaster William in gratitude.

"It's something that I should do, Their is no need to thank me for that lass" Although Headmaster said that but it was obvious from the smile on his face, that he was happy upon hearing, what Maria said.

"Actually, What I wanted to ask Miss Lena was not actually something serious. I just wanted to ask, If their is any way for me to increase my talent!?" The more Maria talked, the lower her voice became. And at the end her voice was barely a whisper.

Although at the end Maria's voice was barely an whisper but John heard it because, He was standing close to them. Yeah, John still hasn't left the area cause he felt that Miss Lena had wanted to say him something at that time, when Maria interrupted them.

And hearing what Maria said, John was honestly confused because, the answer to Maria's question is very easy and most if not all the students should have known that.

"You can just use treasures to increase your talent, don't you know that!?". John asked confusedly

"Well, I didn't came from a Noble family and hence can't afford rare treasures that can increase a person's talent. That's why I wanted to ask, If their is any other way to increase the talent?" Maria explained her problem embarrassingly. Afterall, even she knew that it's very unlikely that their is a way to increase a person's talent other than treasures.

"Well, their are a few ways other than treasures to increase your talent!" answered Headmaster William while stroking his white beard.

"Really!?, Headmaster" Maria's eyes lit up with happiness and hope but unfortunately for her, Headmaster's next words crushed that hope.

"Hold you horses lass, Even though their are a few ways other than treasures to increase your talent but I don't think, You are currently eligible for any of them" Headmaster William revealed the brutal reality to Maria.

Suddenly, It was as if Maria's whole world crashed upon her. She started to feel despair and the light in her eyes started to dim, when suddenly she got hope when she carefully analysed about what Headmaster William just said in her mind.

"Headmaster, You just said that I am not currently eligible for them, then that means I will have a chance in future. But I don't understand one thing, From your voice you sound uncertain about it!?" Maria asked Headmaster in an almost begging tone to not crush her hope.

Although, He was actually surprised that a innocent girl like Maria has not choosen to give up becoming stronger, like most people with low talents do and was actually determined to increase her talent. But, He is also aware of the difficulty of, what Maria wants to achieve.

That's why He answered her query in such a way that will make her despair. He wanted to test the determination of the girl, and to see if she has what it takes to cross this difficult path. And after hearing her determination, Headmaster just made a crucial decision in his mind.

At the same time, John has also seen through Headmaster's act. Afterall the position of a Count's son demands a certain level of intelligence and situational awareness.

But John didn't liked the fact that ,Headmaster tried to crush someone's hope just for a silly test. And that's why, he is going to mess with Headmaster a bit and maybe annoy him a little to proof that, he is the son of Leon Bright who Headmaster dreads.

"Actually, their do are a few ways for you to increase your talent in a short period of time" John suddenly said arousing the interest of Maria.

"Really, can you please tell me that Sir John" Maria respectfully asked not willing to offend the young master of Bright Family.

Hearing Maria calling him sir, greatly embarrassed John. Afterall, although he has been called with honorifics by a number of servants, but this situation is just different from that.

"Oh, Please don't use honorifics with me. Just call me John. And the ways to increase your talent in short time are–" John intentionally increased the silence before speaking:

"Well, you see it's not necessary for you to buy treasures to get them. Their are a number if ways, to get them"

"For example, firstly increase your strength upto the 1st star Mid-level. Although your talents are less compared to others, their will not be any significant difference in initial levels to increase strength" explained John.

"Then, once your strength reaches Mid-level 1st star, you can go hunt for monsters in the wilderness and can get money by selling those monster parts. And if you are lucky you can even get some nice treasures which can help you either by increasing your talent or by selling them to good price"

"If you follow this method, then I think you can increase your talents upto High-grade Silver or Peak-grade silver."

"But after reaching this point, the process will become stagnant because after silver grade, the treasures to increase the talent even more are even more rare and you will have to spend a heck lot of money to buy treasures that can increase your talent to gold grade" finished explaining John.

By this point in time, their were literal stars in Maria's eyes that represent her hope for a better future.

But it was at this moment that Headmaster who was silently listening to John explaining his method interrupted them.

"Wait a minute?, I object against this method!!. It's too dangerous for a newbie to go to wilderness. Maria could potentially lose her life!?"


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