
Path to Reach Godhood

"Tatsuya bro, please tell me truth, are you some kind of protagonist or something." asked John. "No" "Then why is your talent so high?" "Don't worry, I am sure you will also get nice talent assessment," said Tatsuya. "Let's see," After 5 minutes , "John, weren't you saying something like being protagonist or something. Then, how can you say something like that with such perverted talent assessment?". This novel is based on John Bright's Path to reach Godhood. Will he be able to do something significant in his life? Will he be the protagonist of his story? Or will he be just another side-character. Let's find this out together

Dare_Devil_1650 · Fantasy
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99 Chs

Chapter 14: Both Father And Son Are Same

"Wait a minute?, I object against this method!!. It's too dangerous for a newbie to go to wilderness. Maria could potentially lose her life!?" Headmaster objected John's idea.

"Headmaster, But it's her decision whether to chose this dangerous path or not?" John interjected.

"Yes, Headmaster. Even though this path is dangerous, I am going to follow it to it's end. It doesn't matter if the end result is either talents or my death" Maria also voiced her opinion with determination shining in her eyes. Although Maria was grateful and felt moved by Headmaster's care for her but, She doesn't wants to be a weakling for all her life and thus will do anything to cross this hurdle known as low-talent.

Seeing the look of determination shining in her eyes, Headmaster hesitated briefly but still, He then shook his head stubbornnly and:

"No, their is no way in hell, I will let a student of mine risk his life no matter whatever the reason is!?" Headmaster still stubbornnly shaked his head and refused to allow Maria to go to wilderness.

"But, Headmaster Maria doesn't have the minimum qualifications needed to join the Royal Star Academy. Therefore she isn't your student and you don't have to feel guilty about Maria at all" John sincerely reminded Headmaster.

Headmaster William froze upon hearing John say that and then all of a sudden: " Who said, she isn't a student of our academy. I will allow her to attend this Academy."

"W-what!? Headmaster but you were always stubborn regarding rules. How can you break your own rules just for denying Maria the wilderness?" Miss Lena exclaimed being completely astonished by Headmaster's decision. Afterall, She knows very well that Headmaster is very strict regarding rules.

"It's cause of you Lena. You forgot to respect your duties as a Teacher of this Academy and I am only compensating Maria for that". Headmaster quickly made up the bullshit, as if it was his second talent.

But Miss Lena really believed that and once again kept her head down in shame.

"So, I don't think now you have anything more to say about my objection. Right! John?" Headmaster taunted John.

"B-but Headmaster!?" Before Maria could object, John interfered


"Bring your ear closer" John asked Maria

After Maria brought her ear close to John's,

"Just agree to him now that, You will not go to wilderness and you can later secretly go to wilderness. It's not like Headmaster is going to keep an eye on you all the time. Additionally, You got the chance to be admitted in the Academy for free". John suggested to Maria causing her eyes to shine brighter.

"Fucking bastard! Are you mocking me John" Headmaster William roared in anger for being made fool by John.



Both Maria and John turned towards Headmaster William in surprise.

"You heard that Headmaster!?" John asked

"You weren't exactly talking quietly Bastard! And do you really think, I will allow that?"

"Headmaster Language ! And it's not like you can do anything about it. Afterall You can't possibly watch over Maria all the time" John mocked Headmaster William.

"I take back what I said earlier. You and your father both are same. Both of you have an almost uncanny talent to annoy the hell out of me" Headmaster started pulling his beard in frustration.

"Thanks for the compliment"

"It was not a compliment bastard!!!"

"Anyways, As I said you can't possibly watch over Maria all the time. So, why don't you just forget about rejecting my method Headmaster!?" John was again taunted Headmaster.

Being repeatedly frustrated by John, Headmaster just snapped: "Huh! Nice idea. I will now just watch over Maria all the time. Then, She can't possibly secretly sneak into the wilderness". Headmaster thought really good of this idea that was until,

"Eew, I didn't think you have the stalker fetish even at such a old age Headmaster". John made a disgusted face which caused Headmaster face to turn black.

It was an absolute humiliation for someone of his status to be regarded as Pervert. He was so angry that his face once again turned from being black to purple.He himself didn't thought that, he can change his facial colours. He was curious about what colour his face would change, if John annoyed him any further.

"Hahahahah, Pervert. Headmaster, You have a stalked fetish. Hahahaha" Miss Lena forgot all about her sadness upon hearing John and Headmaster bickering with each other.

It's been a long time since she saw someone made fun of Headmaster. Afterall, most people respect Headmaster greatly and no one dares to make fun of him either due to his status or cause of his strength.

But as it has been said, their are always exceptions i.e Leon Bright and now his son John Bright.

She had a feeling that the upcoming years in the Academy are going to be a lot interesting.

"Stop laughing, Lena!!!" Headmaster shouted angrily.

But instead of stopping, Miss Lena laughed even louder completely forgetting her sadness.
