
Past Life Conqueror

Nero Dekrauf, the man who conquered the whole world was killed by the woman he trusted the most in the end. "If I was capable of love, I would've loved you with all my heart!" Those were the last words that he failed to choke out in his last moments. When he closed his eyes, Nero thought he would wake up in heaven if he were to wake up at all. Although contrary to his expectations he would up alive, in a body that wasn't his own and in a world that he didn't recognize. A world of sword and magic. A new world for him to conquer!

BrimRock · Urban
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15 Chs

2. Hello World

The gunshot was precise and sharp making a hole in Nero's skull.

Yet he wasn't so dead, some words echoed in his ears like a painful symphony over and over again.

"I'm sorry" was all he could hear before the darkness started closing in.

Everything was numb, all he could do was think and think, he thought about his life, about how his father never cared for him no matter what he did.

He thought about how his mother could never look him straight in the eyes without reminding him how much he resembled his father and he would turn out to be a monster just like him, which ironically made him laugh even as he floated in the darkness all alone.

And finally, he thought about how he met a girl and started feeling his heart beating for the first time, how he felt 'normal' with her, how he thought he could sacrifice the world for her but...

In the end, he was all alone, abandoned by the girl he loved, abandoned by the mother he sought love from and abandoned by the father he never got acknowledgment from... although he killed the last two with his own hands but let's not go there.

In the end, he was all alone...

'Death of yet another conqueror by assassination huh' he thought with a hysteric smile.

'At least I did what it would've taken them years to accomplish, I ended the war and although I started fee others, it was I who rushed the development of the Dyson sphere to turn humanity's dream into reality... yet they will remember me as a devil or a monster.

'Still even though for just a little while, I did conquer the ENTIRE world'

'See Hitler that's how you fucking do it haha' the man hysterically laughed at his joke, or at least he would have had if he could move his mouth... or anything at all.

In the seemingly infinite darkness, slowly his consciousness started fading and his existence started to cease.

Just when he thought he would wake up in hell if he ever woke up at all, Nero suddenly felt a throbbing pain in his heart and the light pierced his eyes again.


Somewhere a 10 or so year old boy could be seen running from wolves like creatures that were too big to be called 'wolves' by earthly standards.

The species looked strikingly similar to Dire wolves that has gone extinct on Earth centuries ago.

"Mother!! Save me Mother!!" screamed the golden-haired boy with shiny silver eyes dressed in black trousers and a white shirt which seem to be made of extremely high quality that only the rich can afford, yet the style was so ancient.

Before he could shout any more, a claw slashed the back of the boy making him trip.

Before he could even shout in pain two more slashes appeared one on his abdomen and the other on his chest.

"Gahhhh" The boy cried out in pain before his eyes went dark.

The boy ...was now dead.

One of the wolves from the pack of 6 came forth only to bit the boy's shirt and started dragging him.

The wolf will now drag him to the outskirts of their territory to make a statement.

A statement to humans signaling to stay the hell away from their territory.


The boy was lying on the patch of grass that has stained red with blood.

With his heart gauged out of his chest and clothes ripped apart the boy with silver looked pitiful. His golden eyes were open and devoided any life.

Yet the boy looked nothing but beautiful, even death couldn't strip him of the beauty he possessed.

A few hours passed and it was almost evening now and the moon was fighting the sun right now to take over the vastness called sky.

When the moon could get as high as it could suddenly the body of the boy jolted and a pumping sound could be heard but that was too disoriented to be recognized as heartbeat, it was almost as if something was gushing in with intervals that were all but regular.

A few seconds passed and the pumping sound became rhythmic, jolting the body of the boy once more.

*Gasp* The boy opened his eyes and gasped for air.

He instantly closed his eyes as the light which was dull enough to not even be considered light was somehow piercing his eyes.

Soon he reopened his eyes trying to blink them several times as if getting used to the scenery he just woke up in.

"What the fuck...I just died! didn't I?... what the fuck happened... and all these memories--" the boy with golden hair spoke while using some curse words in between that he shouldn't even be familiar with at his age.

"Kale Dé Frazer... I see" suddenly all the memories of this 'new' world called Midlands rushed in his mind.

"A world of swords and magic huh! Although I'm still not so happy about how I died, I see why you made me reincarnate into this boy, in this world... because this world is broken...it's out of order, do not worry though for I shall dominant--- I mean fix it like I've fixed my previous world oh god in heaven." the boy maniacally started talking to himself... maniacally here is an understatement.

"I Nero shall be your Messiah" the boy claimed while laughing, if he were to be seen right now it would most definitely look like he has gone mad after witnessing a passionate night between his parents.

"I will be the savior of this world!! Thank you oh God for giving me another chance!!"

"Yeah umm you're not a Messiah, definitely not here to fix the world and what the fuck is wrong with you boy, you got dumped by your lover and still dare to continue your plan to 'fix' this world, I thought you were a full-grown man in your past life yet why are you acting like a 9-year-old who still thinks Santa Claus is real" A voice resounded in Nero's ears.

"Although not a Messiah you can be braindead" this time the voice didn't just sound in Nero's ears but instead came from his behind.

Nero however didn't panic, he turned around and dashed towards the voice, closing in the distance in one go.

That is until a man in lavish white robe clothing caught Nero's eyes, he held a stone with a sharp edge firmly in his hands that he picked up God knows when prepared to stab the man in front of him to death.

1 inch... 1 inch was all it was.

All the distance between him and the man in white, yet he couldn't cross that ... he couldn't do anything at all for that matters.

Nero looked up to see the man dead in the eyes, only now he could see sharp features on his face which looked no older than 30 years old, however on closer inspection one may notice the signs of aging had long since stopped on him, almost appearing to be frozen in time.

"Who are you," Nero asked emitting a bloodlust of the level that far surpasses his apparent age.

"My oh my, what do we have here, a boy with nothing to back his bloodlust on." the man in white clothing smirked as he remarked.

"Why don't you call this woo-doo magic off and we see what this boy here has to back his bloodlust on, and also Santa Claus is real..." Nero replied seriously.

"Yeah no, I'd rather save yourself an embarrassment stop trying to kill a freakin God with a ... pebble" Man in white tried his best to not snort at the end of his sentence.

"It's not just any pebble..." Nero said taking a dramatic pause gaining Man in White's attention. "It's a sharp stone".



"Should I kill you again"

"No please no!! let me have another chance"

"Then just shut up," said the man in white with an 'I dare you to take this as a joke' smile.

"Okayyy...You called yourself a god didn't ya, so are you the one that made me transmigrate here" Nero asked while calming down but his guard was still up. Even though he couldn't move he was still alert.

"I didn't make you 'Transmigrate' here, rather you were born here," said the man in white with shoulder-length silver hair giving him a magical feeling.

"What do you mean--" the boy tried to ask something before he couldn't open his mouth anymore.

"Shut up and listen, boy, you weren't transmigrated, rather you were actually reincarnated here into this new word, And I made you reborn here." said the man in white

"What actually happened here is you have died and awakened your past life memories"

"Now just so you know I don't have much time so I will shut your mouth up and you have no choice but to listen, so now listen," said the white-haired God.

"You were born here some 420 human years after you died in your old world, you were born here anew without any memories and was supposed to live that way, but you were instead... stupid enough to die a useless death!! That too without even fulfilling the fate you were born with" said the man in white with a serious tone.