
Past Life Conqueror

Nero Dekrauf, the man who conquered the whole world was killed by the woman he trusted the most in the end. "If I was capable of love, I would've loved you with all my heart!" Those were the last words that he failed to choke out in his last moments. When he closed his eyes, Nero thought he would wake up in heaven if he were to wake up at all. Although contrary to his expectations he would up alive, in a body that wasn't his own and in a world that he didn't recognize. A world of sword and magic. A new world for him to conquer!

BrimRock · Urban
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15 Chs

1. Thank You! Oh, Goddess!

28 November 3001 A.D marked the darkest day in human history, for that day a child was born.

Now, this ordinary child will grow up to be the most ruthless, tyrannical, and psychotic man the world has ever seen.

Born from a prostitute mother, Nero was a bastard son of General Reymond Dekruaf.

Shortly after the invention of the Dyson sphere was right on the corner, humanity's dream to reach Godhood was insight too.

With the Dyson sphere, humanity could evolve into interstellar species achieving 'true' space travel, colonizing planets will be a feat no longer impossible.

Although with great power comes... the great threat of war.

Dyson sphere by no means was an easy task to achieve so countries came together and pooled their resources to reach what they deemed impossible.

Now some countries refused to contribute to such 'foolish ideas' as they called them.

Dyson sphere was made possible because of an extraterrestrial metal humans came in contact with when an asteroid appeared out of nowhere and crashed onto Earth's surface, the people called it X-Metal.

Countries not in support couldn't really put their beliefs in such extraterrestrial metal and thought it's better to not use something of unknown origin in such a big operation.

But when the first test Sphere was launched the results were far better than what they could've hoped for, the opposing countries felt threatened after they realised the power will not be shared with them.

There was also a faction that wanted the access to the Dyson sphere to just themselves, they were of course the inventor countries.

All this led to a power struggle between factions led by:

Japan and China are the inventor countries of the Dyson sphere.

Korea and Russia were the countries that first opposed the idea.

Also, the USA, UK, and all the countries which funded the project.

In short World War III happened, that is until Nero Dekruaf came into power of US military broke the non-aggression pact with Inventor countries and raided to take a hold of the Sphere all the while annihilating the opposing countries with the help of countries that weren't included in the war, to begin with, like India Afghanistan and others.

These countries helped the US in hopes of getting on the US' good side.

Not only did Nero fight a war on two fronts but also won, tho what came after the war was not so pleasant.

Nero rushed the development of the sphere and stripped countries of their resources, the countries which didn't surrender their resources were wiped out from the face of the planet.

Now you might think how is that even possible to win wars and wipe countries so easily, well that's because the energy they gathered from testing Sphere, although small but was enough to develop a new nuclear weapon.

Particle Satelite, a type of space drone that harbored the power of the sun and launched atomic beam from Earth's orbit to disrupt the target on molecular levels, the target could very well be cities themselves.

That was the third generation nuclear weapon, but that's not all, by harboring the maximum power that Earth's solar star could provide, their technology would skyrocket as the energy itself wouldn't be an issue.

Although that kind of technology could be so dangerous in the hands of a maniac who had deemed the world as broken.

From the tender age of six Nero saw the world as something he had to fix, he yearned for peace and freedom, he yearned for equality and above all justice.

After joining the army at the age of 16, Nero fought through countless wars across several battlefields, all in the hopes of one day fixing the world.

Even after wiping out countries and achieving third-generation nuclear weapons, he didn't stop.

He knew, that even though he has achieved his so-called perfect world but the world he conquered is unstable right now, far from his ideal world, the world which is peaceful and just.

And to achieve that first he has to achieve a kind of absolute power, a power no one could rise against, the power of the Sun.

And that power is not so far right now, in just 24 hours the perfect Dyson sphere will be launched to envelop the Sun and Nero will acquire his absolute power.


"I've won Reyna, Those who can challenge my authority are either dead or in hell," said the black-haired man with azure blue eyes embedded. Despite a short scar on his face, the man's look could make any maiden's heart skip a beat.

"Indeed, my dear, you are now absolute" a red-haired woman with cherry pink eyes was sitting on this man's lap.

With a one-piece dress covering her curves and a cloak over her shoulder, this woman of unparalleled beauty started kissing her lover's neck.

"So now will you marry m-" before Nero could finish his sentence he felt Reyna's warm lips desperately finding his own.

After a short yet passionate kiss, the man tried to finish his earlier proposal.

"Reyna listen, When the sphere will envelop the Sun tomorrow, we'll literally become gods. So I ask of you again."

"Will you marry m---" before he could finish he was interrupted again, only this time it was a blade piercing through his heart which made him hard to breathe let alone speak.

"I'm sorry dear..." said Reyna in a distant tone.

"Why--" before he could finish his sentence he understood why she did what she did.

"I'm sorry dear... but if you were to possess the power that you sought so desperately, it would have meant the end for all of the civilization as we know it," said Reyna in a cold emotionless tone.

Although the heart of hers was wrenching inside out, from just seeing the heavy breathing of the man she loved so dearly, still she kept an emotionless face and strengthened her resolve to speak further.

"You have wiped out countries from the face of the world, children, ladies, olds and youngs... no one survived the war you initiated, all for what!?" Reyna said, now starting to show a little remorse in her voice and regret in her eyes.

"For true peace!" Nero screamed while panting heavily.

"For subjugation!" Reyna yelled back denying Nero's claim.

"...I was originally supposed to kill you on the day we met, the day you fell in love with me, the day I felt something for the first time..."

"I can still remember that day... the way your eyes shined whenever they met mine, but maybe you were too involved to notice that mine were just dead," she said dropping the knife she had in her hands.

"I should've killed you on that day but... for some reason I couldn't, somehow you made me feel like I could just escape it all with you, somehow you made my eyes shine too..." she said while turning, trying to hide the tears already rolling down her cheeks.

"I somehow convinced myself that no matter what goes on in the world isn't my responsibility... but now that you were so close to achieving the power that could change the fate of humanity...

"I couldn't ignore my responsibilities anymore, if anyone could stop Nero Dekruaf, then it's just a girl who was unfortunate enough to fall exactly where she shouldn't have had.." said Reyna in a feeble crying voice comparable to that of a child.

"I thought our love could win, but in a fight between the world and you, you never stood a chance," said Reyna with a stern voice ironing her resolve once again.

"L--Lik--" Nero whispered something which was inaudible to Reyna.

"Like hell, you will!!" Nero with his last breath, shouted making Reyna turn around.

In a desperate attempt, Nero grabbed the knife that she dropped and rushed in tapping the pin on his collar to activate a force field around him.

Although the tap was supposed to initiate a force field around him, nothing happened, then it hit him the pin was a fake and the knife she dropped was a bait.

"Goodbye" with these words Reyna took out a gun from her high socks and,

*Boom* A loud gunshot resounded in the halls outside.

The servants standing outside the love chamber of their master barged in without even bothering to knock, a crime they could lose their lives for, but ironically there they saw the most joyous sight of their entire lives.

Reyna was holding the limp body of Nero in her loving embrace, crying as if there is no tomorrow, screaming "I'm sorry my love" again and again.

Something inside her broke that day for never to be fixed again. As she held her lover's lifeless body the world around her lost colors yet the voice of a certain man was still very clear.

"Thank you, oh goddess! Oh, Goddess Reyna!" A man dressed in what seemed to be Buttler attire exclaimed in joy while tears flowed through his eyes. "For you have saved us from this monster".

The news was spread around the world or what was left of the world, that Nero 'the monster' is dead.

28 November 2132 A.D Nero Dekruaf died by the hands of his lover Reyna Garcia, who was an assassin sent by a shadow organization to end the life of 'The Monster'.

Humans united, led by the very same shadow organization, and by setting aside their differences and harnessing the power of their solar star they became the first interstellar civilization in their galaxy.

And although their story would still continue for generations to come, the story of the man who once sought power was just beginning.