
Past Life Conqueror

Nero Dekrauf, the man who conquered the whole world was killed by the woman he trusted the most in the end. "If I was capable of love, I would've loved you with all my heart!" Those were the last words that he failed to choke out in his last moments. When he closed his eyes, Nero thought he would wake up in heaven if he were to wake up at all. Although contrary to his expectations he would up alive, in a body that wasn't his own and in a world that he didn't recognize. A world of sword and magic. A new world for him to conquer!

BrimRock · Urban
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15 Chs

3. Questions And Reincarnation

"You were always a part of this world, you were born here and died here and then came back to life here," Said the man in white.

'How!!!!' Nero shouted in his mind frustratingly.

"You died in your old world called Earth and your soul got cleansed, by that I mean you were striped of the 'you' from your soul.

Now I know it's confusing so I'll start from the ... well start."

"Generally speaking when someone dies, their souls enter the cycle of death and rebirth, their souls are sent to neither before they are cleansed of their memories by the Gods or their helpers."

"However because I needed a soul to inherit my legacy as soon as possible, I didn't wait for the Gods to finish up the war they are entangled in right now and instead pulled you from neither myself, cleansed you of your memories, and made you reborn here anew doing the work of Gods for free." The white-haired man paused to let all that sink in.

Nero however could not understand most of it part of the reason being he never believed in entities known as Gods, but he tried following the silver-haired man to the best of his abilities.

Man in white continued "I'm Moon God, I am Chandra Luna.

"I'm the ruler of the Moon making me one of the two rulers of the sky the other being the Sun God Sol Surya."

"Of course, you won't know what it means but just follow up" standing up to Luna's expectations Nero didn't know what shit it meant.

"For now just know this I picked you from the Neither and made you reborn into this world, but you were stupid enough to step into Dire Wolves' Land and got yourself killed before I could even bless you."

"The only way I could have saved you were to perform a soul healing ritual and give you your previous life memories back,"

"Which I had to do as you are my only hope, you have to be the one who inherits my legacy, you're lucky that you died today, as it's your birthday tomorrow so you're just about the age for my blessing, and that's all, any questions now?" Luna finally gestured for Nero to speak for what felt like an eternity to the latter.

"So umm first question you said they cleanse us right? so how am I still the former me?" asked Nero scratching his chin.

"It's like brainwashing, you forget who you are but your essence is always there it's rather easier than creating new souls you know." Replied Luna.

"Second question." Said Nero before taking a dramatic pause and adding "What do you mean by descendant and legacy"

"You bear the mark of darkness, and since the origin of darkness resides within me you're my spiritual descendant, making you eligible for my blessings, though the people call it a curse, it's a curse for them and a blessing for you, why? just read some good old books to know that, it's not. like you're a commoner who cannot afford books"

"And my legacy, well it's just my powers, you'll inherit them when the time comes" replied Luna.

As soon as he heard the explanation a few more memories surfaced in Kale's mind, the light mark bearers and the dark mark bearers.

He remembered how he was the cursed prince, mistreated by everyone, he remembered what's it like to bear the mark of darkness, to be feared as a monster, only this time he remembered something more, 'It's not the first time people are fearing me but it's still just that much annoying' he thought with a smirk.

"Umm, so last question this blessing I know I received it today that means the appropriate age is 10 right? so ... What is this blessing aside from making me generously rise from the dead, o' moon god" Nero asked with curiosity in his tone, with his eyes squeezed tight and mouth wide open he was trying his best to absorb the information about this world.

"You're right the appropriate age is 10, if you would've died any other day it would've been game over for you, fortunately, that wasn't the case.

"Tomorrow midnight' you will turn 10 so it's a day early but that can't be helped, and as for my blessings, you already have the 'Lawless Eyes' that you've inherited from your father, and although it's didn't came from my blessings it's still a good tool in your arsenal,"

"With lawless eyes, you can see through subatomic levels with precision, you can even excel in your thought process, making you able to cast multiple spells at once and much more, although it won't be special to you because all the other prince and princess have it, and maybe even some bastards but as I said it's still a nice tool," Luna said while pointing his long slender fingers towards Nero's eyes.

"Please get your fingers away, you remind me of that big brother from that anime that tried to steal his kid brother's eyes... it makes me uncomfortable!, although that is cool if I dare say myself," Nero said while slapping Luna's finger away.

"Right? and additionally I'll give an Ethereal guardian that'll follow your will, there are a few more things but I won't, or rather I can't give you them now as I will be needing them," said Luna.

"Okayyyyy" Nero answered while following the white-haired man to the best of his abilities, after a second or two his eyes turned cold.

With the eyes as cold or even colder than ice he asked "And what do you want in return?"

"Being smart are we?... well yeah I do want something in return. Part of which is to restore my clan's glory... I mean our clan's glory... you see the reason you're hated and called monster is that you're my descendant.

"Chandra clan was once on par with Surya clan but now we're just a shadow of our former selves" Luna replied Nero, although he tried to he it but the pain was visible in his eyes.

"We're last of the dying breed Nero." Luna said while looking up trying to hold back the emotions that he didn't know still existed within him "And we have to stop Sun God from advancing towards his goal, that's the reason for our existence, I'll give you power but in return--"

"Oh well anyway it's morning now, I gotta go, we'll meet again Kale, this time maybe on my land," Luna said pointing up in the sky that was already being filled with light from the rising sun.

"We'll talk soon," said the man in white with shoulder-long hair before disappearing into the thin air.

"Wait noooo I still have questions!?? what's this guardian thingy" Nero screamed watching the white-haired man disappear in front of his very eyes...

He got up from the cross-legged position he was sitting in while listening to Luna. After patting his dress, or rather what has left of it anyway, Kale began walking toward home.

A home where no one is waiting for him.

"She didn't dump me by the way, I did" whispered Nero while clenching his fist and walking away.

<Was that really the right decision? to choose an unstable psychopath like him? I know the destiny tablet said it have to be him but...>

"I don't know World... only time will tell us whether the Gods will survive the war or not, whether he's the chosen one ...or not" Luna saw Kale's back fading into the distance from the sky, before finally starting moving.