
panemorfi seirína

audrey_r · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Proposal

The applause roared until Lord Hendrick and his family took their seats at the front of the grand hall on what looked to be a stage with three chairs in the middle. That must be what they consider thrones I laughed to myself it almost seemed ridiculous to me. This is nothing like the democracy I grew up in I reminded myself I have to seem like I fit in. After they were seated everyone when back to what they were doing some went to pay their respect to the lords. I for one decided it would be best to steer clear of them I don't want to do or say anything offensive. Sticking close to Callie we dance and people kept handing me drinks soon I was feeling alittle tipsy. Its not even like I've never had alcohol before its just this shit is alot stronger than the kegs I'm use to. I have to sober up. Looking at Callie I asked "would you like to take a walk with me I think I might need some fresh air those drinks were stronger than I thought" she gave me a worried look nodding her head she grabbed my hand and lead me outside for a stroll. We walked in silence for I while until we came upon a bench in the middle of the garden we were walking in we sat and she reluctantly let go of my hand "are ye alright?" she asked with worry in her voice. " Yes I'm going to be alright I just felt alittle suffocated in their. are you ok?" "yes I'm alright I was just alittle worried about you you looked like you were turning green." she giggled "not use to those kind of drink ay" I shook my head smiling at her. I leaned my head down to collect myself for a second it felt nice to just be sitting next to her like this. I glanced over at her and she was starring dreamly at the night sky I want so bad to know what she's thinking right now but she looks so peaceful I don't want to break the trance she's in. I didn't have to a rustle from behind us did that for me both our heads snapped in the direction the sound came from to see Alexander standing there looking at us rage flashed in his eyes seeing how close we are to each other. He stomped towards us anger fumming from him the closer he got the more enraged he got. "HOW DO YOU THINK YOU ARE SITTING SO CLOSE TO HER!!!" he snarled. I jumped to my feet standing in between Callie and him. My first instinct is to protect her from him. He stopped infront of me inches from my face. He had to slightly look up at me which was an advantage for me it made me look alittle intimidating. "ANSWER ME!" he growled. I looked down at him and stepped forward forcing him to back up. "Hello my name is Sean and I have been staying with Callie and her family for about a month now..... now who are you to be threating me and her in this way its not how a gentleman should conduct himself." I calmly exclaimed hoping my calmness will make him realize that he's being a dick. "I am Alexander YOUR lords son and you best learn to address me with respect that I am due." he's arrogance annoyed me beyon belief and I for one have never been good at holding my tongue it's gotten me in trouble more than once and this guy has pushed the right buttons it's time to take him down a notch "You have me confused with someone who cares about your families title and that respect your talking about went out the window when you came over here acting like a savage." I growled ready to fight as soon as he throw the first punch "so let me straighten something out for you. Your father is NOT my lord I'm not from here and I will NOT accept anyone as lord over me you are nothing but a man like me so no I don't have to and will not respect a dunce like you." I'm slightly proud of myself for picking up some of the lingo from this time. Alexander had smoke coming out of his ears now he balled up his fist and clocked me right in the jaw making me stumble back alittle. He looked pleased with himself until I returned his girly ass punch with a much more powerful on laying im flat on his ass. He jumped to his feet ready to fight me. Before we could get into it for real Callie stepped between us and screamed "Your acting like children! Stop this nonsense right now!!!" snapping us to our senses we glared at each other then to Callie. "This isn't over but she is right this no place for a fight especially not tonight enjoy it while you can." he smirked at me before he left disappear alot as fast as he appeared. I stood there starring in the direction he left in wondering what he meant but especially tonight why would this night be any different from any other. I turned sheepishly to Callie hanging my head down "I'm sorry... you shouldn't have seen that I let my emotions get the best of me I wont let it happen again." She grabbed my hand which made my heart flutter and smiled sadly "It's ok he provoked you.....we should probably get back inside before we're missed" she let go of my hand and we walked back to the party.

Alexander saw us when we walked in. He stood up infront of everyone "Ladies and Gentlemen I am so glad that you have made it to this very special occasion." he smirked at me. What does he have planned that makes this evening so special? He continued "I would like to ask Callie Gataki to join me up here please" everyone turned and looked at Callie waiting for her to follow his request its not like she could just say no to him. She walked to over to him standing beside him. He turned to face her a smile plasted on his arrogant. Taking her hands in his he knelt down on one knee and asked in a loud dominating voice "Callie Gataki I know your probably wondering why I had asked you to join me. The reason why is because I would like to ask you with the whole town as my witness to do me the pleasure of accepting my hand in marriage and becoming my wife?" My blood boiled. How dare he propose to her and infront of everyone so there is no possible way she can turn him down and if I cause a scene infront of everyone that'll just give him an excuse to throw me in jail or worse have me killed. That bastard knew exactly what he was doing! I stayed in my place my fist gripped tightly at my side trying my hardest to not go up there and deck him in his stupid face. Samuel was at my side he could see the rage in my face. He grabbed my arm and mumbled "Don't do anything lad you'll only make matters worse it'll be handled trust you me I will never let that bastard have her." That made me relax enough to unclinch my fist. He did have a good point I wouldn't be doing anyone any favors by knocking this guy out I'll just have to have faith in Samuel he knows what to do. Callie looked like she was on the edge of tears, and not happy tears at that. "Please don't do this my lord." whispered barely able to get it out dumbfounded Alexander went to say something to Callie but she ran off before he could say anymore unable to hold back the tear she kept her head down she ran past the crowd out the door into the night. The crowd started to whisper about what just happened amongst the confusion I was able to slip out unnoticed and go after Callie. She had tried to run home but only made it out of the front gates before she crumbled to on the ground sobbing. She looks so overwhelmed it breaks my heart to see her in so much pain. I approached her slowly trying not to startle her and sat beside her. "Are you alright?" I asked quietly. She looked up at me tears streaming down her face "why would he do that to me?" she sobbed. Unsure how I should respond all I can think to do is wrap my arm around her shoulder and let her cry on my shoulder. So I made up my mind. I slowly reached my arm out making sure she is ok with me touching her right now and wrapped my arm around her pulling her close to me. She snuggled against me sobbing on my chest. We sat like that until she couldn't cry any more. " I want to go home now can we?" I smiled down at her cute face looking up at me and nodded. "As you wish my dear" I whispered to her softly as I helped her up and kissed her hand gently which made her giggle. That makes me feel so good hearing her laugh again after what happened she's a very strong girl. We decided to walk home instead of going back to wait for her family to leave with the carriage they'll have alot of explaining to do to all the confused guest not to mention what they'll have to tell lord Hendrick and Alexander. Callie grabbed my hand giving it a squeeze as we walked home hand and hand under the moonlight. We made it home before her family did. Callie gave me a lingering kiss on my cheek before she wished me a good night and retreated up to her room.


I ran up to my room overwhelmed with emotions from tonight I have to make sense of what happened and the only way for me to do that is to put it in writting. That always helps me sort out my thoughts I lit my candle and took out my beloved diary to work out my thoughts.

July 20th, 1533

Dear Diary, oh how I have so much to tell you. I was so happy for tonight and at the beginning it was so wonderful. Sean and I danced and talked but Alexander had to be his same hothead self and ruin a perfectly good night. First he bargained in on me and Sean's conversation and then he asked me to marry him! Can you believe that? Him! That arrogant hothead dunce! And did I mention that he did it infront of everyone! So heres what happened Sean and I were enjoying the party when Sean had alittle to much to drink and wanted a bit of fresh air. I was so happy when he wanted me to come with him. We went for a stroll in the garden and came upon a bench to sit down on. We were chatting when Alexander came out of no where yelled about how dare Sean sit so close to me. He can be so stupid sometimes, but Sean came to my rescue and protected me from Alexander. Which lead to Alexander loosing his temper even more and struck Sean! Can you believe how barbaric he is? Sean hit him back knocking Alexander to the ground. I have to admit it was quite satisfying to watch Alexander hit the ground like that, but I knew it couldn't go on any longer because Sean could get sent to prison for assaulting Alexander even though he deserved it. It was our word against his and everyone would believe him strictly because of his social status. I stood inbetween them and told them they were acting like children. That made him back down and walk away. Alexander spotted me as I walked back inside with Sean and brought it upon himself to stand infront of everyone and make a speech. Looking straight at me he thanked everyone for come and asked me to join him. Sean tensed beside me I want so bad to grab his hand comfort him and to let him know everything will be alright, but everyones eyes are on and I can't leave Alexander waiting. Reluctantly I walked up and stood next to him. He turned to me giving me a look that maked my skin crawl. I really hope sean knew that I don't want to be up there with him. Alexander took my clammy hand into his. Everyone's eyes are on us. Oh diary how I hated it so much. I am not one to infront of everyone like that. I'm the kind of person who prefers to read and sit quietly in a field or a nice little corner. Sure I'm good at talking to a person one on one but to have everyone's attention on me... I can't take it. He got down on one knee and asked me to marry him! Can you believe that diary! The arrogance of that man is unfathomable! And of all the place he picked the most public setting he could to ask. Which I guess was his plan all along. He must have thought that if he asked infront of the whole town I would be compelled to say yes. He was quiet suprised when I ran away. I had to I couldn't stand there and be humiliated like that. I will only marry for love and I most certainly DO NOT love him. Sean came after me which made me feel so much better maybe he's starting to same my feelings for him. Wouldn't that be amazing diary? He sat next to me and let me cry on his shoulder. I must admit being that close to me made my stomach do flips. Sean's the one I want to marry and after spending a whole month with him I know with every part of my being that I love him. Diary I would rather die then live my life without him in it. I must go to sleep now diary I am exhausted from tonight.

yours truly callie gataki