
panemorfi seirína

audrey_r · Fantasy
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7 Chs


Callie and I are dancing in a field to the sound of nature. Getting lost in each others eyes swaying back and forth holding her close I can smell her hair it smelled like a summer breeze. She smiles up at me lovingly leaning up on her tippy toes she closes her eyes meeting her lips to mine. We kiss passionately as the setting sun lowered. The kiss lasted for what seemed like eternity, but it wasn't long enough. She hastily pulled her lips from mine blushing. Her gaze went from me to something that was behind me her loving expression changed to a horrified one her hand went up to her mouth as her eyes widened and she gasped "oh no" I turned around to see what scared her so much. I figured it out a minute to late. Alexander let out a angry scream as he charged towards me thrusted his sword into my stomach making me crash to the earth beneath me. He's standing over me laughing. He grabs Callie by the arm draggs her away from my limp body as she's sobs struggling to pull away from him. I attempt to crawl after them, but my body won't move. The ground opens up around me swolling me as I watch callie being drug from me. I scream to the top of my lungs for them to stopped grabbing at the grass and dirt trying desperately to fight against the darkness surrounding me....My body jumps awake I'm gasping for air clinching my stomach. I look around "oh good it was just a bad dream" I said to myself. The sun was barely up it had to be dawn. I close my eyes trying to sleep, but all I keep seeing is Callies tear stricken face as she's trying to pull from Alexander's grasp. I sit up and sigh loudly "welp I'm not getting anymore sleep now might as well go watch the sunrise." I dress quickly and quietly made my way out of the kitchen door so I won't wake anyone. The air was nice and crisp this morning. I have to pull my cloak tightly around me so the breeze couldn't get through. 'It's a nice morning' I concluded to myself. The animals are starting to stir, other than that it was quiet. I went to a nearby hill, and sat down on the soft fluffy grass watching the sky change colors as the sun rose over the farm. I sat there for about an hour when Samuel walked up and sat beside me. "Are ye thinkin 'bout last night son?" "yes I can't stop replaying it in my head. Did you know he was gonna do that?" "no I can't say that I did he's had his eye on Callie for quite a while, but she's has never been the least intrested in him even though lord Hedrick feel that it would be a good Alliance between our family's" he could see the worry on my face because its true. The two most prominent family being united by marriage would make both extremely powerful and wealthy. He quickly added "I would rather her marry a hermit than Alexander he's a haughty young man with a nasty temper... I'm afraid I would have to kill him if he ever laid a hand on Callie or anyone of my daughters for that so the best way to protect her is to find a more suitable husband for her" I look at him, and he winks giving me hope that he would approve of me marrying her instead of Alexander, but I have to prove to Callie that I am worth of her. That exactly what I plan to do, and if she chooses me I will continue to prove it until death do us part.

We headed inside for breakfast after doing the morning chorus. I walked in with my head held high like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Which it truly has I feel like my spirit has been lifted. I can't stop smiling. We take our seats at the table. Callie sits next to me starring at my face like I have something on it. I raise my eyebrow making a face trying to make her laugh. She rewards me with a snort. 'Damn she's so fucking adorable' I think to myself starring at her dreamingly. I can't tear my attention from her I just sit here subconsciously eating the food that's infront of me. My fork clinks against the plate and I bring the empty fork up for my mouth and attempt to eat the nonexistent food on it crunching brings me out of my daze. I look down at my empty plate turning red while everyone laughs at me I can't help but to join in. I set my fork down embarrass with myself. Callie giggles grabbing my arm with her tiny hand trying to pull me from the table almost making my chair fall backwards. "come on Sean I want show you something" she whines until I let her pull me from my seat. Callie pulls me through the door outside. We walk casually hand in hand. She didn't realize that she's still holding my hand when we reach our destination. We came to the top of a large hill you could see all of seirína from here. Callie sat on the lush green grass staring at the horizon. I sit next to her I can see the worry etched on her face. "Hey Callie are you alright you know everything is gonna work out you'll see" I began "I promise I will never let anything happen to you." She looked up at me with tears in her sky blue eyes "I don't want you to put yourself in danger for me Alexander will not give up so easily you know and I couldn't handle anything happening to you" she sobbed. I scooted closer to her wrapping an arm around her shoulder. She slumped over and layed her head on me. It's so comfortable just sitting here with Callie in silence comforting each other with just our presence.


Everyone is sitting down for breakfast. I sneak looks at Sean he is so very handsome. Even if he's alittle younger than me. I just wish I could have someone look at me the way he looks at Callie. He doesn't even realize that his plate is empty from oogling her. I glance over at pa he seems pleased with their affection towards each other. So at least if the marry they'll have his blessing. I can't help but feel jealous of them. After breakfast I go upstairs to get ready for market day. I stare at my reflection in the mirror. 'will anyone ever find me beautiful they way they see Callie' I sighed. I don't look like much that I'm sure of. An old maid is what the ladies in the village calls me. It's not my fault though there aren't very many men here anymore since most of them went off to the ships to 'see the world' is how they would put it. Callie is lucky she has Alexander's eye and now sean the only other available man on the island. It's so very unfair. I sigh inwardly 'I must not think of these things now there's so much to be done.' I finish dressing as a woman of my age should and headed off heavy hearted to the market. On my way there I spot Sean and Callie sitting so close to each other his arm embracing her and it makes me think back to the time when I was inlove now it just seems like a life time ago I was around Callie's age then. When I had my suitor. He was son of a fisherman in town he didn't look like much but he loved me. Pa disapproved of him since I'm the oldest I must marry someone well off and that his family was not. On the day he left it was a chilly morning even though it was early summer but the sadness in my heart made me feel like everything was winter. I snuck out of the house and went to the boats to see him off. He kissed me sweetly on the cheek making me turn red as a rose. I sighed thinking of him.....my love.... Trenton, but that was years ago he left with my beloved brother Jacob's ship they sailed around all over the place. When we got the letter that their ship went down a part of me died along with Trenton I don't think that I'll ever find love again. Being so lost in thought I almost missed the group of men coming from the west straight for Sean and Callie. I disappear in the trees so they don't see me and ran staight for home to warn pa about the men here. 'They have to be here for Callie' I say to myself. I ran as fast as I can. Finally I reach the house breathlessly. 'I don't have time to make it to the house' I panicked 'What should I do' without stopping I scream to the top of my lungs "PA...HELP.....CALLIE.....MEN....HEEEEEELLLLLLPPPP!!" everyone ran outside because of my screams I ran up to pa trying to talk and catch my breath at the same time I was only able to point and get out "Callie.....Sean.....In trouble ontop of the hill!" Pa looked that way and took off on foot with his swords already in his hands. We ran behind him trying to see whats going to happen now.


Callie and I are relaxing on the hill she finally calmed herself down, and sat up embarrassed that she's been crying on my shoulder. Even though it makes me feel so much closer to her. I can see how she would be shy around me still. I've only been living here for about a month or two so I can understand her being careful with her emotions around me. I was lost in thought until the ground started to tremble under us. We turned to see what was happening when we saw a about 10 men on horses coming our way from the west and Samuel running from the north with two swords held in his hands. I immediately stand infront of Callie to protect her. Samuel reaches us only moments before the men. He tosses me one of the swords and holds his ready for a fight. I've never held one in my hand before it was extremely heavy but felt right. I copied Samuel's stance the best I could. Swearing under my breath as the men came closer to us. Alexander must have sent them thats the only explanation here. The man leading the group spoke from ontop of his mount "Samuel Gataki you will hand over your daughter Callie to be wed by lord Alexander or she will be taken by force this is not up for negotiations." "you can't be serous!" I growled as I started towards them. Samuel stopped me and gave me a look that said I'll handle this. I take a step back standing directly infront of Callie ready for anything. Samuel glared at the man "You have the audacity to come on MY land and demand me and over one of MY beloved daughters" he started laughing "Do you have any idea of who I am? How many wars I have fought in? Are you a dunce or something doing Alexander's bidding? your nothing more than a messanger! Why don't you crawl home with your tail between ye's leg like the bitch you are!" This enraged the man he lept from his horse and charged towards Samuel the clash of metal could be heard from miles soon the rest of the men joined in to the fight. I left Callie's side to help Samuel out. Rose and the other ladies snuck Callie away to run to safety. While Samuel and I are in the heat of battle. We're out match ten to two all the men we fighting are extremely well trained with a sword they move as if its apart of them. If it wasn't for my life being on the line I would be really impressed by them, but I can't help wishing I had more training than what I've done in video games. After a few minutes of fighting a horn blares in the distance and the men reteated as fast as they had arrived. Samuel and I exchanged looks and darted to the house where the ladies are supposed to be waiting for us. Only they are on the ground unconscious and Callie are not with them. I run to a tall hill to look out trying to find her. In the distance I can hear her screaming trying to get away from her kidnappers. They are now way to far for me to ever reach them. Right now though I don't need to reach her because I already know where she's being taken. I just need to figure out how to get her back. I started to the road to make my way to the estate and rescue Callie. When Samuel stands in my way with his arms folded. "Son I know you want to get her back. So do I but you are in no position to be going on a rescue mission. Now Alexander wants to marry her so he wont let anyone really harm her she's safe for today. You my boy need to get ye are looked at and get some rest. Tomorrow we will train you all day and as the sun set that is when we will make our move rest up now we have a hard day ahead of us." 'Sleep' I laughed to myself I don't think I'll be able to sleep until I know Callie is back home with me safe and sound. Samuel is right though all I'll do is get us killed and now that all my adrenaline is gone i could finally feel the gash in my arm with blood trickling from it. Alice took me inside to stitch me up. Soon after I layed in the soft bed and closed my eyes for a restless sleep.