
panemorfi seirína

audrey_r · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Lords and Ladies

It's been such a peaceful month since I first came to this century. Callie's family has accepted me without a second thought to it I just became one of them. They ask me questions about my life before coming here and I have to lie about alot of it I can't let them figure out that I'm from the future roughly four hundred years into the future to be more precise. Even though I'm not from this time I feel more at home here than I ever have I don't have to put up the same persona that I did when I was at highschool. These people don't care that I was the star quarterback hell they don't even know what football is. At home I was the stupid jock even though I was never stupid with my 4.0 gpa I could got to any college I wanted to and had over forty football scholarships! Here though I can be just me and I have found out alot about myself here than I ever thought was possible I learned that I'm good at farm work and the nice simple speed that everyone does stuff in is nice and relaxing. My days here have been wonderful until that faithful day. It started out just like any other day I was off in the field helping Samuel out in the field, he hates being called Mr. Gataki he tells me every time i slip up "Mr. Gataki is my father I'm Samuel", we planted rows and rows of summer produce hoping to sell them oversea and in town. I was told that the leader of the land Lord Hendrick was sent here from England to make the islanders english subjects. For the most part he was successful on the outside that is. As for how the actual islanders felt well lets just say they wish he would hop on a ship back to where he and his son Alexander came from. We were just finishing up weeding and watering the last row when Callie and sister came running up to us. They stopped just long enough to catch their breaths then started talking all at once Samuel hushed them and calmly exclaimed "ey mu dears please one at a time and I am certain what ye lasses have to say will be heard much better" exasperated that their father wasn't able to understand what they had said. Alice spoke first so she wasn't talked over "father we have just received word from Lord Hendrick! He has invited us to his grand ball isn't this the greatest new!?!" Callie chimed in " oh father please say we can go please! Sean has never been and this would be a great opportunity to introduce him to the high Society" Samuel rubbed his beard for dramatic effect knowing he could never denie his precious daughters but he is also a hug tease and loves making them squirm. He also knew that he could never refuse a invitation from Hendrick wether he wanted to go or not it was his duty as the main merchant of the island to attend any and all events thrown by the lord and his family. Samuel slowly smiled showing his crooked teeth under his well trimmed beard his once youthful eyes were creased with wrinkly but still had a spark of childlike wonder. " Yes my dears I think we might be able to squeeze it in with our busy schedules but ye lasses better find something nice to wear" directing his stare at Callie "yes and that means shoe are required." She blinked innocently at his " ye with little faith father I am very capable of wearing shoes." He smiled at her "ey I know your capable of it but you actually doin' it is diffent story please do not embarrass us by flinging them off when they start to hurt this time." He winked at her knowing that she wasn't going to be able to fulfil that last request but maybe this time she'd suprise everyone.

Tonight came faster than I expected it to. The ladies ran around the house giggling and getting ready. Samuel let me borrow some of his dress clothes he decked me out in black tanned hide pant, a white button up shirt the sleeves were puffy at the top and tighted around my wrist, a wine colored vest emboyed with a gold pattern at the collar and bottom, and thigh high black dress boots. I walked into the parlor to wait for the rest to finish. Samuel was already seated in his favorite arm chair puffing on his pipe and reading a book while he waited for everyone else. "I must say you can almost pass for a gentleman." he said looking up from his book "we just need to do something to that mop on top of ye head. come 'er lad I'll help ye." I followed him into the guest room I was staying in and he summoned me over to the chair. Sitting down he grabbed the brush and started yanking it through my hair not delicately at all. I tensed up trying not to scream in pain. I can't believe he brushes his hair like this I get that mines long but come on man its not that bad! I guess he noticed me tensing because he set down the brush and said " I think I'm just making it worse hold on I'll fetch some help." Then he just disappear like a ninja. A few seconds later Callie appeared in the door way "Father said ye might need a bit of help with ye's hair" I grimaced at what he had done to my hair in the vanity's mirror "yeah you could say that tried to 'help' me look more like a gentleman but I think he made the problem worse." Callie giggled at me "I guess I should have warned the about father's terrible hair brushing skills that's why mother cuts his hair instead of letting it grow like ye's hair." She stepped closer to me reaching her hand out playing with the ends of my hair as she spoke. She grabbed the brush and gently pulled it through my hair undoing all the problems her father caused chatting away about what to expect at the ball. Honestly I couldn't hear anything she was saying I was to zoned looking at her in the mirror. She was wearing a ballgown the same colors as mine they looked much better on her but then again a cardboard box would look good on her. The gown reached to the floor it had a fitted top that went into a flowy skirt it looked to be made up of many layers the white bottem layer shower through the lacy fold of the wine colored skirt with the same gold trim on the top of her bodice and bottom of her skirt. She caught me starring at her perfect reflection in the mirrior and smiled to herself her eyes twinkling with love. "Do ye like my dress?" She blushed as she shyly asked me. "You look absolutely stunning" I smiled up at her tilting my head back to look her in the eyes so she knows I'm telling her the truth "you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen before." Her blushed deepened to crimson almost matching her dress. "Thank you" she pulled my hair into a tight low ponytail and tyed a ribbon around it pulling it to make sure it wouldn't come loose. "Their ye go I think you'll pass for a perfect gentleman" she beamed at me then leaned in and kissed me on the cheek before giggling and running out of the room. I watched her as she left her black curls bouncing down her back as she left. I smiled to myself and followed her out everyone was waiting by the front door when we reached it. Samuel and Rose exchanged smiled when they saw us enter together dressed alike. That confirmed my suspicion that they planned our outfits to match. It made me feel good though because just maybe they share in my hope that Callie and I will marry some day. Just because in my future we marry there are just so many things that could go wrong and change that future. I HAVE to get Callie to fall inlove with me I don't think I could ever live without her anymore it's like our souls are connected and will forever be connected. I snapped out of my daydream when Callie grabbed my hand and lead me to the carriage outside. It was a short ride to Lord Hendrick's mansion... there was something kinda familiar about this place. I just can't remember what it is. 'Oh well no reason in worrying about something I can't control' I thought to myself and tried to focus on what was infront of me. 'don't mess this up for them' I kept repeating to myself as we walked up to the big wooden doors. Walking in I definitely was not prepaired for what I had gotten myself into. There had to be about two hundred people here or more there were tables and chairs scattered all around the large dance floor in the middle of the huge ass room. A crystal Chandler was hanging in the middle of the room lighting the dance floor and small torches lite the rest of the room creating a romantic atmosphere. The band in the corner was playing a slow ballet while the guest twirled around the floor the mix of colors was hypnotizing. I looked over at Callie's eager face she looked like she was going to explode with excitement if she wasn't able to dance right now. I reached my hand over to her smiling wide. I cleared my throat to get her attention from the dancing bowing I asked in my best voice "my dear lady would bless me with a dance?" Her face lit up brighter than the sun and she mimicked me "why my kind sir I would be honored to dance with you" she accepted my hand and let me lead her to the floor as the next song began. I was happy that it was another slow song. Generally don't do slow songs but this was a great excuse to be near Callie I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her close as we moved back and forth getting lost in each others eyes until the song concluded. A man stood at the front and announced loudly "ladies and gentlemen I would like to present Lord Hendrick Alexander Charles the 3rd, his wife Lady Catherine Elisa Charles, and their son Hendrick Alexander Charles the 4th."