
panemorfi seirína

audrey_r · Fantasy
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7 Chs


Laying in my room snuggled next to my older sister Alice I couldn't stop replaying the events of today in my mind.

Unable to put my mind at ease I grabbed the diary my father gave me on my thirteenth birthday, it's one of my most treasured possessions. Slipping out of bed I sat at my writing desk lighting a single candle so not to wake my sister and began writing as I replayed the events today

June 15th 1933

Dear Diary, Oh how much I have to tell the about my day its as if the god are smiling down on me for they have brought me what I can only comprehend to be an angel. Oh my he has to be the MOST handsome man I have ever laid eyes on my heart flutters just thinking about him. When I had awoken today it was like any other day I left the house after feeding and watering the animals I head off to meet mother and sisters for the washing. Then there he was my angel from heaven. Who in all fairness also looked like he had fallen from the heavens above cover in mud, cuts, and bruises, but through all that I could tell he was handsome. Oh diary He's so tall and strong! You wouldn't be able to believe my joy when mother said we would be bringing him home with us my heart felt like it was going to explode from happiness! He's a bit older than me being 17 and all but diary if you could've seen the way he looked at me oh I do believe he might like me. There's something familiar about him..... remember the man I've been dreaming about lately? I believe with all of my heart that he is the man in my dreams like we're destined to be together. I have to confide in you about something diary he's a very rude man even though I don't think he means to be. Could it be that he just doesn't know how to talk to the opposite sex? For instance when we went for a walk after after he got all washed up and ate, and he seemed so nervous and unsure of himself then would say the most rude thing to me and instantly look like he regretted it. That means he's not a horrible person right? Maybe I just need to get him to warm up to me... That's it he's just shy he did say that he was in a shipwreck and ships don't usually have women on them. Yes I am just over reacting! Thank you diary you always make me more clear headed. I must be off to bed now its going to be a big day tomorrow

yours truly Callie gataki

I woke before the sun was up excited to get downstairs and start on my choirs so I could show sean around some more today. I got all my morning choirs done in record time and hurried inside to deliver the milk and eggs to mother, and help her finish up the morning meal. Sean walked into the kitchen wearing my older brother's old clothes they fit him in all the right places, and my poor beloved Jacob has no need for them anymore since he disappeared on a voyage five years ago he left and we haven't received not a single letter from him since. Two years ago though we had received news that his ship the Katrina when down on their return voyage. It pains me to think about him still. Tears start to form in the corner of my eyes blurring my vision. I put my head down and blinked the tears away. Feeling a pair of eyes on my I look up to see sean staring at me looking like someone slapped him, I flashed my most charming smile at him. Which earned me a smile in return my heart fluttered. Sean has the most handsome smile he has full lips around the whitest teeth I ever seen, he has adorable dimples that deepen the bigger he smiles, and he has eyes that reminds me of spring time in the forest incased around long eyelashes. 'Very handsome indeed' I concluded to myself. Mother brought my attention away from sean by kicking my foot under the table. Startled I looked up at her realizing people where talking to me I snapped out of my day dream " um s..sorry I got lost in thought" blushing at sean smiling beaming at me. "I was saying that ye should show sean around after breakfast since ye seem to have finished all your morning work done" my father repeated " just make sure ye get ye learn' done for the day." "yes sir" I smiled at my father he knew how much I loved to do my studies even though girls were not supposed to be educated other than housekeeping and taking care of the family. Since my father holds title we are expected to have more than the normal learning for a girl since we might one day get chosen for the lords son, and if that happened we would have to be trained in proper decor and education. I for one though can't stand Alexander. He's a dunce! Is he strong? Yes, but does he have a brain? I think not. He doesn't understand how people can read books without pictures! He has set his sights on me it's absolutely revolting. Most girls in the village loves him and will do absolutely anything they can to get him to notice them. Getting lost in thought again I didn't notice that Sean is standing behind me waiting for me to show him around and I knew the perfect place to take him. After accepting our lunch basket from mother we headed out to my favorite spot. Walking through the fields with Sean my heart wouldn't stop beating he was so close but still futher away then I wanted. So I did what any young proper woman would do and pretended to trip so he would catch me. His arms snaked around my hips to keep me from falling our faces are inches from eachother now so close I can feel his breath on my cheek. Looking up into his dark green eyes wanting to kiss him so bad but knowing its way to soon. We're frozen in time embracing eachother until Sean realized jusy how close we were. His face turned crimson and he slowly released me letting his fingers linger near my hand not sure wether to hold it or not. I smile at him understanding that he might feel the same spark I feel for him. Not giving him another second to pull his hand away I interlaced my fingers with his and pulled him along giggling.

We made it to the spot in what felt like seconds even though I know its a good hour walk. "This is my secret hide away" I explained "I like to come here with my thoughts and to get away sometimes its quite peaceful." "I've never been to a place like this before" exclaimed Sean the stunned look on his face warmed my heart and filled my stomach with butterflies. He looked back at me with a beaming smile "this is an amazing place is the water safe to get in?" I giggled of course it was safe to get in what does he think is in the water a monster? "Of course it is i promise you wont get eaten" I giggled.


Oh my god she is so beautiful! The picture perfect scenery infront of me pales in comparison to Callie. The lake looks like glass shimmering under the early summer sun only to be accompanied by a rich green field with wildflowers scattered throughout it. A wonderful veiw I could lay down and nap here for the rest of my life. I couldn't resist any more i started peeling off my shirt i started towards the lake and jumped in. The water was so nice and cool on my skin it made me shiver. Its alot colder than I was expecting on such a warm summers day. Callie sat at the edge of the water watching me play in the lake. "Well aint you coming in?" I asked. Callie giggled and replied "its unlady like for a girl to swim with a man don't ye know this." I rolled my eyes things are so different here I have to become accustomed to how they do stuff around here, but that can wait for another time all I want right now is to enjoy this moment when we can act up just me and her. So I decided to splash her with the water which rewarded me with a shrieking laugh from her "how dare you" she laughed her eyes sparkling with mischief "I'm going to get thee for that" she sent a big splash of water at me hitting me smack in the face. I smiled wide at her "oh now you've done it" I said before grabbing her hand and pulling her in the lake with me. Callie gasped and throw her arms around me so she wouldn't sink. Red in the face she scolded me "why would you do that I can't swim ye meanie!?!" I've never been called a meanie before but it sounded so freaking adorable coming from her mouth I felt the sudden urge to kiss her, but in the end I chickened out something ive never done before. Not to brag or anything but I was considered a lady_killer in my time I had the hottest girl in school guys envied me and girls loved me didn't matter the age and I have never had a problem talking to them before but now...

now I'm lost for words I'm getting nervous and clamy just being near her and this...this is very near. I didn't want to let her go though I held her tightly against my chest and spoke softly in her ear hoping it would give her chills "sorry I didn't know but if you would like I can teach you how to if you would like." She staired into my eyes like she was searching into my soul. "Girls aren't really suppose to know how to but i've always wanted to learn...would you really teach me?" she beamed. Her smile warmed me up so much the water didn't feel cold to me anymore as long as she is near me I'll always be as warm as I need to be. "Of course I'll teach you it'll be our little secret." I love being able to say our something doesn't even matter what it is as long as it is me and her together. We spent a good part of an hour swimming around she was a natural we decided to get out when our fingers got all pruny. She built the fire as i gathered wood to add to it so we could dry off and dug into our basket of food. We sat with each other enjoying the company chatting away and getting to know each other better I felt much closer to her now. I can't wait until she accepts me and we can start our lives together. First though I have to show her im worth her love and I will for as long as it takes and never make her question my love for her just have to wait for that one day.