
panemorfi seirína

audrey_r · Fantasy
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7 Chs


My hearts beating so fast I've never been this nervous around a girl before theres never been a need I'm a quarterback in my home town....in my time... I sighed to myself I'm just some rando traviler here nothing special. I don't even know how to act or speak for them not to suspect me of anything. I walked next to Callie deep in thought she must've sinced something was wrong. She slowed down stopping a few feet behind before I realized she wasn't next to me anymore. I turned to see what was wrong when she bounced by me teasing " I was wonderin' when ye were gon' to notice that I wasn't beside ye Mr. Sean." "mr. sean?" I muttered. Staring blankly at her I scoffed " you do realize I'm not that much older than you right?" She blinked at me "how'd ye know what my age is!" I think I offended her but she looked so freaking cute it took all my effort not to kiss her right here on the road. Then it occurred to me where the fuck are we I didn't recognize this landscape. I know were on the road somewhere, but where and where are we going? "umm I know your mad at me" I started "but where are you taking me I know that I offended you but just so you know if your planning on taking advantage of me I'm not going to let you I'll have to just throw you over my shoulder and take off with you" my attempt at a joke failed horribly she stomped her foot and put her hands on her hips making her look unbearably adorable "were going to town ye dunce!" Callie snapped. I couldn't hold it in anymore I dropped to the ground laughing my ass off. Which just upset her more she couldn't understand what was so funny. I composed myself sitting on the worn dirt road looking up at her "I'm so sorry your just so cute when you make that face" seeing the confuses look on her face I continued just barely audible "I just couldn't help myself im really sorry if i upset you" she flashed a smile at me that made butterflies go off in my stomach! some where deep down in my heart I knew that this is where I was ment to be I'm not quiet sure what my purpose was here but what I did know was that I never wanted to leave her side ever. That I would go to the end of the earth fighting whatever monster might get in my way no matter what happens I would never let Callie get away from me I just had to pray that she felt the same way about me.

"If ye's done starrin' at me we'll be on our way to the town I wanna get there before the shops close" Callie held her hand out to help me up I gave her my best smile accepting her help.

Town was about five miles away which in a car doesn't seem that long but on foot it felt like an eternity even tho I wasn't complaining I was able to find out alot about Callie on the walk. She chattered on about her family and things she likes to do for fun. I also found out that her family was very well off and moved to the island before Callie was born and started the farm, which provides almost all the food on the island, and that her father is close friends with the lord that rules over seirína. Which made them a very important family here that was kinda impressive. As we walked into town I found out that this small village loved Callie and her family almost every person we passed introduced themselves to me and treated callie like she was one of them joking and poking fun with her. Her eyes twinkled with happiness she looks right at home.

It's weird being the new person you know. You would think I looked like the devil himself the way they eyed me. Even though it wasn't all a complete waste because even if I wanted to forget the story I told I'd never be able to after repeating it almost a millon time.

I was exhausted by the time we got back home 'time travel is not as easy as it looks in movies' I grumbled to myself. Walking into the house I was hit with the smell of food instantly my stomach roared demanding food telling me that it would not let me sleep until I ate something to make it hush. I followed Callie to the dinning room. Everyone looked at us as we walked in "ah ye's arrived now best be going to wash up so we can start eating" rose scared me the only way a mother could she looked like she could lay me out on the floor with no problem at all. I'm definitely not going to defy her. Dinner was a simple fish stew with thick slices of bread and an amazing apple pie. I've never had food this yummy before. My mom never cooked food and when she did it was always burnt and over salted and my dad was no better my diet consited of fast food and take out home cooked meals where feared, but here the food taste like happiness and love I didn't even know food could taste like a feelings.

I helped Callie clear the table and wash all the dishes joking and chatting with her the whole time never even noticing her mom standing in the doorway smiling at us thinking to herself "I think theyll make a fine couple indeed god mustve blessed us for this son to take over the farm once we passed I just got to get 'em hitched and our family will be saved' happy with the decion Rose smiled to herself and left to go tell her husband of her plan.

Down the hallway in Samuel's office his wife told him of her plan to get sean and callie to wed. Knowing if they had only had a son they wouldn't have to worry like this but Samuel is not a young man anymore and Rose can't go through anymore miscarriages. They've been trying for a son for fifteen years but had only been blessed with girls they did have two son once one was born a stillborn and the other died at sea knowing Rose couldn't take anymore heartache they had been so happy when that pregnancy lasted to term since the last three had ended in failure. Rose hid her pain form the world but her husband shared in the hurt and she could never hide her true feelings from the man she loves so deeply. Samuel took sometime to consider the plan his wife had told him 'maybe this is god plan' Samuel thought to himself 'but I will never let my daughter enter into a loveless marriage' he saw the effect it had on his own parents his father was a horrible and violent man who was a extremely well off lord in Scotland he fell inlove with a beautiful young greek woman on one of his travels and paid her father a very handsome sum for his daughters hand in marriage her father was a greedy man and accepted with no questions asked she was forced to marry him and move to Scotland. She became very sickly after that only able to bare one son who she loved dearly even though he looked so much like his father the man who kept her caged like a bird. Samuel was the only one who brought her happiness in the hell she was living in. Her husband grow to hate her more and more for her bad health and showed her that hate every chance she got especially when she was showing love to Samuel it pissed him off more than anything else could 'how dare she make my boy soft' he would tell himself. When Samuel was 12 everything in his life changed forever.. He was coming home from the fields he would work in sometimes to escape his father when he heard his mother screaming and ran inside but he was to late... he walked into a gruesome sight his beloved mother motionless layed on the floor in a pool of her blood her head smashed into the hard floor and his father standing over her laughing with bloody hands. Samuel's vision blurred from the tears streaming down his face he picked up the fire poker that was near him and charged at his dad blinded by rage stabbing him in the heart and watching him slide to the ground. After that Samuel fled scotland to run from his past fought in many wars where he met Rose. She made him into a better man he would do anything for her. Realizing her husband wasn't listening to anything she was saying Rose clapped her hands infront her husband's face asking "well samuel whatcha think is it worth a shot getting them to fall in love?" Samuel wasn't really sure if the plan would work but told his wife "If they fall inlove i wont stop 'em from marrying but I cannot approve of Callie being in a loveless marriage she must want to be with him." Rose agreed she just wants whats best for her family and her husband has always known what was best for them so it wasn't hard for her to accept his terms. Smiling at each other like two love sick teens Samuel embraced his wife and kissed her passionately and whispered in her ear "I think it might be time to get ye up to bed I have some ideas for once we get up there." he slapped her butt making her giggle as they chased each other up the stair.