
Painted Scars: Dark Tale Of An Elite

We had heard about the filthy rich man pouring money on arm candies. But Do we know how twisted an elite can be? All had known him as an American monarch, schemed corrupt mind, A New York royal elite, sociopath, brutal, murderer, and felon. But I had seen him from close, enjoying my pleads and screams, pleasing me in his bed all tied up. He is my tormentor Scar Maroney. Once I tend to fall for the wrong men. That's how I met him. We had a chaotic history. He is the villain of my story and I was his prey. It was summer vacation in Texas, sounds great but the thing I regretted most collapsing in front of his car at first encounter. It was huge violence and utter chaos. The second encounter happened to be at a funeral witnessing his sinful crimsoned hand, Blood All Over, a devil in disguise. And the third encounter was a cold-blooded murder, perhaps the bullet was for me. Was it just happenstance?! Never. I just want my upcoming marriage doesn't wreck. His venom doesn't take time to spread and this time I'm not risking my family frame and my fiancé's royalty. I would never forget how brutally he tortured and killed the man who tried to stalk me. Warning: It's a dark romance, note it. Have Heavy sexual and explicit content. It's a bully romance too but not much heavy. The main lead will make you angry and go break everything. He is anything but a charming prince.

PNewmi · Urban
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

Chapter 1


"Make it stronger."

I purred, winking at the tattooed, tongue-pierced bartender. His hand worked fast as my eyes followed every move until he brought the glass close to my mouth. The fruity tasted shot got over enough of me to make the bold move of sipping from his hold. I licked my lips as he smirked while drinking the rest.

"One more round."

My best friend order up another round–on me. Grabbing my hand she moves over an empty seat, back down and arms draped around my shoulder.

"I bet he is mistaken if he thinks you're gonna book VIP."

She laughed out loud and waved at the bartender. I agree. One waiter approached us with our drinks.

"I need to get a man."

She mumbled as she eyed men on the dance floor with an impassive look. Her gaze finally settled on a man giving all snarky and dangerous vibes. Nothing about Perri is innocent, not like all being punished and ruled. She likes to have the upper hand with no privilege.


But before she made a move the guy stood and sprinted away almost as fast as he could. Strange.


"Probably narcissistic too."

I shrugged gulping the fruit rum. I almost moaned at the delighted flavor.

A cold shiver ran down my spine as a group of men followed the man's trail behind. I gasped. They all have similar tattoos, some kind of sign of being in a gang. One of them was clean-shaven, dirty blonde-haired barked orders over loud music to check VIPs and washrooms. Something shone from his waistband before he fixed his suit and moved forward.

Perry is clueless as me. Later, Adam got us to drive back home and the rest of the night was blurred.

The knocking of heels on the hardwood floor jolts me awake. I squeezed my eyes shut. Clutching my head I blinked my eyes to adjust to the lights. Throbbing pain from the hangover didn't lose yet. Fuck, why did I have to flirt with that bartender? Shit. The last thing I want is my number in his pocket.

I again tried to open my eyes. I didn't expect her to be early this morning. Before I groan and stretch the door knob spins I turned aside to hide my face. Mom's steps halted.

"Is your clock running slow?!"

Mom was disgruntled. She had an old habit of sassing when she gets bloated with work. I guess it's something more than work. I sighed.

"What brought you here?"

I cleared my throat. My voice is hoarse and dry a bit.

"Clara got a call from an agent of the CEO of Marx Inc. They approached for an agreement with a compelling offer."

She grabbed my whole attention. Marx's? Ain't they do engine manufacture? Mother started tapping her heels, expressing I'm seriously testing her patience. Not a good move.

"Before I go further, get up and be presentable. I can't have a look at your swollen eyes."

Shocked, how she knew? I lowered my sheet and sat straightening my back. She touched the button and the curtains opened.

"Was you spying? "

She crossed her arms.

"Just put you in bed."

Shit, Never again. I nodded before I left for the shower. I need to do something with my hangover and dark circles too.

"What agreement and offer you said about earlier?"

Clara finished taking notes and Nora looked at me from her laptop screen as she sat on a couch crossing her leg.

"His client wanted the residential area of Chicago for the private land stripping of his Boeing 747. He is ready to make the highest bid even though he is offering money and terms to buy the mansion too."

Mom briefly said, closing her laptop.

"Should that concern me?"

Mother eyed me with a disappointed look.

"Be an adult and have a civil talk if you are not ready to sell. You both shared the estate as in papers. I don't think any of you originally had planned to sell but Ashton is willing to negotiate with you. Are you?"

There's nothing to negotiate. It's not the first time he is doing this to make his move again on me.

"I'm ready to sell."

I breathlessly said.

"Okay, then. I will arrange a conference with them."

Thank fuck.

"Can't they send papers?"

"Through a signature is required but your presence might be important. You have to be in Manhattan before five."

I set my lips on a tight line, just Great. Now I have to board a flight to New York for five hours. Why can't the agent come and get it?

"You will be done before Ashton arrives."

I nodded, I don't need his single penny though I'm not going to refund him for sure.

"Don't send Clara, I will be ready before Eight."

I ignored the stink eye Clara sent in my direction as I rubbed my forehead and checked my phone. I have less than twenty minutes.

"I will be out of town so Adam will be there to guide you and the video conference will be done within a few hours."
