
Painted Scars: Dark Tale Of An Elite

We had heard about the filthy rich man pouring money on arm candies. But Do we know how twisted an elite can be? All had known him as an American monarch, schemed corrupt mind, A New York royal elite, sociopath, brutal, murderer, and felon. But I had seen him from close, enjoying my pleads and screams, pleasing me in his bed all tied up. He is my tormentor Scar Maroney. Once I tend to fall for the wrong men. That's how I met him. We had a chaotic history. He is the villain of my story and I was his prey. It was summer vacation in Texas, sounds great but the thing I regretted most collapsing in front of his car at first encounter. It was huge violence and utter chaos. The second encounter happened to be at a funeral witnessing his sinful crimsoned hand, Blood All Over, a devil in disguise. And the third encounter was a cold-blooded murder, perhaps the bullet was for me. Was it just happenstance?! Never. I just want my upcoming marriage doesn't wreck. His venom doesn't take time to spread and this time I'm not risking my family frame and my fiancé's royalty. I would never forget how brutally he tortured and killed the man who tried to stalk me. Warning: It's a dark romance, note it. Have Heavy sexual and explicit content. It's a bully romance too but not much heavy. The main lead will make you angry and go break everything. He is anything but a charming prince.

PNewmi · Urban
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

"Check the terms and conditions once again before you sign here. Once you sign this can't be redeemable."

I nodded before checking once and putting my signature on it. Sometimes cherished memories get scarred.

Clara had checked it before we landed here. I never easily put my trust in someone.

I wore a glass to hide the dark circles and eye bags.

"Enjoy the rest of your day."

I thanked him before I left the table to go to the washroom. Clara was waiting outside of Car. As I approached the door and pushed someone pulled at the same time. I glanced at the looming figure and immediately recognized, he is the dirty blonde guy from the club last night if I'm not mistaken.

He passed me without giving a single glance as he left for the dining area I was in with the agent and another man of similar age followed behind. He is rugged with tousled hair and a stubbled jaw. Same cold and stoic expression on his face. The prominent veins of his hand propped through his olive skin, impeccable.

He glanced my way as I looked away, his aura retaining enigma, a man of a god-like face but evil-empowered.

Stepping out of the door I saw the white Bugatti. The door opened as Ashton Wilder climbed off fixing his tailored suit. He was sulking. The other side of his car opened as Jenna got down. Seeing her I enforced a scoff to swallow. Walking towards my car I found him staring at me, flashing him a smug look of triumphant I swung my car door open, fastened my belt, and slumped down lower.

I'm glad I was right on time. Today was exhausting and tedious but not wasted. The car slowly glided towards the road.

"That was Scar Maroney."

I frowned looking at Clara. Everyone knows who he is, mostly for his scandals and extramarital affairs.

Strange, Ashton and Scar being in the same place is anything but coincidental. They remained nemesis for years. One reason is enough to unleash on each other.

"You were ogling at Levi."

"I thought he was another guy."

I said leaving out the details.

"Mrs. Daphne had always spoken so highly of him. But all I see is an arrogant, filthy rich jerk."

Clara scoffed with an unpleasant look. I'm utterly confused.

"Scar Maroney?"

She nodded, passing me the sandwich in a zip-locked bag. I was in no mood to eat anything but I have to settle my stomach.

"What's with him?"

I asked taking a bite.

"You have low acquaintance. He is Mrs. Daphney's grandson."

I almost choked on my food giving her an incredulous look. All my life I had known Gran as Daphney Houston.

"She had always used her maiden name."

When I met Daphne Hudson, She was an old lady who used to visit orphanages and did some charity work. She found me at the orphanage and decided to keep me in her foster care. Years later she got sick and left the city. After a long while she called me months ago and that was our last contract.

"Jenna chick managed to look like a stick as ready to stick."

Clara sniggered, flashing Jenna a middle finger. Jenna briskly turned her head away. Ashton still had his long face.

Ashton is sly and devious. He is passionate. The world finds him a role model. But to me, he is a good manipulator and selfish. One minute I was Goddess to him and the next moment he discarded me after all years I dedicated to him.

In a few words, he is one of my nightmares. And Scar Maroney is a con, calculating, sick and cryptic. Everything about him is twisted and cruel. He had been ruling NYC even after he brutally schemed the death of Major Conner years ago.

All of a sudden I feel dumb now. My throat dried. How I never came to know who bought the place. Fuck, who's the CEO of Marx Inc.?

"Who brought the estate?"

I tried to act cool but all effort was in vain. Clara furrowed her eyebrows.

"Who else? Of course Scar Maroney."

An unsettled feeling piled up in my stomach, my blood ran cold. Why didn't mom concern me? Maybe I would have never agreed. I leaned back and tried a few deep breaths. But I knew,

"I think I'm gonna throw up."