
Painted Scars: Dark Tale Of An Elite

We had heard about the filthy rich man pouring money on arm candies. But Do we know how twisted an elite can be? All had known him as an American monarch, schemed corrupt mind, A New York royal elite, sociopath, brutal, murderer, and felon. But I had seen him from close, enjoying my pleads and screams, pleasing me in his bed all tied up. He is my tormentor Scar Maroney. Once I tend to fall for the wrong men. That's how I met him. We had a chaotic history. He is the villain of my story and I was his prey. It was summer vacation in Texas, sounds great but the thing I regretted most collapsing in front of his car at first encounter. It was huge violence and utter chaos. The second encounter happened to be at a funeral witnessing his sinful crimsoned hand, Blood All Over, a devil in disguise. And the third encounter was a cold-blooded murder, perhaps the bullet was for me. Was it just happenstance?! Never. I just want my upcoming marriage doesn't wreck. His venom doesn't take time to spread and this time I'm not risking my family frame and my fiancé's royalty. I would never forget how brutally he tortured and killed the man who tried to stalk me. Warning: It's a dark romance, note it. Have Heavy sexual and explicit content. It's a bully romance too but not much heavy. The main lead will make you angry and go break everything. He is anything but a charming prince.

PNewmi · Urban
Not enough ratings
3 Chs



Hearing the blood-curdling scream and loud bangs on doors pricked goosebumps on my skin. I rushed to my apartment door and fumbled with the keys. Once I opened the door wide I shuddered to see my best friend's lifeless body tied up with a chair and her stomach split open. Blood and cuts all over, I stiffed and everything around me spun. Half of her face has burnt marks and open cuts. I screamed, and my knees almost dropped to the floor. I hurried towards her as my steps wobbled beneath me.

"Can you hear me, Perry?!"

No physical reaction from my strangled scream as I untied the knot and slapped her face for her response but she was cold. I choked my sob.

Taking my phone out of my pocket, I called for emergency but there was no ring. The sound of heavy footsteps made me look upward at the figure.

"Too late."

He rolled his tongue against the inside of his cheeks. No way he hacked the network system.

"She was no part of this sick game."

I bellowed as I stood my ground shielding her.

"Rebelling now?"

He tilted his head, stepping close.

"You are in no position to talk until you had the privilege."

He tucked out his gun from the holster and cocked. I gasped in fright and took the butter knife from the table swiftly and hurled myself into him but he held my hand in a farm grip and pushed me down the floor. I quavered and clawed his face and I tried to knee him but he was fast to catch before it made contact.

He pressed his weight on me and captured my wrist. I managed to whirl around and swung my fist at his face. I stabbed his shoulder. He hissed and I scooted off of him taking Perri's arm to bring it around my shoulder but he caught ahold of me and slammed me against the mirror glass. The glass broke and shards stabbed my skin. I wailed, my bones may have broken, and my limbs go numb. Seizing my jaw he shoved the gun inside my mouth. He pulled the trigger, smirking evilly.

"Happy father-daughter reunion."

I pant taking a huge gulp of air as my eyes flew open. It was all a dream. He won't be here, will he? I leaped over quickly and checked Perri's bedroom. She is dead asleep. I pressed a hand against my chest where blood was pumping fast.

I took a hold to calm my breath and wiped away the beads of sweat all over my forehead and neck. Washing my face, I changed my tank top. I was about to turn off my lights but something at my door left me petrified. My hair stood on end as I swallowed the lump in my throat and moved close to the note stabbed at my door with the fruit slicer.

"Wish your every nightmare comes true."

My breath stopped, and my gaze moved to the other scribbled note around it.

"It was a sight to see you screaming for me."

He was here, he was watching me. How did he do it? He didn't break any locks. Questions swirled through my head. Picking up my phone from the nightstand I called the number I blocked once. After the third ring, he answered.


A dread crept inside me. I was now his game to play.