
A troubled soul.

"It has been long Sage,no one has heard from you for a long time now,it seems you decided to take a break from us", Philia said as she tried to touch Sage and bring her back to reality. She seemed to be lost in her thoughts.

Philia was always the one friend who supported Sage in whatever adventure she ventured into. She always protected her from the bad guys right from high school and they were more like best friends. At a point things got rough between them and their bond became weak." They loved each other but Love wasn't enough to keep the friendship. They were still in touch but there was an awkward energy between them.

"I just needed some alone time Philia,or don't you isolate yourself sometimes from the rest?" Sage asked in a low but harsh tone.

"I am not here to argue with you Sage," I just came to know how you were doing and to make sure you were alright because even though you do not believe it, i do care about you."

"I don't doubt that,"Sage replied. "But I just want to be alone and It has nothing to do with you or anyone else."

"I think i have overstayed my welcome, I'll be going and I hope to hear from you soonest." Philia got up and carried her purple handbag and hurriedly left Sage.

Sage on the other hand knew she was furious, but she just didn't care. She had a lot going on in her head and she wouldn't share with anyone either. It was more like she was waiting for her saviour to come rescue her.

"I know she left because you pissed her off," a voice came from behind and she turned to see her brother Allen standing right behind her and looking at her with eyes full of disappointment.

"Not again with this Allen, were you eavesdropping"? She asked and he was thrown off by the question. His sister had changed so much right under his nose and he couldn't do anything about it. Sage was always such a sweet girl, no one came to her and left angry or sad. She always had to put others first and she didn't care much about what happened to her. She only cared about others and that seemed to do her a lot of good,not until that point of her life, the reverse was the case.

"I wasn't eavesdropping Sage, you know I don't even have time and energy for that, i have more important things to do other than to listen to a conversation that wouldn't add anything to me."

"Notwithstanding, I do know that she left because you displayed your annoying attitude again and its really very annoying." When did you turn into an annoying brat"? He asked looking at his sister who was face down and didn't seem to care much about what he had to say.

"Things are really getting out of hand with you, and I have to do something real quick before you reach a point of no return.

"You don't understand anything Allen, if only you knew what I've been through"...You wouldn't blame me for anything," She said and rose up to leave.

"You're not going anywhere Sage, he said as he dragged her back and made her to sit down facing him.

He hugged her so tight that she could barely breath.The kind of hug she needed.

She was moved to tears and her brother didn't let go, for more than fifteen minutes, they held each other and it was such a beautiful moment for Allen.

"Can you talk to me now, Sage"?

He asked as he pulled her away and held her on both shoulders looking her straight in the eyes.

Right from high school,people who knew both of them always thought that they were lovers and not siblings. They were so close and there was no Allen without Sage. They had each other.

"Allen, its not so easy for me to say."She said with tears in her eyes, Allen was heartbroken seeing her sister in so much pain but couldn't do anything to alleviate it. How could he? He doesn't even know what made her cry.

"You have to help me to help you Sage, if you don't talk to me things will get worse and I don't want to lose you. You have to try to talk to me even though it's hard for you. I will always he here to protect you but you have to let me."

"Please don't insist Allen," Sage answered sobbing and trying to control herself. She wanted to give off a smile to put her brother at ease but a smile didn't come forth.

"I promise you I'll be fine Allen, you just have to give me some time I pro...

"How much more time Sage" !? Allen chipped him as he couldn't let her finish up with what she was saying.

"I have been very patient with you and I have tried to overlook somethings and have faith that you will come back to being the normal you but things are not changing for the better and you are here asking me to give you more time"?

"How much more time Sage? Put yourself in my place, maybe by then you would have a little more compassion and talk to me."

"Calm down Allen," She said to him.

He fixed a gaze at her and even though it made her uncomfortable, she tried not to cry anymore and she finally was able to give off a smirk.

"I will leave you alone for now but I want you to know that this doesn't end here, I'll see to the end of this and I don't care if I have to reach the end of the world for it. I will find out what got you so worked up and sad this way. There must be an explanation for it and it will still be clear to me."

"Come inside the house because it's getting cold outside," Allen said as he stood up and went inside the house.

To avoid causing any more damage to her brothers mood, Sage immediately got up and followed him back inside the house. She had to be strong for herself and for the sake of her brother too.