
Pack of Destiny: Her uncharted Legacy

Sarah Lee of the Crescent Moon Pack, I, Mark Jones, Alpha of the Crescent Moon Pack, reject you. I could feel the pain in my heart. I could hear Leon howling inside of me and sense his suffering. I could see the pain in her eyes as she was directly facing me, but she resisted showing it. Most wolves quake in pain and drop to their knees. I wanted to squat down and wriggle my chest. She didn't, though. She had her head up high as she stood there. She inhaled deeply before closing her stunning eyes. "I accept your rejection, Sarah Lee of the Crescent Moon Pack." When Sarah turns 18, she is shocked to learn that her mate is her pack's alpha. Her joy over having found her soulmate, however, was short-lived. Her mate left her in favour of a more powerful she-wolf. Sarah has to contend with more than just the she-wolf's hatred and desire to get rid of her. When Sarah learns that she is not a typical wolf and that some would like to utilise her, she is shocked. They pose a threat. To acquire what they desire, they will do anything. How will Sarah behave? Will her partner regret turning her down? Will Sarah come to terms with who she truly is? Will her partner be able to protect her from others around them?

Daoist77E25L · Teen
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4 Chs


I got a nasty shock when I went downstairs. Cathy was standing in my kitchen staring at me like she wanted to kill me. She is Alpha and my brother's closest friend. She has known them since she was a little girl and is 25, just like my brother and Alpha. She's holding on to them like a lifeboat right now. She was devastated to learn that neither my brother nor Alpha were her mates. Despite everything, she kept trying to become Luna. She surrounds Alpha continuously to win him over and convince him to choose her as his mate. Werewolves can pull it off. If their partner dies or if they are unable to find their ideal mate, they can take a chosen one. It is unacceptable, especially in our pack where we place a high priority on mate bonds. The majority of bundles do. Some people, however, are more understanding of preferred companions. The ideal tall, blonde woman was Cathy. Her makeup was always impeccable. Her hair was always well-styled and combed. But her behavior completely ruined everything. She was harsh, caustic, and unrespectful. She hated me and treated me like I was nothing. but just in case we were by ourselves. When we were with my brother or Alpha, she was a whole different person. She was pleasant to me and once told my brother that I reminded her of her little sister. Yuck. My brother wasn't persuaded when I tried to tell him about her. He said I was envious of her and the time they spent together.

"Cathy." I reacted coldly and took a mug out of a cabinet. the greeting "Good morning, ugly." She smiled as she spoke. "Sleeping so long must be good for you." Maybe you should give it a shot as well. I said as I poured coffee into my mug. "You ought to get as much rest for beauty as you can. I turned to face her with a sneer on my face. She was enraged. It says, "You little bitch." She spoke through her teeth. You won't have time to blink when I transform into Luna, which will happen soon.She regularly did it. She threatened to kick me out when she changed into a Luna. She would undoubtedly see it through, so my only prayer was that she wouldn't change into a Luna. I wanted to reply, but before I could, I heard the front door open. My brother and our Alpha went into the kitchen. Cathy immediately flashed her biggest, most fake smile. I gave a wry grin. How could anyone fail to notice how deceitful she was? Greeting you with "Good morning, little one." My brother kissed my forehead as he talked. That was the name he wanted to call me. He enjoyed pointing out how little I was compared to wolves my age. especially in light of his size. Like Alpha, he was 6'4" and extremely muscular all over. We were remarkably alike. We had brown hair and blue eyes in common.

He was sunnier than I was, though. I got my mother's pale skin from her. I was outside in the sun a lot, yet I never seemed to get tan. Good morning, Morgan. Good morning, Mark. I smiled as I spoke. I am only permitted to call Alpha by his first name when we are alone in our homes. On other occasions, I have to address him as Alpha. Alpha Mark is also. That made Cathy angry. She gave me an expression that warned, "One will kill you." the greeting "Good morning, Sarah." Mark commented as he sat down at our kitchen table. What do you have planned for the day, Me? Morgan questioned as he made coffee for Mark and himself. "Absolutely nothing." I responded. After an hour of training, I'll just hang around with Amy and Gibbson.Your first shift begins on Monday. Are you feeling elated? Mark asked me questions and took my brother's coffee cup. "Yes." I said with a broad smile on my face.

I say, "I can't wait to meet my wolf." You might find your soul mate, Sarah. Cathy spoke icily. And perhaps we will lose you to him tomorrow. She posed as being saddened for my brother. God, if they didn't recognize her for what she was, they were so deaf. My brother assured Cathy, "Cathy, don't worry." She is and always will be our little sister. Nobody will be able to take that away from us. I wanted to scream and throw up. Not at all my sister! She was a fake and was just looking to get rid of me! But as I was mute, all I could muster was a fake smile. After your shift, you can start working in a pack house, Mark remarked. You went to high school to work in the pack office, is that right? I smiled and replied, "I did."

"I can't wait to start working." "Good." Mark chuckled as he spoke. His smile made him appear even more alluring. That was unusual, too. He usually took his position as an Alpha very seriously and devoted all of his attention to that. He always operated in the best interests of his pack. As a result, he was tremendously successful. He shared my brother's height and build, if not even more so. The alpha and beta wolves were always the two strongest wolves in the pack. And it was always clear that. Alpha and beta's identities were always clear. He had dark blonde hair and green eyes. His jaw and nose were both expertly sculpted, and his lips appeared to be soft. He was seductive. It's not shocking that Cathy was fixated with him. She also had feelings for my brother, but she didn't think being Beta's mate was enough for her. However, she would agree if my brother chose to also make her his wife. She only desired the position and the authority. Sadly, they didn't see that. I was distracted from my thoughts by a doorbell. Gibbson had shown up.