
Pack of Destiny: Her uncharted Legacy

Sarah Lee of the Crescent Moon Pack, I, Mark Jones, Alpha of the Crescent Moon Pack, reject you. I could feel the pain in my heart. I could hear Leon howling inside of me and sense his suffering. I could see the pain in her eyes as she was directly facing me, but she resisted showing it. Most wolves quake in pain and drop to their knees. I wanted to squat down and wriggle my chest. She didn't, though. She had her head up high as she stood there. She inhaled deeply before closing her stunning eyes. "I accept your rejection, Sarah Lee of the Crescent Moon Pack." When Sarah turns 18, she is shocked to learn that her mate is her pack's alpha. Her joy over having found her soulmate, however, was short-lived. Her mate left her in favour of a more powerful she-wolf. Sarah has to contend with more than just the she-wolf's hatred and desire to get rid of her. When Sarah learns that she is not a typical wolf and that some would like to utilise her, she is shocked. They pose a threat. To acquire what they desire, they will do anything. How will Sarah behave? Will her partner regret turning her down? Will Sarah come to terms with who she truly is? Will her partner be able to protect her from others around them?

Daoist77E25L · Teen
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4 Chs

Chapter one

I woke up in the early hours and jumped out of bed. I was content. Incredibly ecstatic. Wednesday is my birthday. I'll be eighteen when I meet my wolf tomorrow. I was eager to start my first shift. I didn't care that they said it was painful. It only lasts for a little while before getting easier. I can handle a little discomfort. All I wanted was for my parents to be here to see me work my first shift. Even though they had been dead for eight years, nothing had changed. They were killed in an unanticipated assault. Rogue wolves are those that do not belong to a pack. They go rogue after being expelled from their packs for a variety of transgressions. Some of them choose to leave their packs and live as rogues. Despite being unusual, that is. We wolves are group animals. We detest being isolated.

A wolf typically decides to leave the pack after going through a bad experience there or after losing its mate and going crazy. The thieves are solitary types. They do not employ other wolves. But when they pursued our pack, they were working together. It was very peculiar. Our Alpha has since learned that a lone wolf has gathered additional wolves to attack several packs. The Rogue King is the name given to him. The attacks have continued ever since. They constantly attacked other wolves as well as our group. On the night of the attack, rogues set out to kill our Alpha's son. They were celebrating his 18th birthday and his first shift. He was supposed to start preparing to succeed the current Alpha and take charge of the pack. But that evening, thugs killed his father, our former Alpha Duke. He was instantly transformed into an Alpha. And he did an excellent job. He finished his training early, which gave our group a competitive advantage.

My father was the beta for Alpha Duke. He, like my mother, died defending Alpha, Luna, and their son. They have to carry it out. After they died, my brother, Morgan became Beta. Since they were children, he and our Alpha have been close friends, and they now share the management of our pack. My brother is an amazing Beta and an even better sibling. He was left in charge of our pack and me after his parents died when he was 17 years old. He never had a bad mood. He agreed to the responsibilities and made an effort. And he performed admirably. He always watched out for me and made sure I was safe. He keeps doing it. I just finished high school, so now I just have to train. My brother and our Alpha concluded that everyone in the pack needed to become self-sufficient in defense after the attacks. Our entire group must have a high school diploma. In some aspects, it's similar to a human high school, but we learn about a werewolf and pack history, pack laws, and other things necessary to keep the pack running well.

If a wolf is interested in working for Alpha, for example, he or she will learn more about leading the pack. If wolves are interested in farming, they will educate themselves about plants and our crops to help us grow food. A wolf must spend more time training than the rest of us if they wish to defend their group. They have to grasp both attack and defense formations. I decided to help the Alpha lead our pack. It felt natural to me. I wanted to help my Beta brother in any way I could. I learned a lot about pack rules and other necessities for running our pack well. Only the Alpha, Beta, and pack healers leave the pack to travel to work-related training sessions. They affiliate with several packs where they receive all the instructions required for their particular positions within the pack. The training lasts for around a year. Our new Alpha and Beta finished their training very quickly, given that our pack had been attacked and that our former Alpha had died. The pack needed them, therefore they had to be completed more rapidly than usual. Although I was sorry to see my brother leave, I recognized his necessity. Tomorrow is both my birthday and my first shift, so even though we train every day, I have the day off. It's a special moment. Being your first shift, it's important to get to know your wolf and your companion. In wolf society, the mate has a crucial role. Our Moon Goddess picks out your soul partner for you. It stands for the joining of two souls. You begin to put your partner's needs ahead of your own. They capture your heart right away. You must watch over them and be at their side.

My brother continues to look for love. And neither did our Alpha. His mother Mary still has the title of Luna and is in charge of carrying out the duties until he does. After the passing of her spouse, our former Alpha, she struggled. She almost didn't make it. She didn't even eat or sleep; she did nothing. That is what happens when a lover disappears. You stop wanting to live. She did, however, recover, and these days she makes a magnificent Luna. She is someone I adore. She and I share a special relationship because she helped my brother and me after our parents died. She reminds me of a mother. I asked her to be there as soon as I got to work. She nodded and gave me a firm embrace. It's a big deal to be there for a wolf's first shift. In our group, I think. Every pack has a different tradition, but in ours, you can only start your shift in front of the wolves you choose. And being chosen was a privilege. My brother, my friends Ann and Gibson, and my sister Luna Mary were the people I chose. They were all pleased and proud of me. I was anxious to transform. It will be amazing. And possibly sooner than my brother, I'll meet my soul mate. I hurriedly got dressed, brushed my teeth, and bathed because I had to leave for training immediately. I put on my grey sweatshirt, black tights, training bra, and black Nike sneakers. I put my long brown hair in a ponytail and headed downstairs.