
Pack of Destiny: Her uncharted Legacy

Sarah Lee of the Crescent Moon Pack, I, Mark Jones, Alpha of the Crescent Moon Pack, reject you. I could feel the pain in my heart. I could hear Leon howling inside of me and sense his suffering. I could see the pain in her eyes as she was directly facing me, but she resisted showing it. Most wolves quake in pain and drop to their knees. I wanted to squat down and wriggle my chest. She didn't, though. She had her head up high as she stood there. She inhaled deeply before closing her stunning eyes. "I accept your rejection, Sarah Lee of the Crescent Moon Pack." When Sarah turns 18, she is shocked to learn that her mate is her pack's alpha. Her joy over having found her soulmate, however, was short-lived. Her mate left her in favour of a more powerful she-wolf. Sarah has to contend with more than just the she-wolf's hatred and desire to get rid of her. When Sarah learns that she is not a typical wolf and that some would like to utilise her, she is shocked. They pose a threat. To acquire what they desire, they will do anything. How will Sarah behave? Will her partner regret turning her down? Will Sarah come to terms with who she truly is? Will her partner be able to protect her from others around them?

Daoist77E25L · Teen
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4 Chs

Chapter Three

My brother questioned, "Is that Gibbson?" I put the mug in the dishwasher after nodding. I'll see you later tonight. Hello, Mark. Cathy," | I said, kissing my brother on the cheek. Cathy threw me a chilly glare while Mark grinned at me. Bitch. I opened the front door after leaving the kitchen. Standing there, my pal Gibbson was grinning at me.I've always had feelings for him. Still, I do. He has dark hair, is tall, lean, and gorgeous. His chocolate-colored eyes have a deep brown hue. I also enjoy chocolate. I occasionally wish he could be my partner. I know he likes me, and I think we'd be fantastic together. He himself told me. We didn't date or even discuss it. We held out for our friends.

Although it is not strictly illegal, having sex with someone else is discouraged, mostly by our pack elders. When they notice someone courting outside of a mate bond, the rest of the pack agrees that we should wait for our mates but shies away. However, not all of us sacrificed Ourselves for our partners. My brother and Mark definitely encountered some she-wolves, I can tell you that much. I believe Mark even had a sexual relationship with Cathy, which strengthened her conviction that she would be his Luna. Although Matt and I never discussed it, I believe he also had relationships with several she-wolves. Gibbson is 22 years old and has yet to find love. So maybe I'm his and he's mine. If he ends up becoming my mate, I won't be happy to learn that he had extramarital affairs, but I also don't want to hold that against him.

Good morning, lovely. He said, kissing me on the cheek. Good day, Matt. As I mentioned, I shut the front door. He held my hand and inquired, "Are you excited?" The answer is "Yes, I am." I said while beaming broadly. "I'm eager to shift" He predicted, "It will be amazing." "You'll do fantastic. That you asked me to attend is a great honor. Of course I did, she replied. "My two closest buddies are you and Ann. You must go, please. "Perhaps | will also be something else to you," He added while winking. I chuckled. "Maybe you will. "Together, we made our way over to the practice fields. Ann was waiting for us when we arrived. We first met in high school, and she is a year older than I am. She introduced Gibbson to me.

They are related. She and Gibbson have a similar appearance. She and guy both have black hair. However, she has slightly paler eyes than he does. If not my two favorite wolves, then, "Well." She spoke while beaming a big smile. "Good day, Ann." As he spoke, Matt kissed her on the cheek. She hugged me tightly. "Sarah, I'm so excited to meet your wolf tomorrow. I have no doubt our wolves will become best mates. Similar to how we are. Oh, I know Eleora will adore the wolf, I grinned broadly. Our wolves each have individual names. Eleora is the name of Matt's wolf, and Harry is Ann's. I'm eager to find out what my wolf's name is. Girls, enough chit-chat. Time for exercise. I'll talk to you later. Matt said as he made his way to his practice area. Gibbson trains harder and in a different way than us because he is a patrol wolf. Wolves on patrol practice apart from the rest of us. Ann is employed at a greenhouse. She is incredible. Gibbson and I would occasionally work out together. He gave me some insight into what they do throughout their training sessions. He claimed that he wanted me to be as informed as possible so that I could defend myself. He favored my security. Our daily training session ended an hour and a half later. Ann and I headed home to change and take a shower while Matt still had an hour remaining. We would meet at a diner we frequented frequently. Once I got back home. There was no Morgan. He is outside taking care of pack matters. Working from nine to five at Beta is different from other occupations. There is always work to be done. Particularly when your Alpha Mark I immediately got dressed in some jeans, a white sweater, and my black Converse sneakers after taking a shower. My hair was dried, and I let it hang down to my waist. Ann was already seated at our customary booth when I arrived at the diner. I said, "Hey, lady." She spoke.

You look fantastic. I'm grateful. I did not grin as beautifully as you do. She is stunning, tall, slender yet with perfect contours, and exudes complete confidence. The boys desire her. So tomorrow is a significant day. As she sipped her chocolate milkshake, she spoke. "Yes. I am overjoyed. Perhaps Matt will become your mate, and then we'll all be related. She declared while beaming broadly. "I'd adore that." | said. You know I adore Matt. He'd make a fantastic friend. And he is really smitten with you. She chuckled. What are you talking about? "Most boys are, actually. I said while scowling. I thanked the waitress for bringing me my strawberry milkshake and took a drink. It is incredible. "Go ahead, Sarah." She added while rolling her eyes. "You are gorgeous and attractive. I'm surprised you were unaware of the looks you were receiving. Matt is incredibly envious. "I've always assumed that people are focusing on you. I added while grinning. Ann chuckled.

They do. Nonetheless, it is not the only one they are examining. I flushed and glanced at my hands below. I don't care. I'll watch for my partner. And now he arrives. Ann said while indicating the door. Matt entered the room. He approached our booth with a wide smile on his face. He sat down next to me and gave me a cheek kiss. "Hey, ladies. He questioned, "What are we talking about? "Mates," Ann uttered her words while beaming broadly. I'm eager to bring up the subject again tomorrow. Matt said while giving me a wink. I chuckled while flushing. Okay, don't make me blush anymore. Matt rubbed my cheek while laughing. "Why? There isn't a lovely sight. "All right, romantics. Enough." Ann chuckled as she spoke. When will we be meeting tomorrow, Sarah? Well, I'll spend the day with my brother and have lunch with him. We'll meet at the shift site at 8 o'clock. I said. It's been customary for my brothers to celebrate our birthdays together. No other individuals. Just me and him.

We always have lunch and breakfast together. Then we watch a movie and have all the cake we can. I adore our custom. "Great. I'm eager to find out if your wolf will be smaller than you. Ann chuckled as she spoke. I scowled at them as Matt joined her. The phrase "you bitches." "Oh, Sarah, get going." Matthew laughed. "We adore your diminutive size." Despite my grimace, I laughed along with them. The rest of the day was spent chatting, having fun, and organizing our first run together.

Morgan was still out when I got home, even though it was late. I took a brief shower, changed into my pajamas, and crawled under the covers. I'm eager to find out what will happen tomorrow.