
Owned by the Don

He grabbed her hand and turned her to him. She tried struggling but his hold was firm, " you are mine Audrey, whether you like it or not, you are mine" He groaned the words to her. " no I'm not" That only made him chuckle and then carried her to his desk. Acting like a caveman possessed, he moved all things on his desk to the floor violently. " You shall serve your husband as you should, right on this desk" He said and smirked before pecking her on the cheek. Audrey had goosebumps from his touch but she could not summit so willingly like she craved him. " Aiden, stop" her words came out like a whisper but he heard her. " No man on earth can stop me from having you little Audrey " With that, he started ravishing her right on his desk.

Ineh_Maureen · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

we are getting married today

" Why are you always jumpy around me Kiska?" He asked her. His lips close to her ear making her gasp for a second.


" Yes Kiska"

"Can you leave me for a minute?" She could not answer him if he held her like this. Something was poking her at her back side.

"No, answer me first" this time his breathe at her ear felt ticklish.

" Please"

" Hmm. No"

He was teasing her on purpose. He was being a bad man.

" I'm not being Jumpy around you, I'm not just familiar with having a close interaction with a man. That's all" she confessed honestly.

Her father made sure that she didn't have a close association with men except from Jason, he was the only male friend she had.

"Audrey, I'm not any man. I'm your husband"

" Not yet, we are not wedded couples for the time being" she opposed him.

That was new. No person ever objected his orders except from her, he allowed it because she was going to be his wife. She deserved to speak freely about her opinions.

"Do you realize that you just opposed my words?"

He asked.

She gasped when she realized that she had just said No to the Don. Damn! She sure didn't like her life. Who the hell said no to the Don?

Aiden wanted to laugh at her shocked expression, she just realized that she had said No earlier.

" Don't worry Kiska, I was only pulling your legs. You are free to say whatever the hell you want. I allow it"

Aiden said and smiled.

She wasn't getting slapped for speaking to him in that manner.

Just as he raised his hand to pet her head, she flinched.

That made Aiden put his hand down . Wait a damn second.

" Did your father always hit you Kiska?"

His voice was cold and angry

" He... Hmm.."

" Did he ... Hit you? I won't ask again Audrey, I could just get the answer out of your sub mother" He threatened her this time.

The only way he could get the truth of people was if he threatened them [ he always did whatever he said he was going to do] or destroy them.

For Audrey, family was everything, even if her mother did not stop her father for constantly slapping or beating her for no good reason in most cases, she was still her mother.

She nodded.

Aiden raised his head in frustration at her answer.

" I should have killed him slower, that bastard"

He even let out an angry groan.

He then turned to her and said " You don't have to fear me like my men do, you as my wife will only respect me. And I'm never gonna hit you, understand?"

She nodded in response to his words. That gave her assurance that she was safe with him.

" No Kiska, you don't respond with nods and that sound hmmm, I need your words"

Talk of possessive.

" Yes Aiden "

He groaned, this time not in anger but like he enjoyed her saying his name, weird!

" Good. Now, why don't we go inside the house. The Priest is waiting for us inside"

That made Audrey stop in her tracks. Wait?

Did she just hear him say Priest?

" Priest? Why is a priest waiting for us?" She asked puzzled.

" Because we are getting married today, right in my house" he answered her with a smirk.

" What!?"

She sounded and looked shocked to her bones. No! No!! No!!! How can that be real?

She was trying to avoid him because of how intimate they were at her place but now they were getting married. How??

" Little Audrey, you are will be mine soon, let's go"

Without another word, he led her to the mansion.

She could see his men all round the place, some masked while some of men had no mask on.

All of them were with their weapons.

She was going to be Audrey Vincenzo in minutes.

She tried breathing in and out as Aiden walked her inside the house with his hand on her waist.

She had tried whingling out of his arms but there was no escape from his arms. She only made him slap her ass to her amazement and hold her more firmer. He seems to like the chase.

" Audrey, why are you so shy? Nobody's gonna look at what's mine unless I tell them to, so relax"

He gave her words if encouragement as they neared the Living room.

She heard voices from that area, so obviously that was where the wedding was going to take place.

"How many people are going to be present Aiden? " Stopped walking and thugged his shirt nervously.

"Come here Audrey" he pulled her to himself and hugged her. She scented like Paradise.

"Calm down"

" It's just gonna be my parents, Williams my right hand man and your mother and uncle "

" So calm down Kiska"

"Are you sure?" She asked as she raised her head and looked at him. Her round eyes looked pitiful but her lips as usual full tempted him.

" Yes, I'm sure" he assured her and stole a kiss before she could object or shy away from.

Then they both walked to the living room, just like Aiden said, there was only the Priest, his parents, Williams, her mother and her Uncle Roy.

" You both are finally here" Posh as he was popularly known as was Aiden's father. You could see clearly that they were father and Son. Both had the same eyes, nose structure and face.

" You must be Audrey" A mid age woman said from behind Posh. She was very beautiful and elegant too.

" Yes ma, my name is Audrey. It's nice meeting you" she smiled to her. She felt free being with the woman. Then she realized that Posh had his hand at the woman's back. Oh , she is Aiden's mother.

"Nice meeting you too beautiful, i'have heard a lot about you from Aiden. But he didn't tell me you were this endoured"

That made her blush, he even spoke to his mother about her. This was getting interesting.

" Since everyone's here, let's get it started with"

Aiden said and they both soon stood in front of a priest.