
Owned by the Don

He grabbed her hand and turned her to him. She tried struggling but his hold was firm, " you are mine Audrey, whether you like it or not, you are mine" He groaned the words to her. " no I'm not" That only made him chuckle and then carried her to his desk. Acting like a caveman possessed, he moved all things on his desk to the floor violently. " You shall serve your husband as you should, right on this desk" He said and smirked before pecking her on the cheek. Audrey had goosebumps from his touch but she could not summit so willingly like she craved him. " Aiden, stop" her words came out like a whisper but he heard her. " No man on earth can stop me from having you little Audrey " With that, he started ravishing her right on his desk.

Ineh_Maureen · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Husband and wife

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today (tonight) to join this man and this woman in (holy)...."

Aiden was not having any of the Priest's long words.

" Keep the damn introduction and let's get to the part"

That made someone chuckle behind them. Aiden has that impatient look.

The priest instantly got the message and asked him first " Aiden, do you take this woman to be your wife, to live

together in (holy) matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, and to keep her

in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"

Aiden answers, "I do."

The priest then turns to me and asked , "Audrey , do you take this man to be your husband, to live

together in (holy) matrimony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep

him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"

I answer, "I do."

The priest then states, "Repeat after me."

To Aiden : "I, Aiden Vincenzo, take you Audrey Santos, to be my wife, to have and to

hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in

sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."

He said those words confidently that she in that moment knew he took it wholeheartedly.

"I, Audrey Santos, take you Aiden Vincenzo, to be my husband, to have

and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in

sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."

The Priest then asked the both of us to join hands, then declares, "By virtue of the authority vested in

me by God, I now pronounce you husband and wife."

To Aiden : "You may kiss the bride."

Aiden wasted no time in kissing her amidst the applause and whistle around them. He rolled his tongue with her. That was deep and passionate.

The man had no shame, they were in front of his parents.

" I told you that you were mine"

He gave her that stupid smile of his , he was definitely up to some form of mischief.

They both received congratulatory messages, hugs and pats .

" You are finally my daughter-in-law. I can't wait to do shopping with you"

Aiden's mum said as she hugged her. The woman didn't look like the wife to a danger man like Posh. She had that friendly air around her and spoke very freely unlike many women she had seen who were married to influencial men.

That was a trait that was seen with women who didn't have to fear their husbands but respect them.

Then she remembered Aiden's words earlier " you as my wife will only respect me. And I'm never gonna hit you, understand?"

It seems he learnt that from his parents.

She went to her mother and hugged her too only for her mother to sound a warning to her ears " Be good , okay. Aiden is not like other men, he will bring great fortune and connections to the family as long as you stay obedient to him"

It definitely sounded like a warning not an advice.

She wanted to scream at her mother that Aiden was not other men or her father. Aiden is Aiden .

"Yes mother" she said instead.

" You are such a good child"

It was frustrating how parents like hers wanted you to grow up but still treat you like a child.

It was irritating.

Her mother had that fake and forced smile plastered on her heavy makeup face.

It seems Aiden noticed that she was not happy bring with her mother because he came to her side and held her possessively.

" Is there a problem Kiska?"

She turned to see him throwing daggers to her mother with his eyes. It made her scared nonetheless her fragile insulting mother.

It felt like a cold breeze blew over her, she was pale.

"Yes Don we were only having a mother to daughter chat" her mother tried making the atmosphere friendly with a sick chuckle that neither Aiden or her found funny to laugh about. It was awkward. Very awkward.

" Let me qarn you Jessie, my wife is no longer member of your family do you had better watch the way you address her and speak to her. Am I clear?"

" Yes Don" her mother was trembling in fear.

"I won't tolerate any form of disrespect to her. She might be your daughter but she's my wife"

Once Aiden said that, her mother nodded as if charmed .

" Perfectly understood Don, I'm sorry for disrespecting her"

She bowed and walked away with her Uncle .

Well that was new, her mother only apologized to her father but now I e sentence sent her running with her tail in-between her legs.

" Thank you for defending me" She said after a while as she watched her mother and Uncle leave the house.

Her Uncle obviously avoided Aiden.

" Lunch is set everybody, come on" Aiden's mother Gianna said as she motioned them to the dinning room.

" Kiska, let's go" Aiden led the way.

For the first time in a lifetime, she saw how free everyone was at the dinning.

Gonna often asked her questions about herself and didn't hide her opinion.

She expected her father-in-law to be all cold and unapproachable but even Posh was free in front of his wife. Put food on her plate and kisses her cheek publicly.

Her parents never spoke on the dinning

" Eat your food"

Aiden said of a sudden as he put food on her plate.

"Sorry, I was lost in my thought"

"Don't worry, in a few minutes you will be thinking about my cock inside of you instead of something else "

He whispered seductively to her.

That alone made her choke on my food. She starting coughing. Damn Aiden.

"Drink some water dear" Gianna said out of concern.

"Are you okay?" This time it was Williams who asked.

"Yes, I'm fine. Thanks for your concern"

Why can't Aiden just keep his option to himself order than choke her with his thoughts.