
Overlord: Yokai of Nazarick

Ainz Ooal Gown, after conquering the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick got a gift from the Developer staff, a gift package [Unique Npc] But it wasn't a single Npc they got, a whole new floor with more than just one new Npc. Meanwhile a young man had answered an online question about which Race he would like to be reincarnated as. In the end after answering, he died and became something new, the [Unique Npc]. What will he do in Nazarick? How will his presence change the happenings along the way of Ainz Ooal Gown to World Domination. [Long term story, trying to write so, that people who don't know Overlord can also read it.] [!!!The Light Novel is the basis for this work, not the Anime!!! Thank you for reading and supporting my first work!]

DaoistehAJ75 · Book&Literature
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36 Chs

Controlling [Wicked Slaughterer]

It took a long time before Kiyomi finally came back to the inn, and when she did, Dōji didn't give her a chance to rest at all.

"Tell me what you found... you wouldn't be away for so long for no reason..." He still sat with his back leaning against the wall but only one of his eyes was half opened.

And there was a dangerous light in them, Kiyomi had been away for too long, he knew her personality very well, so he could think of two possibilities.

One, she got information.

Two, she got distracted.

Kiyomi, who felt her Lord's scrutinizing gaze, felt cold all over and immediately knelt and apologized.

"My Lord, I apologize, I got distracted. But I also found a possible informant for us to use."

The one eye that was opened closed and Dōji spoke, "Tell me, what informant and what information could he have?"

"I found a tier three magician, she is a young woman. She seemed to have been trained in magic, possibly in an institution of the Empire."

Kiyomi paused and then after a while continued with an excited tone of voice, "I followed her to her home. I found her having trouble with her family and she also has a pair of little sisters which are soooooo cute!"

"Kiyomi..." The voice of Dōji brought Kiyomi away from her excitement and back to seriousness.

"Lord, she seems to want to get away from that place, I listened in on some conversations with the sister and this would be a good point to use her."

Before she could continue, Dōji interrupted, "Little Kiyomi, if you want to help people, then you need to give me a good reason to explain this to Lord Ainz..."

Dōji's eyes had opened and the poison green in them was glowing slightly as his gaze bore into Kiyomi.

The girl's whole body trembled, she knew her Lord would see right through her, but she didn't expect him to turn so serious.

At the moment, just feeling his gaze, Kiyomi felt frightened beyond words and she needed to quickly find a good reason for as to how the girl could be useful to Lord Ainz and Nazarick.

Kiyomi's brain started to spin rapidly, going through multiple scenarios, and came finally up with an idea.

"My Lord," Her body was still trembling but her voice was steady, "Firstly she should know about the Empire about magic education, which for sure interests Lord Ainz."

Doji nodded, signaling for her to continue.

"Secondly, Lord Ainz plans to rule this world and so wouldn't be servants from this world, who are loyal to him, very useful?"

"... not enough..." was all she got.

"My Lord, she is currently a tier 3 magician, if we take her to our side and train her only a little, then she may already reach the human ceiling of this world. We could make her a human pillar under us so that the humans feel more appreciated and welcome Lord Ainz's rule with open arms."

When she finished speaking, Kiyomi felt like she had fallen into the 5th Floor Glacier, her whole body was ice cold and the reason was her Lord gazing at her.

"You are very lucky that I like you Kiyomi. Many of the other Guardians would have taken your head for insulting the Supreme One... These humans should surrender willingly to Lord Ainz, it should be that way..."

He paused and then turned his eyes away from Kiyomi, "But I can see why you think that way, Human ignorance is something that you can see all around here... so I will tell Lord Ainz of your suggestion."

Kiyomi breathed a breath she didn't know she was holding when the murderous Aura of her Lord was taken back.

Dōji opened his inventory and took a scroll from it, he opened the scroll and activated the spell.

[Message] Lord Ainz

"Lord Ainz, I am deeply sorry for calling you so suddenly." Doji greeted with an apologetic voice.

"What's the matter Dōji? I know you wouldn't call me if it wasn't important."

"We have found a potential magician with knowledge of the general magic education of the Empire." Doji began his report.

"Kiyomi has found out that we could bring this magician to our side, simply by taking her and her sisters to another place so that they can live in safety."

"It seems the parents are scum and Kiyomi also brought up that it would be good to have a magician on our side from the human race, we could send her and her sisters to Carne Village to let her live there."

Listening to the explanation of Dōji, Lord Ainz asked, "How old is she? Does she have a special talent? And how much will it cost us to help her?"

A smirk appeared on Dōji's lips, "We need to pay nothing, just take them to Carne. And she seems to be young according to Kiyomi's description between teens and young women. We don't know of any special talent yet but according to the strength of people we have seen so far she should be generally quite talented."

Lord Ainz seemed to be in thought for a while, then he made a decision, "We will for now only help her transport in exchange for information on the Empire and their magic education. That should be enough for now. Good work. Tell it to Kiyomi as well."

"Your servant is unworthy of praise, Kiyomi alone deserves it. She found the girl and we will get all the information we can from her. Goodbye Lord Ainz."

Ainz hung up after saying his goodbyes.

Kiyomi on the side looked at her Lord in disbelief, "My Lord you made me think of so many things and even threw murderous intent at me and then you only tell what I originally said?!?!"

Dōji shrugged, took a sip from his Guardbottle, and then addressed the problem, "You were too focused on saving a worthless little Human. For us, Nazarick comes first and that you propose to strengthen a human in itself could spell trouble for you. You are a useless idiot who cares too much about cute things and defending the weak or whatever."

Those words were like a sharp knife, carving right into Kiyomi's heart, she already had tears falling from her face.

"But... you are my idiot servant. So don't go around and do useless things next time. We are simply going to do a trade with her, if she refuses then it is her problem."

Kiyomi dropped to the ground, she didn't know what to do, "Am I useless or am I not Lord?!" She cried and asked.

Dōji beckoned her to come over and when she reached him he patted her head and said, "You are not useless, but sometimes you are still a useless idiot."

The sly smirk on her Lord's face told her that isn't wasn't that he didn't like her or that he wanted to get rid of her, but she sometimes wanted to help too much.

Lowering the head that was still being patted, she apologized, "I'm sorry Lord..."

Only after thinking about it for a while, did she understand that she may have been killed on the spot had she talked about strengthening humans and the like.

But her master didn't do that but explained where her fault was.

Taking his hand back, Dōji took another sip before continuing, "Anyway, we got another boring fight tomorrow and I have already talked with Shiro and Yoru. So go get a good rest for now."

Rubbing away the tear stains on her face, Kiyomi had a sparkle in her eyes, "Thank you, Lord! These two women... only with the lord are they bearable!"

Shaking his head, Doji continued to drink while Kiyomi went to bed.

Dōji gazing at the moon in the sky thought to himself, 'The question now lies in whether that girl wants to take your deal or not.'

He remembered that there was a girl like Kiyomi's description in his memory, but what happened to her, he couldn't tell anymore and he didn't care as well.

What mattered to him now were his fellow creations, the last Supreme Being and maybe having a decent fight one day.




10th day after coming to the New World

This time the Fight between Dōji and Kiyomi was different in more than one way.

They had a sponsor, who paid them one gold coin for each Slain monster and the management of the Grand Arena also promoted the fight a lot on the day before.

Also this time the fight would be in the afternoon, meaning they had the morning to themselves.

In this way, Kiyomi and Doji spend a lot of time with useless waiting, though Dōji had a short conversation with his two fiances, as well as Albedo about the funds he would be able to acquire today, they still didn't have much to do.

And so Doji was already in a good mood when they finally came to the Arena.

But they got an interesting piece of news while walking towards the arena.

People said that even the Emperor got interested in the two newcomers and came to watch the excitement.

'So he isn't hiding anymore...' Doji had already known that the Emperor had watched the previous day, but he didn't expect him to come the next day openly to watch.

When they entered the Arena, the stands were already filled to the brim.

This time, the management even prepared a special room only for them, though Dōji guessed this was most likely because of the "accident" in which three men lost their swords.

"Lord, do you know what we are going to fight against?" Kiyomi was a bit curious.

"Nope, it just said a monster horde. They didn't say how much or what kind of monsters." Dōji didn't know what they would go up against, but it didn't matter anyway.

"There isn't any monster here that could threaten either of us, so does it matter?" Dōji asked.

To which Kiyomi shrugged her shoulders, while shaking her head, "Nope, even if the Lord goes alone or lets me go alone, it won't make a difference."

It was the simple and blunt truth.

At this moment, a worker of the Grand Arena knocked on the door, "Master Ibaraki, Master Kiyomi, can I enter?"

"Come in!" Doji called out and then a man came inside.

He bowed towards them, "Would you please follow me? The fight is soon to begin."

The two nodded and stood up, following him silently without asking anything.

Suddenly, Doji thought of something and asked, "Ah right, do you have a heavy greatsword for me?"

The man was a bit confused at the question, because he could see the sword at Dōji's waist, but still nodded nonetheless.

"Yes sir, please wait at the entrance for a moment."

They soon reached the entrance and before the man could leave, Dōji threw another sentence at him, "Bring the heaviest one you have."

The man was even more confused but still nodded and went to get the request done.

"Lord, why do you want another weapon?" Kiyomi didn't understand her Lord's desire for another weapon.

"Simple, the moment I draw this sword all monsters and people inside the arena will feel its terrifying and evil energy..."

Kiyomi's eyes widened in understanding and she nodded.

The two waited for a while until three men brought a Greatsword, that seemed to be made for trolls from its looks.

"This is the heaviest we have, 120kg, pure steal." the man explained.

The three people holding the weapon had already trouble simply holding onto it, but what happened next made them feel unbelievable.

Dōji gripped the handle of the sword and lifted it, laying the sword which was as tall as himself simply onto his shoulder, while holding the handle still only with one hand.

"Thanks." He said simply before turning around and walking into the Arena, being closely followed by Kiyomi.

The three men still stood there when the two were already gone, with their jaws basically on the ground.

Dōji and Kiyomi walked into the Arena and were greeted by thunderous cheers and the voice of the announcer.

"And here are today's Main characters! Ibaraki and Kiyomi! The two newcomers who will challenge a specially prepared Monster Horde!"

The words were followed by the applause and cheers of the masses.

Neither Dōji nor Kiyomi cared for it, simply walking into the center of the arena.

"Ibaraki has changed his weapon today! Can you see what he is holding easily with one hand?! That's the Greatsword made for Wartrolls!!!!!"

The announcer went crazy and the people followed with cheers.

'Hmmmm... actually, let's try this opportunity to get used to suppressing [Wicked Slaughterer]...'

'Could be very useful if I can control it completely.'

"Kiyomi." Dōji called out to Kiyomi.

"Yes, Lord?"

"You will sit this fight out."

Dōji put down the sword and stuck the tip in the ground.

Then he took off his haori and handed it over to Kiyomi, who folded it and then held tightly onto it.

Dōji continued to slip out of the sleeves of the Kimonos, both the black one above and the white one beneath, revealing his bare upper body.

He stretched a bit and then picked up the sword again, laying its flat side on his shoulder like before.

"I need to learn to control that skill, otherwise it may backfire in the future."

Doji explained shortly and although Kiyomi didn't understand what was going on, she didn't refuse.

Suddenly remembering something, Dōji pulled the sword hanging on his sashi away and lay it in the arms of Kiyomi.

"Don't even think about drawing it."

Kiyomi was originally happy to hold the sword, but the words of Dōji put an immediate stop to her ideas.

"It's not fair..." She pouted a bit but didn't care too much.

The announcer's voice sounded again at this moment, "Will our two-man team survive this day or will they be torn to shreds and eaten alive? We will find out Soon!! Now let the Horde go!!!"

The voice sounded throughout the arena, followed by even more cheers from the Audience.

Then on the ground, four holes in the sand opened up, and coming out of it first were a Horde Goblins.

Around twenty-five came from each hole, followed by 5 Ogre and lastly an even taller and sturdier monster, a war troll coming last from each of the openings.

The people in the audience gasped in shock at the Horde of monsters, no one expected such a huge Horde to come in as the enemy.

The only people who were still coming and composed were the two standing in the center of this Horde.

Slowly a thick, evil-looking smile spread over Dōji's face, "This seems rather amusing!"

Looking around at the huge fanfare, which was probably organized by the man in the VIP room, Doji couldn't hold himself back long and decided to go into action.

"Kiyomi, just dodge if something comes your way."

With the words falling, Dōji walked over in the direction of one of the holes.

He just chose one at random, not that it mattered to him.

"I will..." Kiyomi simply stood still, for now, holding onto the Haori and Sword of her Lord.

Dōji charged at the first group of monsters, of course, he was controlling himself, otherwise, he would be done before the audience saw anything.

The Monsters also charged at him, thinking that crowding onto him would be a good idea the Goblins ran forward with all their might.

The Evil smirk on Dōji's face grew wider, "Little shits, get this!"

He put down the sword from his shoulder grabbed the handle with both hands and swung it horizontally in a wide Arc.

The next moment, at least ten Goblins split in half, their blood and organs splashing onto the sand dyeing it crimson.

The other Goblins were taken aback, but before they could realize what happened, Dōji made another horizontal slash, cutting another bunch of them and splashing their organs and blood around.

The people in the Arena had gone silent for a moment before starting to cheer loudly.

The other three groups of monsters saw this and set their eyes on Kiyomi, who decided to play the bait and gather them together.

Dōji in the meantime made a vertical slash against the first Ogre coming his way and splitting it into two.

Blood was dyeing the ground his sword was red, organs and bodies lay scattered around and Dōji felt his skill already stacking upwards.

'Don't be controlled by cruelty... don't be controlled by the skill...' He constantly reminded himself, but different from before he didn't deactivate the skill and just tried his best to control it through his will.

To guide the cruelty brewing within him to his wishes.

All the while he didn't stop killing, Slaughtering the creatures as he desired, by cutting them apart like vegetables.

The War Troll, who was even bigger and sturdier than the Ogre and could regenerate, suddenly came in his way.

The War Troll screamed at him as it swung down the huge club in its hands, while Dōji used the same method as the day before, dodging in the last second, letting the club fall heavily onto the ground.

But one thing was different this time, Dōji didn't play for time and before the War Troll even realized he had missed.

Dōji standing at its side chopped the creature mercilessly in half by the waist.

'Control it... control it...'

Turning his head from side to side, Dōji realized he was done with the first group.

"Where is the rest?" He asked himself.

Then a voice came, grabbing his attention.

"Here comes the rest Lord!"

Kiyomi was running towards him with all the monsters behind her.

Looking at this, the evil grin on Dōji's face grew a bit ferocious as he shouted, "Jump!!"

Kiyomi immediately jumped upwards above Dōji, while the latter went into the fray, cutting down mercilessly at the Monsters.

The Goblins didn't even realize that they had died until their vision turned upwards because their upper half was falling backward.

The sand on the ground continued to turn crimson as organs and blood continued to splatter anywhere.

The absurd thing was that not a single drop had landed on Dōji himself or his clothes.

Even when he chopped apart an Ogre or one of the three remaining War Trolls, not a single drop landed on him.

'I can do it! I can do it! Just continue to concentrate on killing these monsters!!!'

He screamed at himself in his mind, truly this wasn't a fight of him against a horde, but rather a hin against the desire to kill these beings in a much more cruel way than he did right now.

But this didn't matter, all that mattered was to focus, focus on controlling it, and not letting it control himself.

At this moment, three Ogre and one War troll were swinging down their weapons at him together.

Doji realized that blocking the attack directly would reveal too much strength and he had a way to kill them more cruelly while dodging.

Stabbing his sword into the ground, Doji crouched down and rolled toward the War Troll, reaching just beneath its arms, he sidestepped first and then jumped onto its hands.

Stretching forward both arms, he ripped out its eyes, which would take a bit of time to regenerate.

He then jumped onto the Ogre to its right side, held onto its head, and slammed it into the sand heavily.

He then simply stomped down on its head splitting it open and smashing the brain into mush.

'Control it... don't let cruelty take over...'

He went towards his sword and while grabbing the hilt again, he swung it overhead and cut another Ogre the middle down into two parts.

Setting his sight on the last Ogre, Dōji took two steps towards it and swung his sword horizontally, splitting it at the waist.

"Next the War Troll..."

Turning his gaze again it fell onto the thrashing body of the War Troll, whose eyes still hadn't regenerated.

Walking towards it slowly, he grabbed the head of it once he reached it and put one foot on its shoulder as he gave it a pull.

The next moment the body of the war troll stopped thrashing around, while Dōji walked away from it, he held its head in one hand and his sword in the other...