
Overlord: Yokai of Nazarick

Ainz Ooal Gown, after conquering the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick got a gift from the Developer staff, a gift package [Unique Npc] But it wasn't a single Npc they got, a whole new floor with more than just one new Npc. Meanwhile a young man had answered an online question about which Race he would like to be reincarnated as. In the end after answering, he died and became something new, the [Unique Npc]. What will he do in Nazarick? How will his presence change the happenings along the way of Ainz Ooal Gown to World Domination. [Long term story, trying to write so, that people who don't know Overlord can also read it.] [!!!The Light Novel is the basis for this work, not the Anime!!! Thank you for reading and supporting my first work!]

DaoistehAJ75 · Book&Literature
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36 Chs

Having Trouble with Women

The management of the Arena, after seeing the fights, seemed to have realized their mistake and asked if Kiyomi and Dōji wanted to fight the next day again.

The Two of course agreed, there was also a mysterious sponsor, who wanted to give them a lot of money for fighting against Monster Hordes together, to which the two agreed as well.

This was just what they needed, as it was part of their mission to gain money for the funding of Nazarick.

Now one of the two missions could be fulfilled to a certain extent, next information gathering would become necessary.

The two left the arena afterward and while Dōji returned to the inn, he asked Kiyomi to go and have a look around the Capital.

Kiyomi of course didn't mind at all and went out with a bright smile on her face, Dōji on the other side went to the inn to contact his fiance.

"Ohh so much trouble..." Doji complained as he entered the room of the inn, he knew what was coming next would trouble him a lot.

However, since his conversation with Ainz, he knew why he didn't have any information on his fiance besides their abilities.

"How could he forget something like this..." Dōji still had Ainz's reaction of absolute silence visible in front of his eyes.

"But he is good at getting out of trouble somehow..."

It was fascinating to watch how Ainz came up with a reason on the spot, remembering the words Dōji couldn't help but feel that Ainz should have more confidence in himself.

{"I didn't give you any information about them so that you could find out for yourself and learn to love them yourself."}

"Tak..." Clicking his tongue in a bit of annoyance, he opened his inventory where he had stored some of the items given to him by Ainz.

Taking out two scrolls, both imbued with the spell [Message], he prepared himself for what was to come next.

"Puhhh... who to contact first... let's get Shiro done first..."

Taking one of the scrolls, Dōji opened it and activated the spell inside.

[Message] Shiro

Dōji then felt the connection being established, but before he could greet her, a voice came over.

"Who is it? Kiyomi? I still need to talk with you about what you said yesterday! How dare you hang up on me!?" Shiro's voice filled with annoyance came directly into his mind.

"Haaaa... Shiro... it's me."

There was silence for a while and then a meek little voice asked, "...Dear?".

Dōji shook his head and sat on the ground leaning his back against a wall.

"Yeah, Dōji here." He simply answered.

"...Sorry..." Shiro's voice was as meek as it could get.

"It seems that your conversation with Kiyomi went in an undesirable way last night..."

Shiro was silent, she didn't want to talk to Doji about why and how her conversation with Kiyomi went that way at all.

Realizing that he wouldn't get an answer Dōji continued, "I guess it's my fault, I should have just talked with you myself."

Shito knew that the conversation last night wasn't bad because she didn't talk with him, but because she got jealous.

Though she didn't want to say this, after all this was the chance to get Dōji to contact her daily.

"Should I update you on our progress?" Hearing Shiro still staying silent, Dōji decided to change the topic for now.

"Of course, I would love to listen to what you have done, dear." Shiro's meekness was gone immediately, her voice again gaining this seductive feeling to it.

"We were fighting in the "Grand Arena" today, Kiyomi was forced to fight against three little Goblins who weren't even lv.10. Hahaha!"

He couldn't help himself from laughing, not only Dōji but Shiro as well.

"Hahaha!! The dignified Swordsaint... fighting lv.10 Goblins Hahhahahaha!!!"

Suddenly her laughter stopped, as she seemed to have thought of something and asked, "Wait... what did they give you as an enemy?"

Dōji was a bit embarrassed, scratching his head unconsciously he answered, "They let me fight a probably Lv.12 Ogre..."

He was so embarrassed about this, but the reaction he got was different from what he expected.

First, there was silence and then it came.


Dōji thought for a second he would go deaf, realizing it was spoken with magic in his mind, he was glad to be far away from Shiro at the moment.

"Calm down Shiro... these humans and most beings I have met so far are simply too weak in general."

Shiro was huffing with anger on the other end, still, she slowly calmed down, but there was this simmering rage against the people of the Grand Arena in her mind.

Dōji continued once he thought Ahiro calmed herself, "So far the strongest Human I have met would still be the Warrior Captain of the Re-Estize Kingdom Gazef Stronoff."

"But even that guy is not someone who could even defeat one of Lord Ainz's Death Knights."

"Then why can't I go out with you if even the so-called "strong" are such weaklings..." Shiro got annoyed.

Shaking his head, Dōji answered simply, "Because we don't know if there are people who hide themselves behind the scenes. Also, we only have information about a little part of this world."

"And Lord Ainz personally told me that I can't take either you or Yoru out of the Tomb right now."

There was a long silence on the other end, Shiro of course knew why her dear couldn't take her out, she just vented her frustration with it.

"Sorry, dear... I shouldn't throw such questions at you. You would surely take me out if Lord Ainz allowed it."

Dōji started to sweat a bit unconsciously as he answered, "Of course, but I would have to take both you and Yoru out. I can't give one of you preferential treatment."

"Tsk... I know... anyway, I miss you..."

'Good God... I am away for a day. What the fuck is wrong with you woman?' he of course didn't say this, instead, he simply answered.

"You will see me soon enough. I don't believe we will spend much time inside the Baharuth Empire."

"Why? Have you already gathered the information of the Empire?" Shiro got curious.

"Not yet but..." A smirk formed on Dōji's lips, "I believe we already got the attention of the people who can provide us the Intel we want."

The two conversed for a while longer before Dōji finally ended the conversation.

"Puhh... one done, one to come..."

Doji was more cautious with Yoru because he still didn't understand why he always got this bad feeling of malice coming from her when he looked at the woman.

"Anyway, can't run away from it either..." Dōji opened the second scroll and activated it again.

[Message] Yoru

After feeling the connection, Dōji was surprised to find that Yoru didn't seem to have a bad conversation like Shiro with Kiyomi.

"Hey Yoru, it's me Dōji." He greeted her first.

"Ah, Husband. I was already wondering who would contact me using message." The innocent and sweet voice of Yoru spread in his mind.

'Ho... this isn't so bad, I don't feel the malice hidden in her this way it seems...'

"It seems your conversation with Kiyomi didn't go as poorly as Shiro's..."

"Fufufu... why would our conversation go poorly? She isn't sleeping in the same room with my husband or trying to steal the lovely head pats I so desire to feel again. So why would I have trouble with her?"

It didn't seem like Yoru meant it sarcastic, but rather that Kiyomi lied, 'Fuck now I know why her conversation with Shiro went poorly, but with Yoru it was fine...'

"What do you mean to steal your head pats?" He was quite curious, he knew he liked giving head pats, but didn't he do that for everyone?

Still, he had a feeling saying this would get him deep into trouble...

"Of course I mean your big hand touching and patting my head. It is such a wonderful feeling... You could do it more often in the future..."

There was a strong desire in Yoru's words and Dōji realized that this was probably the truth and this girl liked being patted.

"Of course, I can do that. No problem." He had no trouble with it, "I like the feeling as well. Your hair feels very good to the touch."

He unconsciously said the truth and silence followed those words on both sides.

"By the way, how is the 9th Floor? Everything all right?"

Although both Shiro and Yoru were on the same page in terms of strength, Yoru like her sister shone most when it came to management so he left his floor in her hands, while he was gone.

Even Shiro didn't complain about this whatsoever, as she was very well aware of Yoru's outstanding management abilities.

She told him about the circumstances of the 9th Floor, but suddenly she seemed to remember something.

"Ah right, I nearly forgot, but Purgatory's Bane is waiting for you to take him out."

Dōji was stunned for a moment, "Huh? Oh... I didn't have time to talk with him since we got here..."

Yoru continued, "Lady Aura is coming over daily, she even tried to get him to let her ride on him but he seems to only want you on his back..."

She paused for a moment, "Besides this he is maintaining his daily routine, sleeping in his cave under my Temple and flying through the sky while the sun is out."

Doji narrowed his eyes, he didn't like the idea of Aura trying to gain favor with his mount, "Naturally, he doesn't want anyone else to mount him, after all, he was acquired by Lord Touch-me as my personal Mount."

Yoru seemed to be stunned on the other end, "Lord Touch-me? So it was like this..."

Dōji nodded his head to himself and spoke as he remembered that moment, "Yeah, he gave him to me just before..."

He stopped mid-sentence, he felt something on his cheek the moment he started to remember that day.

Touching his face, he realized that a tear had come out from his eye.

Yoru seemed to realize that something was wrong and asked with worry evident in her innocent voice, "Husband? Is everything all right?"

Shaking his head to himself, Dōji gave a wry smile that no one could see, "It's fine... I just remembered a very painful memory..."

He paused for a while before he continued, "Tell Bane that once I am I will take a ride through the sky of the 9th Floor with him. For him to be taken out of the Tomb it will probably take more time..."

"I will tell him your words. I am sure he will be very happy about it."

Dōji then told Yoru about what happened in Arwintar so far, Yoru was also very upset about the treatment Doji received, but it was more of a child's pout than an angry outburst.

After which they ended the communication, leaving Dōji finally in peace after completing the talks with his two fiances.

"Now I need to wait for Kiyomi to come back..." with that said, Dōji pulled out his Guardbottle and started to indulge himself in the Monkey King's Wine.




Jircniv, together with his two loyal Knight's, Baziwood and Nimble sat in the VIP room of the Grand Arena.

The fights of the two people they had come to see had just ended and the faces of the two Knight's were tense.

Baziwood even trembled again, but Jircniv was very thoughtful and asked as he wasn't a fighter himself.

"How difficult is it to do what those two did?"

He was referring to the ease with which the two had dispatched their opponents.

Nimble answered first, "The woman's dispatch of the three Goblins isn't too difficult to replicate... the problem is how the man dodged the Ogre's attacks..."

Jircniv didn't understand what he meant, but Baziwood answered it before he could ask.

"That man waited for the last possible moment of the attack and then simply and easily sidestepped so that the attack only missed by a hair's breadth."

"And he did so continuously..." Nimble finished it.

Jircniv understood that such a feat wasn't something that could be imitated at all.

"We need more information..." and Jircniv had an idea of how to get more.

"Nimble, I want you to go and tell the people of the arena that I will sponsor a fight against a horde if the two fight together."

"But tell them to hide that it is me who gave this order..."

"Yes, My Emperor." Nimble saluted, stood up, and left the VIP room to fulfill his Emperor's orders.

"It seems we will have to come here again tomorrow..." Jircniv mumbled to himself, his eyes still on the arena below, deep in his thoughts.




After Dōji and Kiyomi split up, Kiyomi went on a tour around Arwintar.

Kiyomi had one specialty of her species as an Inugami, which was very useful in such situations, which was her sense of smell.

Through it, she also had identified that the man, who had thrown his murderous intent at herself and her Master, was there in the Grand Arena to watch their matches.

"It seems the Lord was right, that guy just wanted to test us..."

She was also able to smell the man's immense fear of them, which indicated he had no desire to clash with them at all. Otherwise, she might have already gone after him herself.

Walking through the streets of the Empire she noticed that only Humans lived here, something understandable, after all this was a nation governed by humans.

But what she also saw were many elfs which count among the humanoid races being used as slaves, just like the Demi-Humans she had seen in this city.


Kiyomi was one of the view Npc's who had a positive Karma value and she didn't like things like slavery or similar behavior.

Especially when it was done against their people, which was something that she had seen a lot while walking around as well.

It seemed like the people of the Empire just generally liked to enslave people, in her opinion this was something that simply disgusted her to no end.

If she hadn't ordered them to not do unnecessary things, then she might have already started to release these poor beings.

"Ah, I want to kick their asses for being so disgusting..."

She watched as a fat man kicked his slave openly in the streets while screaming at him.

The Disgust for the people of the Empire in her just continued to grow stronger.

At this moment she suddenly smelled something peculiar, he nose twitched a bit and she turned her head.

"Hmm smells like a Caster... the Lord said that tier 3 casters in this world count already as strong... let's go and see."

Following the scent of Mana, she picked up, Kiyomi shuffled through the streets of Arwintar until she reached an establishment that seemed like an inn with a bar.

The scent came from inside this place, but there were too many people inside and she knew she would draw attention to her the moment she entered.

So she decided to wait outside for the person, who smelled like a mage.

Liyomi looked around, searching for a good place, from which she could watch the entrance.

Jumping up high, she landed on the roof of the building opposite and decided to wait there.

It took two hours before the person smelling like Mana to come out, it was a girl dressed in leather armor with blonde hair and blue eyes.

Kiyomi would call her a shorty if she had to give her a name.

She decided to follow the girl for now because information was important and a young mage, who could cast tier 3 spells in her youth was someone that still had a lot of room for growth.

Wouldn't her Lord praise her if she could get information on such an individual?

In the end, she simply went after the girl.

It didn't take too long before the girl seemed to reach her target and entered a rather luxurious-looking villa, of course, this was in the eyes of the people of Arwintar.

In Kiyomi's opinion, this wouldn't even do for the Minions of Nazarick as a home.

Kiyomi silently came to one of the windows, which wasn't covered and inside she saw the girl angrily screaming at a man and a woman before leaving the room.

"Hmmm... this girl seems to be very troubled. Maybe the Lord can take advantage of this?"

Although she said it like this, in truth, she felt a bit of pity for the girl.

"Let's see if there is more..."

The girl inside went towards a pair of stairs and then walked up to the upper floor, Kiyomi following while looking through windows to keep up.

The girl then entered a room and two mini versions of the girl appeared.

"So cute..." Kiyomi thought as she saw the mini versions of the girl she had been following.