
Overlord: The demon’s duke daughter fell for me

For eighteen years Damien Holmes had a difficult life, his parents were greedy good for nothing who wanted to get rich without working hard. Despite being young poor Damien had to take on multiple jobs such that he would be able to live the realistic life that God has given him but on his eighteenth birthday, he finds out that his parents have made a deal with a demon. They have sold him to a demon who wanted to take him as his son in law for his daughter fell in love with him. He of course did not want to live in the underworld where human heads were served on a silver platter but the deal was done and he had no choice but to accept his fate. Now under the terms given by his so called father in law, he has to befriend seven demons representing each sin and become the overlord of the underworld to marry his daughter. If he fails then his father, Duke Vivi would disintegrate his soul by blowing it into smithereens never to reincarnate. Join Damien on his bizarre journey of becoming the demon overlord.

fairytail72 · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Greed of a demon

" The overlord," repeated Duke Vivi with a slight twitch of his lips. " The one who rules over this world, as long as you can show the demons of this world your worth along with your chosen subordinates I am sure that they would accept you as their ruler."

" But that is impossible!" Damien couldn't believe that he was hearing this, he was a human and he did not have any special powers either. In fact, the only special thing about him was his speed and agility, something he was sure that the demons had better when compared to him.

Yet this old demon was telling him to become the overlord of this world as if he was telling him to go ahead and get a few things from the grocery store!

" I am human, I can't do this!" How was he supposed to become the overlord of this world when he had nothing special?

"So you are asking me to destroy your soul boy?" asked the demon, his hand already carrying a ball of flame while he stared at him with a sadistic smile on his face. " I believe that can be arranged as well."

Why was it so difficult to talk to this demon? He was simply not listening to a word that he was saying.

"Does it have to be me?" Damien asked after taking a courageous breath seeing that Duke Vivi's eyes were getting slowly narrowed he immediately said, " I mean, I am willing to try but wouldn't it be simple for you to look for someone else other than me? As you said, I am nothing special."

Duke Vivi did not say anything for a while before he parted his lips and replied," You seem to be underestimating the greed of a demon, young boy. A demon's greed differs from that of you lowly humans, our greed incites possession and possession strives for obsession…at this point, my daughter is obsessed with the idea of having you, it's not as simple as making her fall for someone else."

He paused before leaning on his throne and crossing his feet at his ankles before placing his hands neatly on his lap. "Very few humans are able to understand the obsession of a demon, you people call them psychopaths if I am not wrong. Have you ever run into such a human in your life, boy?"

Damien shook his head, even though he found himself in a lot of mess. He was smart enough to never get himself into trouble from which he cannot recover, which was why he never had a run-in with any psychopath or any other crazy bastard.

Duke Vivi smirked as he leaned forward and smiled at him, his eyes glowing red with a dangerous glint. " If you gain the attention of a psychopath, he or she would either possess you completely or they would kill you. A demon's greed is something along the line as well except we will make sure that your existence is wiped cleanly for never to be seen by us, is this enough of an explanation for you?"

" O..of course," crazy, this entire world was crazy but then again there was no law, no morals nothing in this world!

" Very well, since you have understood everything clearly, I believe it's time for you to meet my daughter, Sierra." Demon Vivi snapped his fingers and the man who raised his sword at Damien earlier in the human world appeared out of thin air, a cloud of smoke lingering at the bottom of his feet as he kneeled in front of Duke Vivi.

"You called master?" The man said respectfully as he placed his hand on his chest and lowered his head in front of Duke Vivi.

" Take him to see Sierra, tell her that I have fulfilled my end of the deal and she can come back home, I am tired of receiving complaints regarding her," said Duke Vivi as he turned his head to look at the man kneeling in front of him. " Once their meeting is done, you can show him, his room, Anwir."

" As you say, master," Anwir bowed his head before he turned around and looked at Damien who was kneeling on the floor. His face was simply blank to the point where Damien couldn't even understand whether the man was annoyed or angry, it was simply like a blank piece of canvas. " Please get up, we need to go and see, Miss Sierra."