
Overlord: The demon’s duke daughter fell for me

For eighteen years Damien Holmes had a difficult life, his parents were greedy good for nothing who wanted to get rich without working hard. Despite being young poor Damien had to take on multiple jobs such that he would be able to live the realistic life that God has given him but on his eighteenth birthday, he finds out that his parents have made a deal with a demon. They have sold him to a demon who wanted to take him as his son in law for his daughter fell in love with him. He of course did not want to live in the underworld where human heads were served on a silver platter but the deal was done and he had no choice but to accept his fate. Now under the terms given by his so called father in law, he has to befriend seven demons representing each sin and become the overlord of the underworld to marry his daughter. If he fails then his father, Duke Vivi would disintegrate his soul by blowing it into smithereens never to reincarnate. Join Damien on his bizarre journey of becoming the demon overlord.

fairytail72 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

Become the demon overlord.

For two whole minutes, Damien thought that he had misheard what the demon called Duke Vivi told him but when he didn't hear him say anything more, he gasped suddenly, " Is this a joke? Are you trying to pull my leg? I... I mean why would a demon's daughter fall for me?"

Even the girls in the human world did not fall for him, why would a girl from the demon world fall for him?

Duke Vivi banged his fists on the chair upon which he was sitting and then said in an annoyed and exasperated voice, " That's exactly what I said but Sierra is not willing to listen to a thing that I have to say to her!" He got up from his chair and then walked over to where Damien was kneeling.

Damien would have moved back but there was a burning inferno pond behind him and that was why he stayed where he was then the demon swooped down and clasped his face with his fingers as he carefully looked Damien in the eyes with those red irises of his. " No matter how many times I look, you cannot curse anyone, you can't fulfil anyone's desires and you do not look like you have the strength to even protect my daughter. Except for your above-average face, you really have nothing!"

One after another Damien was verbally attacked by Demon Vivi, being insulted one time was one thing but being condemned like he was the lowest of the low was another thing. Never before this, he was slammed down by someone like this! His confidence was on the verge of collapsing, fine he will agree that he wasn't evil enough to curse anyone, nor was he powerful enough to fulfil anyone's requests and he was not strong enough to take on a hulk of a man like the one in front of him.

But his face wasn't above average! He was clearly very handsome! REALLY HANDSOME.

With inky black hair and eyes that were the darkest shade of blue, he was a good-looking man all right! Who was this demon to call him ugly?

" That is why I came up with a deal," said the demon finally letting go of his face as he straightened up and then peered down at Damien studying him with clear distaste. " My daughter has agreed to it as well."

" What about me?" asked Damien weakly. " I mean I am the party involved here as well sir, should I not have the right to have a chance to have a say in this matter?"

When the Duke looked down at him like he was an idiot who did not understand his position, Damien dropped his head, clearly, he did not have a right or any other rights in this world!

" Anyway," Duke Vivi continued as if he hadn't heard what Damien said and then continued to speak as he said, " I am not an unreasonable demon, that is why I came up with a simple test that you have to clear for the sake of marrying my daughter."

' At least ask him whether or not he wanted to marry! Clearly, this was the case of the groom being kidnapped and forced into getting married yet he was being treated with such scorn. Where was the justice?'

" You don't want to ask what this test is boy?" said Duke Vivi from the top of his head and Damien who was glared back to his place immediately nodded and asked, " What is the test, sir?"

" Nothing too difficult," replied the Duke as he walked back to his throne and took a seat. "I as you already know am the Duke of this world, meaning that the only one above me is the lord of this world but currently that place is unoccupied for not just anyone can take the throne of the underworld and the last demon overlord faded away when most of his subordinates were destroyed…. I do not wish to marry my daughter to a nobody and that is why I want you to become the overlord of this world."

" O...Over what?" asked Damien, he was a normal human…. And this demon was asking him to become the overlord of the demons? Was he kidding him?

" The overlord," replied Duke Vivi sounding a bit impatient as he looked at Damien with even more annoyance as if cursing him for being too much of an idiot.

Exactly who was the idiot here?

" And how am I supposed to become this ..overlord thingy?" questioned Damien, like the demon said he didn't have any powers, how was he going to convince the demons of this world to accept him?

"It's simple," Duke Damien smiled at him for the first time, his eyes turning a deeper shade of red and that caused a chill to crawl up Damien's spine as he looked at the demon with suspicion. He had a feeling that whatever the demon had to say was nothing good.

Sure enough!

" The underworld has a training academy," explained the Duke. " Everyone who wishes to occupy the highest positions and titles in this world attends that academy. You just need to attend that academy and pass with flying colours, as long as you do that and collect the required seven subordinates each representing, pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth, you will be able to sit on the throne of the demon overlord, easy right?"

Easy? Easy his foot!

Damien wished he could tell the demon to go and do something very rude but he knew that if he said those words then he would be killed faster than the speed of lighting. So, he suppressed his anger and carefully thought over the entire thing… the demon's daughter wanted to marry him and that was why he had to clear this test but what if he doesn't pass the test? He did not want to marry anyway!

With his head clear, he raised his head and hesitatingly asked, " What if I fail?" Though his tone was filled with hesitation inwardly he was chuckling in glee. As long as he fails he will be all right ——

" I will disintegrate your soul," replied the demon ever so calmly as if he was talking about lighting up a firecracker.

" Wh...What?"