
Overlord: The demon’s duke daughter fell for me

For eighteen years Damien Holmes had a difficult life, his parents were greedy good for nothing who wanted to get rich without working hard. Despite being young poor Damien had to take on multiple jobs such that he would be able to live the realistic life that God has given him but on his eighteenth birthday, he finds out that his parents have made a deal with a demon. They have sold him to a demon who wanted to take him as his son in law for his daughter fell in love with him. He of course did not want to live in the underworld where human heads were served on a silver platter but the deal was done and he had no choice but to accept his fate. Now under the terms given by his so called father in law, he has to befriend seven demons representing each sin and become the overlord of the underworld to marry his daughter. If he fails then his father, Duke Vivi would disintegrate his soul by blowing it into smithereens never to reincarnate. Join Damien on his bizarre journey of becoming the demon overlord.

fairytail72 · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Make a run for it

Damien did not want to get up from the floor but he also knew that if he didn't get up then these demons would forcefully make him get on his feet. Even after getting a good understanding of why he was dragged into this world, Damien still couldn't believe that something so weird and out worldly happened to him.

He gingerly got on his feet just before following Anwir who was guiding him out of the room. Damien turned his head and took one last glance at Duke Vivi who seemed to have gotten up from his throne and was now peering inside the lava-filled pond as for what he was looking inside it——

" Please follow me closely if you don't want to get lost," said Anwir when he sensed that Damien wasn't following him.

" Yes, Yes," Damien wrenched his gaze away from the pond filled with magma before he rushed to stand beside Anwir, maybe it was his eyes who were playing tricks on him but just now the magma pond seemed to have become a two-way mirror.

Anwir waited for Damien until the latter was close enough and then turned around to walk, he didn't say anything else and Damien who wanted to know more about this world where he had to live from now on was teetering on the edge. He wanted to ask what going to happen to him from now on but at the same time, he was too afraid to ask, what if this man told him that he would have to become the boy toy of a female demon?

After all, he was indeed brought to this place because of a woman.

Would he have to entertain that woman while fighting for his life? He did not want that!

While he was battling the urge to ask what he was going to do in this world, his gaze suddenly fell on the window that overlooked the outside world. Unlike the human world, the sky of this world was blood red with a golden hue as if someone has set it on fire.

There were no plants, no trees and the rivers seemed to be flowing with fire. Even the birds that were flying in the sky looked like miniature dragons with a head of super ugly birds and sharp teeth.

Damien was shocked to the point that he stopped walking and simply stared at the horrible surroundings of this world, the reality that he was trying so hard to ignore slowly started to sink in. He was really in the demon world among demons and from now on he will have to work hard to survive among them!

" Master Damien?" Anwar's senses seemed to be really good, he didn't even turn his head to look at him but he already knew that Damien wasn't following him. " Is something the matter?"

" H..how I am breathing?" Damien asked as he pointed at the window pane. As far as he knew trees were the source of oxygen and oxygen was the key to the survival of humans but the demon world did not seem to have any trees, in fact, all it had were small fissures in the ground that seemed to be hissing air and poisonous gases.

He looked down at his body and then placed a hand on his heart, don't tell him that he was already dead. He wouldn't be able to withstand that shock! But when he placed his hand on his chest where his heart was, he was relieved upon finding that his heart was still beating.

Oh thank goodness, for a second he thought he was a goner.

" That must be master Vivi's magic," replied Anwir, seeing the confused look on Damien's face, he sighed and explained in detail, "Demons rely on poisonous gases to breathe, in fact, we are fine even if we don't breathe but the lower level demons who do not have enough strength need to breathe once in a while. Most probably while bringing you here, Master Vivi changed your human composition slightly to make it resemble the lower-ranked demons. That is why you are able to survive in this world or else with that feeble human skin of yours, you would have been charred to a crisp already."

"Then why didn't he alter my composition completely? That way I would have more chances of staying alive!" Damn don't tell him that this demon was some daughter-loving fool and he was deliberately trying to make things difficult for him?

Anwir's eyes narrowed slightly as if Damien's question have annoyed him but he pursed his lips and replied rather calmly, " That's because if master had tried to alter your body completely then your weak body would have been blown to smithereens, human bodies are not compatible with demonic energy unless possessed by a demon. Even for the sake of becoming a vessel of a demon you have to be strong enough."

That...That sounded rather scary.

But that wasn't what scared Damien, what scared him was the fact that his body was incompatible with demonic energy! Then how was he supposed to become the overlord? Was death the only way left for him? He did not want to die especially not by having his soul disintegrated.

" You do not need to worry," as if reading his mind Anwir suddenly spoke. " As long as you stay in the demon world and your body and soul get infused with demonic energy bit by bit, you will be able to stay alive if possible even get stronger."

" Strong enough to become the demon overlord?" asked Damien.

...⋛⋋( '◇')⋌⋚

" I think young mistress will be back by now," said Anwir suddenly ignoring the one question that Damien has asked and then turned around to continue walking.

" Hey! You could at least lie to me!" So there was no way possible for Damien to become the overlord of this world! Then what was he even doing here? He might as well try to make a run for it!