
Our Story... The Beginning

Accidentally met in an elevator, and both of them freak out. It's been 10 years since they first knew each other.. and never spoke to each other for more than 6 years. She's hurt and tries to forget, while he still struggles to tell the truth about him. " We're still friends, right?" " Who says that?" " Me.." and she sighed. Fate takes turns and here they are. Jane took this chance and opens up, talking about what exactly happened to her. While Dave took her into the journey of his mind about him. His side. Her side. What's his story? What's her story?

anya_mac69 · Urban
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9 Chs

7: The Night We Part Away (Her Side)

Cool feet. I feel nervous and anxious. I checked the blue corsage many times. It's hard to decide this. It's sad and frustrating. Ended up being with someone that I didn't want to, it's not a happy thing.

I walked into my closet. Opened up a box on the top of my vanity and took out something from inside the box.

It's another corsage. Emerald green with quartz stone shining on the top of it. I kissed the corsage.

" Already decided who's your partner? " I recalled my conversation with Krissy. I just hold the corsage. Handmade, by my own.

" Kevin just asked me and since I have no one, I just say yes,"

" He didn't ask you?"

" He already asked and I said yes.."

" Then, why did you end up going with Kevin!!!?"

" He asked me, and I said yes.."

" You stupid girl, I'm not talking about Kevin!"

" Then, who??" Krissy just smacked my head from my back, lightly. She sighed before reaching her mobile.

" Did you know about it? Oh, hell!! Then, why does she say that she will go with Kevin? Then? Okay, talk later.." she hangs up and looked at me with sharp eyes.

" Frank said, Dave already asking you for the prom," I just keep silent.

" Kevin showed up and ask me.."

" Please!! What's wrong with you?! Dave was the one who asked you first!"

"He did not.." Krissy's jaw dropped.

" How that can happen? Frank told me.."

" He told me that he'll go with Helen. Something happens and he couldn't avoid that. You can't blame him. He didn't say anything or ask me to the prom. So, I guess that he already promised her," I said with frustration deep down in my heart. I could hear the sound of the wind, brushing my hair.

" I don't know if he's the one who lies or Frank. He told Frank that he had already passed a note, asking you to the prom with him, two weeks ago. Way long before anyone else knew the actual date," I looked at Krissy with a puzzle mind.

" I didn't receive any note.."

" Someone might take that note, intercept the information... Helen!" Krissy holds my hand. Hearing the name itself makes me shudder. It's her again!

" We can't jump to a conclusion without evidence. It might probably just fly away,"

" My God, how could you and Dave end up like this!!? We hoping for something good, but it turns into a worst-case scenario," I just stood up and walked into my closet. I shut the door and silently cried inside the closet.

What I understand is that David and I will never be together. Our fate just twisted over. I should just accept the fact that this relationship will never go anywhere more than just.. a friend. There's too much to fight, and too much misunderstanding.

Then out of blue, he started to go out with Helen. She always came to his game and made me lose any opportunity to hang out with him. We drifted away much further when Kevin started to interfere more. He seems not so fond of him hanging around us. He stopped coming to my house. I miss him so much. Sometimes I banter my feelings at Kevin. Luckily he can handle it well.

But there is one fact even Helen can't deny it. I am David's best friend. Knowing him is the best thing that happens to me. Being his friend is more than what I wished for. Although it is a bittersweet relationship, still we hold the friendship, strong than ever. Although many things happen to me, I still stand up to him as his best friend.

The prom was huge. I stood with a smile beside Kevin. Although this is beyond my wish, I should at least look the best in him. And, as a companion for the Chairman of the Prom Committee, I should at least dazzle for his self-respect.

It's dance time. I let myself loose a bit. Dancing non-stop with my friends and Kevin. I let go of all the burdens that I hold. Frank constantly asked for an apology for not helping me and David. But I just smile and said it's okay. At least, I got them who will cheer me up.

I saw David with Helen, also swaying on the dance floor. But, I just ignored them. It's no good to have any relation with him. Frank had a short chat with him but later joined us, leaving them together. I show no interest in them, but in my heart, I wish that the lady who holds his hand is me.

I told Kevin that I need a break. He just nods and continues chatting with his fellow friends. I walk to my table and wash my throat with a glass of punch. As I'm finishing my drink, my eyes notice a note slipped under my clutch. I grab that note and read it, silently.

' We should meet. There's something that I want to ask you. Meet me at the car park.'

It's from David. I look around. There's no sign of him anywhere. He just waiting for me at the car park right in front of the hotel. I look back at the note. That's his handwriting. So, that means this note is genuine.

Silently, I slip out of the venue, took an elevator, and walk across the street to the car park. It was dark and no one was around. I look around. Searching every corner for him.

" Dave! It's me! Where are you?" I scream his name. There's no sign of him anywhere.

Suddenly, I heard a screet and out of nowhere, something hit me very hard. I could feel my body flying and rolling in the street. I lie down with my eyes open. I can't feel my legs. All I can feel right now is blood popping out of my mouth.

" You hit her hard!" my ears caught somebody crying hard. I try to move my sight. I could see long slim legs, with a butterfly tattoo right on the calf. It was her.

" Don't get panic. I have already measured the length. It's not a big impact, but at least she can't walk until the final exam, which is very good," my eyes look at her.

" You are so damn bitch, you know? I have already warned you since the first day you came. But you ignore it. Oh yes, I still accept your relationship with him, but when he rejected me and choose you instead, it is unforgivable! Is it not enough lesson we gave to you? The kidnap, the bully? We even humiliated you, let you half-naked in front of your classmates, but still, you never left him! It's a good thing my girls knew about the invitation and intercept the information. But he always looking for a chance to see you! With me at his side, he still looking for you!" my eyes got teary. Too much anger, I guess nobody will expect how nasty she is!

" Dave..."

" Shut your fucking mouth!" Helen snapped my mouth. The only thing that I could do is just..crying inside. I could see Julia's clan swarming around me. I already knew which direction this leads me.

" Don't you ever spill his name with your mouth! I hate it! I hate you! I hate the fact that he wants you more than I am! What's wrong with him!? I got everything that every man wishes for. My looks, my brain, my body! I did anything for him, even offering myself to him! But, he still chooses you! You, just an ordinary girl with nothing special! He's such a fool!" Helen smacked my face. I just shut my eyes down, fighting with pain and sadness inside my heart.

" Just leave her here.."

" She could die!"

" Better! I will secure myself if she's dead!"

" Don't you think it's too much, Helen?"

" Shut up! No one will ever know who's done this to her! And, remember.. never said anything about this ever! Or, all of you will have the same destiny as she is!" they nod, slowly.

" Let's go!" all of them walked towards the car, leaving me like a stray dog begging for help.

" See you... ops.. till we meet again.." Helen smirk. The car dashed along the road, leaving me waiting to die alone and cold.

I could only see the darkness, holding the emerald green corsage tightly in my palm. Slowly, I can't feel the shape of a corsage. I shut my eyes and pray.

Looks like it's the end of us...