
Our story: The Lily and Four leaf Clover(wish fulfilment)

The story of 2 gods as they shape their own world an universes Living a...... happy...life -sigh- this is a happy story, ok? ---purpose of this story-- This novel is based on my..own story my ex gf..... Chloe/Clover if you can read this....I really loved you it's me, Lily or Marx or Lily-pad this is your dinosaur and you're my......super cute soft buns If you can't remember me, remember the seasonal high and uteki high wolfy- and jj, Kaycee, aislin, max, marx, Heather, beans or kinje, curt, turkey, twin of turkey, daimon, han or rein, etc date our relationship started october 20, 2020 4: 58 pm ...... this story is a wish fulfilment story, my yearning for a happy ending because me and my gf got a very sad ending I don't think I can find closure don't expect much from this it's me finding some purpose in life expect bad grammar I will also write this on royalroadl with the title" A Lily and a Clover: Carefree life of gods"

Marx_Cipriano · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The Lily

In total darkness... there's no light.

Bleak and devoid of life.

In such place, a young man appeared. With long hair of blue and red, blue and red wings of bone and skin, simply too magnificent. His long slick whip like tail with a huge long blade composing 1/4 of the tail.

" Ohhhh"

He looked arround the place, the pitch black space now seemingly blooming with life.

"Hehehehehe~" He laughed with a weird smile, very happy as he looked to a beautiful maiden with his eye glasses on.

She's simply too beautiful as if no one can match her.

She possess a large cat ears that dropped on both sides of her black hair with a portion of her front hair being pure white. She's wearing a hoodie and a big pair of eyes glass. Her eyes were made of white and black with a quarter moon.

Her long bushy tail moving left and forth.

"Uhmmmm" She looks at the young man with a cute shade of redness on her face.

"Cute~" The young man says so as he close the distance between them

"I-i'm not!!" She shouted before pouting. Such so beautiful changes only served to entertain the man.

"Hehehehehe~" He only laugh as he pinched her cheeks.

"Hmmph" She just looked away with redness on her face.

"So cute~" He just continue doing it despite of her reactions.

They continued fighting over such cute matters untill some time passed.

There's no day and night here on this place. It's mainly darkness that squirm lively for unknown reasons.

"Shouldn't we build our house~??" The young man asked as he gently hug her into his embrace.

"S-sure" She replied with a hint of tiredness in her voice.

And so the man built a house on the darkness. It's a magnificent sight to behold. The formless darkness soon turned into something tangible like a clay. He soon mould it into his desired shape and added colors.

He then soon picked her up by surprise.


She squilled by surprise, angry at her partner.

"That sounds cute~" He smiled teasingly as to annoy her.

"Hmpph, no hugs and kisses~"

Her reply caught him by surprise, he looked at her proud expression.


He can only reply, but soon an idea hit his mind.



He tried to plead, but to no avail as she refuses it all.

"I'm really sorry, please~" He said again.


"Please, please~"

"Nope, nope"

"I'm really really sorry, please~"

"Still no"

"-sigh- Fine~" He can only give up and try the idea in his mind.

He carried her directly into the bedroom with a weird smile.

Soon he start patting her and so on until she's tired


"Mean! Hmpph"


And so they sleep together

to be continued...