
Our story: The Lily and Four leaf Clover(wish fulfilment)

The story of 2 gods as they shape their own world an universes Living a...... happy...life -sigh- this is a happy story, ok? ---purpose of this story-- This novel is based on my..own story my ex gf..... Chloe/Clover if you can read this....I really loved you it's me, Lily or Marx or Lily-pad this is your dinosaur and you're my......super cute soft buns If you can't remember me, remember the seasonal high and uteki high wolfy- and jj, Kaycee, aislin, max, marx, Heather, beans or kinje, curt, turkey, twin of turkey, daimon, han or rein, etc date our relationship started october 20, 2020 4: 58 pm ...... this story is a wish fulfilment story, my yearning for a happy ending because me and my gf got a very sad ending I don't think I can find closure don't expect much from this it's me finding some purpose in life expect bad grammar I will also write this on royalroadl with the title" A Lily and a Clover: Carefree life of gods"

Marx_Cipriano · Fantasy
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4 Chs

A hopeless poem by me

A clover and a lily

By Marx cipriano

Time sways.

My heart stays.

Time moves on.

But mine won't.

Lily in a pond.

A clover lucky to find.

Whilted petals of promises.

Each torn to pieces.

Encounter of destiny.

Separated by faith.

Lily blooms, Lily falls.

Clover feild, a feild forgotten.

One stays, One left.

Fated or separated.

Water of emotions.

Hills of Calmness.

Stalks standing firm.

A flower not so even.

The Clover left.

The Lily stays.

A deep look for the hills.

But on the hills, the clover is not there.

Staying under the sun.

Waiting for the one who will not return.