
Our story: The Lily and Four leaf Clover(wish fulfilment)

The story of 2 gods as they shape their own world an universes Living a...... happy...life -sigh- this is a happy story, ok? ---purpose of this story-- This novel is based on my..own story my ex gf..... Chloe/Clover if you can read this....I really loved you it's me, Lily or Marx or Lily-pad this is your dinosaur and you're my......super cute soft buns If you can't remember me, remember the seasonal high and uteki high wolfy- and jj, Kaycee, aislin, max, marx, Heather, beans or kinje, curt, turkey, twin of turkey, daimon, han or rein, etc date our relationship started october 20, 2020 4: 58 pm ...... this story is a wish fulfilment story, my yearning for a happy ending because me and my gf got a very sad ending I don't think I can find closure don't expect much from this it's me finding some purpose in life expect bad grammar I will also write this on royalroadl with the title" A Lily and a Clover: Carefree life of gods"

Marx_Cipriano · Fantasy
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4 Chs


Hello, I'm Lily.

Lily that radiates in hot weirdness




As you can see, I'm still deep in sadness.

This is something I have in mind a long time ago

Who would have thought that it will all end in just a blink of an eye

Contained in this story will be the memories and my yearning for her to come back.

Maybe I will forget everything, but I want to share this story to you guys.

I don't know if she is reading this, but Chloe I love you very much.

In this novel you will find all the hopes and sadness and my broken heart.

This is Lily

The Lily that is hopeless

Welcome folks

Welcome to my story and to my world

After this will be the story.

See ya